

A Syntactic Study on Modern Chinese Nominal Predicate Sentences

【作者】 王燕燕

【导师】 王广成;

【作者基本信息】 曲阜师范大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 关于现代汉语名词谓语句,国内已有60多年的研究历史(陈满华2006),本文在这一系列研究的基础之上,结合国外学者对非动词谓语句研究取得的成果,主要从句法层面对汉语中名词谓语句存在的合理性进行了论证。第一章主要介绍了论文的研究对象和研究问题。名词谓语句指的是一切不需要借助动词的帮助,以名词或名词性结构(如名词性偏正结构,数量名结构等)来担任谓语的句子。论文旨在通过对现代汉语名词谓语句的分析,来证明现代汉语中名词单独作谓语并不违反普遍语法。第二章主要从历时和共时两个角度简单回顾了国内对名词谓语句的研究成果,并介绍了与我们的研究相关的国外学者的理论。第三章是论文的主体部分,我们主要从句法层面分别对汉语中名词谓语句存在的可能性与可行性进行了论证。在论证可能性时,我们主要是通过英汉对比的方法。一方面,在生成语法的框架下,词库里的单词都带有各种不同的屈折特征,这些特征进入计算系统之后必须通过核查,将不可解读特征删除之后才能被拼读出来,然后和其他成分结合生成合法的句子。相对于汉语,英语词库里单词的各种显性的屈折特征较多,其中一些特征,例如名词代词的主格特征应当由附加在动词之上的时态和一致短语来核查。汉语是孤立语(宋在晶2008),词库中词语缺乏显性的形态标记,根据推导经济原则,我们可以假定这些词所带有的特征经历的是一个隐性的核查过程,在这一过程中,动词可以不用强制出现。另一方面,英汉语的时间表达方式不同。英语表达时间以时态为主,词汇手段仅起辅助作用。附加在动词上的时态是强制使用的,时间词语是可选择性的。汉语恰恰相反,以词汇手段为主,没有时态的屈折形式。从这一方面来讲,汉语中动词也无需强制出现。通过这两方面的对比可以看出,在汉语句子中,动词并不总是强制出现的,这就为名词作谓语提供了可能。主谓关系是句子中最为本质的一种关系,如果这种关系得不到实现,便无法形成合格的句子。接下来我们通过讨论名词谓语句中NP1(名词谓语句中的主语)与NP2(作谓语的名词或名词性结构)主谓关系的实现问题论证名词作谓语的可行性。按照Chierchia的述谓语法和Bowers的述谓句法理论,具备性质义的语类如果要成为句子的谓语,必须先经过一个谓词化操作,将性质π转化为命题函数<e,p>,才能与主语结合生成合法的句子。根据他们的理论,我们通过分析汉语中名词谓语句的句法表现,推导出了这一句型的谓词化操作过程。对于含有限定成分的NP2来说,NP2前的限定成分除了表达实际意义之外,还起到了谓词性算子的作用,通过谓词化操作将具有性质义的名词提升为一个命题函数,再与主语结合生成合法的句子。还有一部分名词谓语句含有时间词、语气词或情态意义,对于它们而言,由于时间词、语气词和情态意义所约束的都是命题,所以从句法上讲,它们所选择的补语应该是一个述谓短语PrP (Predicate Phrase),于是激活了隐性的谓词性算子,使得名词从性质π转化为命题函数<e,p>,然后与主语结合生成合法的句子。第四章是对第三章的补充,第三章已经证明了现代汉语中,名词作谓语既是可能的,也是可行的。但是符合句法的句子在生成之后并非都能进入言语交际之中,在具体的语言使用中,名词谓语句能否出现还要受到语义、语用、语音等诸多非句法因素的制约。因此,在这一章,我们简要分析了影响名词谓语句存在的非句法因素。最后一章是论文的总结部分。我们主要指出了本研究的意义,局限性以及今后的研究方向。

【Abstract】 Nominal predicate sentences have been studied for up to 60 years in China (Chen 2006). Based on these studies and the achievements of foreign studies on non-verbal predicate sentences, this thesis attempts to demonstrate the reasonability of Chinese nominal predicate sentences.Chapter 1 is concerned with the introduction of the research object and research questions. Nominal predicate sentences refer to all sentences in which nouns or nominal structures (e.g. nouns with modifiers, numeral-classifier-noun structures and so forth) occupy the position of predicates, without the help of verbs. By analyzing modern Chinese nominal predicate sentences, we attempt to demonstrate that the existence of nominal predicate sentences does not violate universal grammar.Chapter 2 is literature review. In this chapter, we briefly review the previous studies on Chinese nominal predicate sentences and some foreign theories that will contribute to our study.Chapter 3 is the main part of this thesis. In this chapter, we will demonstrate the possibility and feasibility of the existence of nominal predicate sentences.In the demonstration of possibility, we compare some differences between English and Chinese. On the one hand, within the frameworks of generative grammar, words carry various inflectional features in lexicon. When these words come to the computational system, their inflectional features must be checked, and only when the uninterpretable features are erased can the words be spelled out and combine with other words to form a grammatically correct sentence. Compared with Chinese, English words carry rich inflectional features, among which, for example, the [Nom] case feature of nouns and pronouns must be checked by INFL which are attached to verbs. However, Chinese is an isolated language (Song 2008). Words are lacking in overt morphological features. According to economy principle, we might posit that the covert features undergo a covert checking process in which verbs are not compulsory to occur. On the other hand, English and Chinese apply different ways to express time. In English, people use tense to express time, with time words playing the secondary role. Therefore, tense attached to verbs is compulsive, while temporal words are optional. In Chinese, we mainly use lexical means to express time and there are no inflectional tense forms. In this respect, verbs are not compulsory, either. By comparison, we can draw the conclusion that in Chinese, verbs are not forced to appear in some sentences, which provides nominal structures with the possibility to act as the predicates.Predication relation is the most important relation in a sentence. If this relation can’t be realized, the sentence will be ill formed. So subsequently, we will demonstrate the feasibility of nominal predicate sentences by analyzing the realization of the predication relation of NP1 (the subject) and NP2 (the nominal predicate). According to the grammar of predication by Chierchia (1985,1989) and the syntax of predication by Bowers (1993), if categories denoting properties are to become predicates, they must undergo a predication operation which transfers the property n to a propositional function<e, p>, and then merge with the subject to form a qualified sentence. According to their theory, we summarize the syntactic representations of Chinese nominal predicate sentences and then derive their process of predication operation. For NP2 with modifiers before them, in addition to conveying semantic meanings, the modifiers also play the role of predication operators, which raise NP2 denoting properties to a propositional function. Then NP2 merges with the subject to form a sentence. There also exists another kind of nominal predicate sentences, which carry temporal particles or mood particles, or modality sense. Since what temporal or mood particles or modality sense bind are propositions, syntactically, they require predicative phrases as their complements. In this way, the covert predication operator is activated and it raises NP2 from the propertyπto a propositional function<e, p>. NP2 then merges with the subject to form a correct sentence.Chapter 4 is a supplement of Chapter 3. In Chapter 3 we have demonstrated that it is not only possible but also feasible for nouns and nominal structures to be predicates. But whether a syntactically well formed sentence has the chance to enter the communication field depends on several factors. In authentic use of language, the existence of nominal predicate sentences is equally restricted by semantics, pragmatics, phonetics and other non-syntactic factors. In this chapter, we will have a brief analysis on these factors.Chapter 5 is the conclusion. In this chapter, we mainly point out the significance of this study, the limitations and prospects for future studies.


