

A Research on the China Youth in Its Early Period (1923-1927)

【作者】 庄鹏

【导师】 董中锋;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 传播学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 《中国青年》是第一次国内革命战争时期最杰出的刊物之一。这份刊物在历史淘洗中显示出绵长的影响力,它向往真理、融身社会、引导青年的种种作为,它在办刊过程中表现出的强烈责任感和使命感以及对青年所思所想的恰当把握,为这本杂志在中国现代思想史、革命史和传媒史上赢得了极大的肯定。本文在分析创办初期《中国青年》的历史背景、办刊历程、编辑素养和主要传播内容的基础上,提炼出它得以影响一代青年的核心价值体系及其办刊特色,以期能为今天的青年期刊编辑实践带来思考与启迪。本文主要分三个部分展开论述:第一部分从《中国青年》创办初期的时代背景、创办过程、办刊宗旨、发展之路对《中国青年》进行概述。第二部分在对《中国青年》的主要传播内容进行文本分析的基础上,归纳出三点核心价值取向,即传播真理、心系社会、扶助青年。第三部分从《中国青年》内在“社会精神气质”和其外在办刊规律两个方面归纳《中国青年》办刊过程中表现出来的编辑特色及现实意义。

【Abstract】 As one of the most excellent publication in the period of the first revolutionary civil war, the China Youth showed lasting influence. It rained great compliment in the history of thoughts, revolution and media by the actions of aspiring after truth, concerning with the society or guiding the young; by the strong sense of mission or responsibility; and by the appropriate understanding for the youth’s thoughts.On the basis of the survey of the historical background, the development course,the selfcultivation of the editors and the main saywhat of the China Youth in its early history, this essay evolved its core value system and its characteristics in order to bring reflection and enlightening to the modern youth periodicals.The essay was divided into three parts:The first part gave an introduction of the China Youth from the history background, the establishing course, the purpose and the developing way.The second part evolved the core value orientation based on its main saywhat, that is to communicate truth, concern the society and cultivate the youth.The third part gave an account about the characteristics and practical significance of the China Youth by its ethos and the way it satisfied the readers.

【关键词】 《中国青年》编辑价值取向传播特色
【Key words】 the China Youtheditvalve orientationcommunicatecharaceristic
  • 【分类号】D432.62
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】155

