

The Development of Rural Banks under Positioning of "Agricultural Credit Small-Amout Load"

【作者】 茅剑宇

【导师】 李义超;

【作者基本信息】 浙江工商大学 , 金融学, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 村镇银行是银监会主推的新型农村金融机构,是农村金融改变以往以存量为主和以政策性金融为导向的改革,实行增量改革、推行以市场化为导向的商业性金融来解决农村地区金融问题的创新之举。作为县域农村地区的微型商业银行,村镇银行的市场定位颇受关注。一方面,发展村镇银行的目的是为了解决农村地区微小企业,个体工商户,农户的贷款难问题,村镇银行自身发展的需要也应该把定位放在“贷农贷小”(即面向农村、农业、农民,发放小额贷款)上;另一方面,村镇银行以“三性”为经营目标,市场定位需要符合市场经济的要求,过于依靠企业的社会责任与行政压力来迫使村镇银行定位微小企业与农户、“贷农贷小”,不但可能无法到达原有定位目标,也无法实现机构的可持续性发展。因而本文基于浙江省村镇银行的发展实践,在充分详尽的调研基础上,探讨村镇银行在“贷农贷小”定位下如何发展。文章的第二章阐述了市场定位的相关理论,分析了村镇银行的性质与制度,及制度设计对市场定位的导向,并定性得分析了村镇银行“贷农贷小”的市场定位。文章的第三章基于浙江省村镇银行的发展各项情况,运用管理学中的SWOT分析方法分析了浙江村镇银行发展“贷农贷小”的优势、劣势、机遇与威胁,认为浙江村镇银行应当发挥其内部优势,利用外部机会,为县域中心及周边广大地区的小企业、经营性农户服务。文章的第四章分析了当前浙江省村镇银行的市场定位以及内外部两个案例。基于C-A-P模型运用浙江省村镇银行实际的信贷数据进行市场定位的分析,发现目前浙江省村镇银行的市场定位主要在5-50万元的小额经营性贷款,主要的经营地区在县域城区与大的集镇,定位的客户与区域较为合理,但主要金融服务产品十分单一。长兴联合村镇银行是浙江省首批开业的村镇银行,开业二年以来,在主发起银行影响下,按照服务三农和小企业经营方向,确立与客户“一起成长”的经营理念,建立了一套支农贷小的经营体制,是目前全国发展优秀、竞争活力强,并且规模最大的村镇银行。位于台州路桥的“泰隆”银行是中国“微型银行”成长壮大的典型代表,是村镇银行应当借鉴学习的典范。“泰隆”成功的最大因素,在于与大银行差异化的市场定位,注重于微小企业信贷,并形成了一整套自身的微小企业信贷文化,基于中国现有的体制与政策环境,其对村镇银行市场定位与发展的借鉴意义很大。文章的第五章叙述了浙江村镇银行“贷农贷小”下的发展路径。一方面,村镇银行自身要改进“理念、机制、技术”,发展小额贷款,另一方面,监管当局与政府需要运用优惠政策引导村镇银行市场定位偏农偏小。此外,如果要求村镇银行实现“贷农贷小”的市场定位,成为真正的“草根银行”,监管当局应当解放思想,向民间资本开放村镇银行市场准入,发展另一类由自然人作为主发起人的村镇银行。

【Abstract】 Rural Bank is the main push China Banking Regulatory Commission’s new rural financial institutions, is to change the past, rural finance to stock-based and policy-oriented financial reforms, the implementation of incremental reforms, the introduction into the market-oriented commercial finance to rural innovations regional financial issues.Micro-county in rural areas as commercial banks, rural banks in the market positioning popular interest! On the one hand, the purpose of the development of village banks in rural areas in order to solve the small enterprises, individual industrial and commercial households, farmers hard problem loans, rural banks need for their development should be to locate on the " Agricultural credit Small-amount loan " (ie, in the rural areas, agriculture, farmers, micro-credit) on; the other hand, rural banks to "nature" as the business objectives, market positioning need to meet the requirements of the market economy, over-reliance on corporate social responsibility and administrative pressure to force the tiny village banks positioning enterprises and farmers," Agricultural credit Small-amount loan ", not only to target may not reach the original, can not achieve sustainable development institutions.Based on village banks and thus the development of Zhejiang Province, the practice of fully detailed investigation on the basis of village banks in the " Agricultural credit Small-amount loan " orientation on how to develop:In the second chapter of the theory of market positioning, analysis of the nature and system of village banks, and the system design on the market positioning of the guide, and qualitative analysis of the village bank was " Agricultural credit Small-amount loan " market position.The third chapter, Zhejiang Province, village banks based on the development of the situation, the use of management science in the SWOT analysis to analyze the Zhejiang village bank development " Agricultural credit Small-amount loan " strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats that the Bank should play a village of Zhejiang its internal strengths with external opportunities for large areas around the county centers and small businesses, commercial farmers services.Chapter IV of the article analyzes the current market position in Zhejiang Province and the village banks inside and outside the two cases. CAP model based on the actual use of bank credit, Zhejiang village market positioning data analysis, found that the current bank’s market position, Zhejiang Province, the main town in the 5-50 million small business loans, the main business districts and large urban areas in the county The town, location of customers and regional more reasonable, but the main financial services product is single.Changxing, Zhejiang Province, the joint Rural Bank is the first bank opened in town, opened two years since the bank launched under the influence of the primary, according to Agriculture and small business services, the direction, establish with our customers "grow" business philosophy, established a Agriculture loans small set of management system, is the national development excellence, and competitive strength, and the largest village bank.Bridge is located in Taizhou of "Tyrone" Bank of China is "micro-banks" grew up a typical representative of a village bank should draw a model of learning. "Tyrone," the biggest factor of success is with the big banks differentiated market position, focusing on small business credit, and created a set of their own small business credit culture, based on China’s existing institutional and policy environment, its rural banks market positioning and development of a great reference.Chapter V of the article describes the Zhejiang Rural bank " Agricultural credit Small-amount loan " under the development path. On the one hand, rural banks to improve their own "concept, mechanism, technology", the development of small loans, on the other hand, regulatory authorities and the government needs to guide the use of preferential policies for agricultural village banking market orientation bias is smaller. In addition, rural banks, if required to achieve " Agricultural credit Small-amount loan " market position, a real "grass bank", regulatory authorities should emancipate our minds, open village banks to private capital market access, development and those initiated by the natural person as the main person village banks.

  • 【分类号】F832.35;F832.43
  • 【被引频次】18
  • 【下载频次】1355
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