

Another Mirrorimage for Recording the Rural Area

【作者】 李霜

【导师】 张岩泉;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 本文以阎连科的“耙耧系列”小说为研究对象,以十七年文学中的农村合作化题材小说为背景,在分析“耙耧系列”小说特征的基础上,探讨阎连科通过对理想主义和英雄主义的重新阐释,寓言化、狂欢化、反讽策略的使用,达到的对革命现实主义的消解,以及形成的怪诞美学风格。全文共分四个部分,具体框架如下:引言:廓清革命现实主义的范畴,以及其两个层面理想主义和英雄主义。进而引出“耙耧系列”小说及其在阎连科小说创作中的特殊地位。第一部分:旧理想主义的回归。在革命现实主义的宰治下,十七年文学中的农村合作化题材小说呈现出浓厚的理想主义色彩,并衍生出革命乌托邦图景。“耙耧系列”小说则展现出革命乌托邦图景的幻灭,通过对传统乌托邦的召唤,体现出旧理想主义的特征。第二部分:人化英雄和反英雄的凸现。作为革命现实主义的另外一个层面,英雄主义在农村合作化题材小说中表现在英雄形象的书写上,经过由人而神的净化过程,最终确立了神化英雄形象。而“耙耧系列”小说则呈现出人化英雄形象和反英雄形象两种倾向。第三部分:立足消解的写作策略。阎连科对寓言、狂欢、反讽理论的借鉴使用,为“耙耧系列”小说增添了不少亮色,这不仅使“耙耧系列”区别于其以往的创作,更区别于农村合作化题材小说。“耙耧系列”的写作策略表现为:寓言化、狂欢化、反讽,通过这些策略的使用,达到了对革命现实主义的消解。第四部分:怪诞的美学风格。相对于农村合作化题材小说的两种主导风格庄重和轻喜剧,“耙耧系列”小说通过怪诞场景、怪诞形象、怪诞结构的设置,从整体上体现出怪诞的美学风格。结语:阎连科消解革命现实主义的深层动机在于其文学观念。从其创作实际出发,客观评价“耙耧系列”小说的特点与不足。

【Abstract】 The paper make Yan Lianke’s "Pa Lou serial" novels as the object of study.Having "Seventeen Years" rural cooperation novels as its background and on the basis of analying the characteristic of Pa Lou serial"novels,the paper explores the re-interpretation of idealism and heroism and the use of allegorization,carnivalization and irony strategy in Yan’s novels, which aims at counteracting revolution realism and forming weird aesthetic style.Four parts in my paper:Introduction:Make a clear study of the category of revolution realism and its two aspects:idealism and heroism.Then bring out "Pa Lou Serial " novels and its special status in Yan Lianke’s novels.Part One:To review the dated idealism.Under the domination of revolution realism, "Seventeen Years" take on strong idealism colour and aslo they derive revolution Utopian.While "Pa Lou serial" novels reveal the disillusionn of revolution Utopian and the characteristic of dated idealism.Part Two:To highlight the artificial-hero and the anti-hero.As one aspect of revolution realism,heroism find full play in descriping the appearance of heros in the rural cooperation novels,from the hero as a man to the hero as supernatural being. "Pa Lou serial" novels find their expression in giving artificial-hero and the anti-hero account.Part Three:To based the novel on the dispelling strategy. By the use of allegorization, carnivalization and irony strategy,Yan make some more attraction for Pa Lou serial novel, which make those novel different from other writing as well as well traditional rural cooperation novels. The use of allegorization carnivalization and irony strategy in Yan’s novels counteract revolution realism.Part Four:The weird aesthetic style. Compared with the two dominate style,that is serious tone or light comedy, in rural cooperation novels, "Pa Lou serial" novels reflect weird aesthetic style through the weird scene, weird image and weird framework.Conclusion:The deep motivation of digesting revolution realism is originated from the literary concept.of Yan Based on author’s creation, it is of great significance to objectively evaluate "Pa lou serial" novels features and shortage.

  • 【分类号】I207.42
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