

The Folk Drama Yi Gou Gou in Perspective of the Intangible Cultural Heritage

【作者】 张晓雪

【导师】 田青;

【作者基本信息】 中国艺术研究院 , 音乐学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 “一勾勾”是由高唐一带的花鼓逐渐发展衍变而成的地方戏曲剧种,主要流行于鲁西北地区的德州、聊城以及河北省的部分地区,以德州临邑一带最为盛行。由于该剧种唱腔带有一讴或者一吼,演唱起来一讴吼一讴吼的,所以被当地群众称为“一勾勾”。清代中叶在以上地区就有艺人组成班社,并带徒传艺,20世纪50年代临邑县曾成立专业剧团。该剧种保留传统剧目70余出,唱腔结构体制为板腔体,旋律富有浓郁的地方色彩和乡土气息,当地群众亲切地称其为“半碗蜜”、“咬断弦”和“栓老婆橛子”,有深厚的群众基础。20世纪80年代后逐渐衰退,2006年5月20日,“一勾勾”成功申报第一批国家级非物质文化遗产。目前有“一勾勾”传播基地在活动。以往关于“一勾勾”的研究多偏重于简单的旋律记载,笔者的这篇论文则是将“一勾勾”这样一个古老的剧种放在非遗的视角下进行重新审视的同时,对其发展历史进行全面梳理,力求从音乐方面对“一勾勾”戏曲的曲调来源、唱腔结构、调式调高以及伴奏音乐作全面的分析;并在实地考察的基础上,对“一勾勾”传承人以及传播中心进行调查和研究,希望能比较真实客观地描述“一勾勾”目前的生存现状,揭示“一勾勾”的本质特征,为其传承和保护作一些基础性的工作。

【Abstract】 Yigougou is a local Chinese operas which made of the Flower Drum from Gaotang, it mainly take popular in the Northwest in Dezhou, Liaocheng, as well as parts of Hebei Province. It is prelent in Dezhou and Linyi. Because this type of theater singing has a folk song or a roar, which is singing a roar and a roar, so it is called Yi gougou by local people. In the mid-Qing Dynasty,there are the artists which male a composition of social class in these areas. They bring believes and communicate arts. In 1950S,it was set up a professionals theater in the country of Linyi.This type of the theater retain the traditional repertoire more than 70. The institutional structure is for the plate cavity, which affectionately called "bowl of honey", "biting string " and "bolt wife Juezi".It has a strong mass base.In 1970s,it gradually decline. In May 20,2006,it declare the first batch of the Intangible Cultureal Heritage successful in our country.There has Yigougou class club and a research center in it.More of the emphasis had been on a simple me melody records in previous stydies. This paper focus this old theater on the perspective of Intangible Cultural Heritage and analysis of music, development carding of comprehensive,conduct a comprehensive analysis of this theater, the structure of Aria, Modal increase and accompaniment music. And conduct surveys and research community with Yi gougou traditioner, compare the real and abjective description of a survival of the current status with Yi gougou and made some basic work with its heritage and the protection work.


