

【作者】 赵越

【导师】 孙晋海; 曹莉;

【作者基本信息】 曲阜师范大学 , 体育人文社会学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 中国男子篮球职业联赛自1995年诞生到现在已经走过15年的历程。经过十多年的发展,联赛的规模、管理、运作和受关注程度都堪称是中国最好最规范的职业联赛之一,同时也是亚洲地区水平最高的篮球联赛。但是我国职业篮球联赛相对于欧美高水平篮球职业联赛还有相当大的差距,其中裁判问题就是其中之一。本文运用了问卷调查法、文献资料法、专家访谈法、数理统计法和录像分析法等多种科研方法,以执裁中国男子篮球职业联赛裁判员为研究对象,调查访问了篮管中心官员、专家教授、裁判员、教练员、运动员等诸多对象,对我国男子职业篮球联赛裁判员的执裁现状、执裁满意度、存在的主要问题、影响因素等进行了调查与分析,并通过录像观察裁判员临场执裁情况,同时结合体育管理学、篮球竞赛裁判法等相关学科理论,提出适合我国职业联赛裁判员发展的对策,以期为我国职业联赛和中国篮球运动的发展提供建议。在研究的基础上得出如下结论:1、目前中国男子篮球职业联赛裁判员全部为业余裁判员,大部分的职业为体育教师,体育专业出身的裁判员占多数执裁工作与本职工作经常会有冲突;裁判员学历层次较高,对新的篮球规则理解能力强;裁判员男女性别比例不均,女裁判员的人数极少。2、国际级裁判员在临场执裁中占主导地位,国家A级裁判员为主要培养对象,大部分年轻的国家级裁判员执裁CBA机会和接受培训机会较少。3、我国执裁CBA的篮球裁判员大部分从事篮球裁判工作的时间较长,阅历较为丰富,但具有执法高水平赛事经历者较少。4、CBA裁判员需加强执裁思想素质、心理素质和身体素质;大部分裁判员英语水平不高,口语能力差,能够独立运用英语能力进行执裁者较少。5、目前CBA裁判员执裁动机主要是个人爱好、经济利益及职业需要。6、裁判员培训制度比较单一,缺乏长期性和系统性;裁判员监督体制缺乏实效性。7、大众对CBA裁判员执裁水平基本满意,但距离期望值还有差距。8、CBA裁判员临场执裁错判率较高;判罚尺度上主客场不同,对客队判罚相对严格。9、“业余化”的管理体制、不合格的职业道德、欠缺的心理素质、低的业务能力、乱的比赛环境是影响CBA裁判员执裁的主要因素。10、根据目前CBA裁判员在执裁方面存在的不足,提出相应对策。实行裁判员“半职业化”;实行中国篮协和大众媒体双向监督体系;对裁判员进行思想政治教育和法制教育;创办中国篮球协会裁判员专业化学校;稳定裁判员心态,增强裁判员执裁自信心;创造和谐的赛场环境和看台文化。

【Abstract】 Chinese Basketball Association (CBA) has gone through its ups and downs for the past 15 years since its birth in 1995. Owing to the development in these years, CBA can be regarded as one of the best standardized professional league matches in terms of its scale, management, operation, popularity, and the top-level basketball league match in Asia. However, there is still a big gap between CBA and the top-ranking professional associations in Europe and America in many respects, among which Referee problem is quite prominent.Using the research methods of questionnaires, documentation, interview, mathematical statistics, video-analysis, taking the referees in CBA as the subjects, this thesis investigates and analyses the status quo, satisfaction, main problems, influencing factors and development in judging by interviewing such subjects as the officials in the Basketball Administrative Centre, professors, referees, coaches and athletes. Moreover, carefully observing the performance of the referees at the court, and combining with the relevant disciplinary theories in sports managements, basketball umpire rules, it proposes that the professionalization of basketball referees is the proper direction for CBA referees development.1 At present, the CBA referees are the extra-curricular referee completely, the majority of occupations are the gym instructors. For the sports background, there will have the conflict frequently. The referees’level of education is high, and have betterunderstanding ability. The sexual rate of the referee is uneven, and the female referees have not enough quantity.2 The international referees occupy the dominant position, the nationalA level referees are the main objects that need training, and the majority of young state-level referees have a little CBA opportunity to get training.3 The basketball referees engaged in the basketball referee works for a long time, and they have richer experiences, but their high-level sports event experience are too fewer.4 The CBA referee must strengthen the thought quality, the psychological quality and the physical quality. The majority of referee English proficiency is notgood at spoken language. The referee with high-level English ability are fewer.5 At present, the main motives of the CBA referee are the economics, interests, professional needs personally.6 The system of the referee isquite unitary, and lacks the long-term characteristic and the systematic characteristic. The ystem of referee supervisings lacks the effectiveness.7 The populace are basically satisfied at the level of the CBA referee, but they also expect the referee will do better. 8 The CBA referees’erroneous judgement rate are high. In the assigning and main aera, the criterions are different. The have a relatively strictly penalty to the visiting team.9 The CBA primary affecting factors are the referee "extra-curricular" management system and unqualified occupational ethics, the defective psychological quality, low professional ability, the chaotic competition environment.10 According to the existing sufficiency of the CBA referees, we proposes the corresponding countermeasure. We can use the referee "half professionalism", and imlement bidirectional surveillance system of the Chinese Basketball Association and the mass media, and carry on the ideological and political and law education, and organize the Chinese Basketball Association Referee Specialization school, and strengthen the referees’self-confidence, and create the harmonious athletic field environment and the stand culture.


