

【作者】 董娟

【导师】 庞守兴;

【作者基本信息】 曲阜师范大学 , 高等教育学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 反向学习是近几年我国新出现的一种社会现象,它与美国等西方国家出现的反向转学现象共同反映了高等教育发展过程中的一些规律性矛盾。这种现象的出现及蔓延促使我们正视高等教育发展过程中的问题。笔者认为反向学习现象最为根本的原因是高等学校的人才培养模式不合理,没有适应大众化高等教育对人才多样性发展的需要。因此,以反向学习为视角探讨我国高校人才培养模式的未来走向具有重要的意义。本文主要采用了文献分析法、比较分析法、访谈法等研究方法,通过对学生进行访谈,并研究相关资料,对反向学习的内涵做了界定,并从产生原因和影响层面对其进行了理论阐释。进而从产生原因层面抽离出高校人才培养模式这一关键问题进行分析,揭示其存在的问题,即培养目标不明确,不适应市场的需要;课程设置不合理,教学内容陈旧;采用传统的以教师为中心的教学方式;单纯以考试作为评价标准,学生实践能力差;相应的转学、转专业的制度不完善。针对以上存在的问题,从缓解反向学习现象出发为人才培养模式的改革走向提出建议。即明确不同类型高校的人才培养目标与规格,使不同高校各安其位、各司其职,使培养的学生具有不同的社会适应性;改善课程设置,更新教学内容,使学生具有适应时代要求的知识储备;转变传统的教学方式,培养学生的自主管理能力,增强其主人翁意识;在评价制度上,采用多元化的评价方式,将考试和日常表现相结合,全方位、多元化的评价学生能力;在教学管理制度方面,实行弹性学分制度,在管理方式上更加灵活多样,以更好的服务学生。

【Abstract】 Reverse learning is a new social phenomenon emerging in our country in recent years. It and reverse transfer in American community college both reflect some regular contradictions in the process of higher education. The occurrence and spread of this phenomenon makes us face up to the problems of higher education. The author considers that the unreasonable talent-cultivating model is the most fundamental reason of reverse learning, which doesn’t adapt the demand of mass higher education for individual diversity. Therefore, the research on the reform direction of talent-cultivating model on the basis of reverse learning is of great significance.Methods of literature, comparison and interviewing are mainly used in this paper. On the basis of interviewing with the students and studying related materials, the author gives a definition of reverse learning. And then interprets it theoretically in terms of reasons and influences. Subsequently, the author points out that the unreasonable talent-cultivating model is the most fundamental reason of reverse learning, which has so many problems. Such as cultivating object is so inexplicit that it can’t adapt the demand of market; the unadvanced and unscientific curriculum setting makes the teaching materials out-of-date; the dated traditional teaching methods are still in use; only use test scores for evaluation criterion and corresponding policies of transfer and changing major is also imperfect.As a result, it is very necessary to make some research on countermeasures of the talent-cultivating model in order to eliminate reverse learning. First of all, explicit cultivating target of institutions in different types and levels, so as to develop their respective function. Secondly, modify curriculum settings and update teaching materials to make sure students possess knowledge of the times quickly. Thirdly, change traditional teaching methods and cultivate students’ability of self-management to enhance their master consciousness. Fourthly, adopt pluralistic evaluation criterion and evaluate students from their test scores and daily performances. At last, carry out elastic credit system to provide better service for individuals.


