

The Comparison of Chinese and Japanese Cartoons from the Perspective of Intercultural Communication

【作者】 王远远

【导师】 李黎明;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 新闻学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 动画片是现代社会一个重要的文化产业。国产动画片经过近百年的历程,在曲折中艰难发展。本文从跨文化传播的视角入手,以日本动画片作为比较对象,探求国产动画的未来发展之路。在动画产业的发展中,中日动画片有着共同的坚守,表现在:对民族精神和民族性格的恪守,对传统文化和民族艺术的挖掘,对视觉形象和精神审美的追求。与此同时,中日动画片也存在着巨大的差异,表现在:内容层面上题材的广泛性和主题的深刻性的差异,形式层面上的线索运用、叙述顺序、表现手法运用和细节安排的差异,创作风格形成上的差异,对受众心理认识和把握的差异。建立在全面比较的基础上,论文指出日本动画片的成功带给国产动画的启示:坚持民族特色是关键,融合国际元素是契机;塑造经典动画形象,引领动画产业的发展;制作满足全家人需求的动画,扩大受众群体。

【Abstract】 Cartoon industry is an important cultural industry in modern society. Since its emergence, domestic cartoon industry has gone through a lot of twists and turns in its 100 years of development history. Taking Japanese cartoons as a comparison object, this thesis is to explore the development of domestic cartoons in the future from the perspective of intercultural communication. On one hand, in the development of cartoon industry, Chinese cartoons and Japanese cartoons share some common properties, namely: their adherence to national spirit and national character; their digging out of traditional culture and national arts and their pursuit for visual images and spiritual aesthetic. On the other hand, Japanese cartoons have huge differences from Chinese cartoons:differences in the breadth and depth of their themes at the content level; differences in their use of clues, narrative sequence, expression means and the arrangement of details at the form level; differences in their formation of styles and differences in their grasp of the audiences’psychology. After a comprehensive comparison, this thesis points out the implication drawn from the success of Japanese cartoons:adhere to national character and at the same time integrate international elements in cartoons; lead the development of cartoon industry by shaping the classic animated images; expand audiences by producing cartoons that can meet the needs of the whole family.

  • 【分类号】J954
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】556

