

A Study on Higher Vocational English Teaching Reform Based on ESP Theory

【作者】 章彤洪

【导师】 罗祖兵;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 高等教育学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 社会的发展对高职人才提出了更高、更明确的要求,不但要有一定专业技能,还应具备自主学习能力和跨文化交际能力。因而改善高职英语教学,使其适应人才培养的综合目标,是高职英语教学面临的挑战。目前我国高职所培养的众多人才中,大多数无法把所学的语言知识与具体的实际运用联系起来。对高职英语教学进行积极探索与改革成为当务之急。本研究介绍了专门用途英语(ESP)理论的特点,国内外学者的相关研究状况,分析了当前高职英语教学普遍存在的问题,提出运用专门用途英语理论指导高职英语教学的可行性,并对符合专门用途英语理论要求的高职英语教学改革进行探讨,寻求改进高职英语教学更有效的方法。本论文共五个部分,主要内容如下:第一部分是绪论,对本文的研究背景、研究内容、研究方法、本文涉及的一些重要概念的界定以及本文所涉及的研究现状进行阐述,为更好地进行主体部分的论述打下基础。第二部分是高职院校英语教学存在的普遍问题,这部分主要对浙江省丽水市两所高职院校教师、学生的问卷和访谈调查数据进行分析,从教学目标、教材、教学方法、学生基础以及师资力量几个方面对我国高职英语教学中存在的主要问题进行调查研究。第三部分是运用专门用途英语理论指导高职英语教学的可行性分析,通过论述专门用途英语的教学原则符合高职英语教学要求、专门用途英语的教学理念与高职英语培养目标一致、高职学生具备接受专门用途英语教育的基础、高职教师具备专门用途英语教师的潜质,对ESP应用于我国高职英语教学进行分析,得出可行性结论。第四部分是基于专门用途英语理论的高职英语教学改革实践,从以“需求分析”为基础确定高职英语教学目标、针对学生专业选择和编写高职英语教材、以学生为中心进行有效的课堂教学、校内校外实训结合提高学生英语运用能力、建立科学合理的评价与考核体系、联合学校与企业加强师资力量的建设六个方面进行具体的分析与论证。使英语教学同专业需求相结合,帮助学生获取将来工作所需的英语能力。第五部分是专门用途英语理论对高职英语教学的启示。主要包括转变高职英语教学观念、形成独立的高职英语教学评估标准、高职师资建设要引起政府和高校的重视。

【Abstract】 The rapid social development put higher and more specific requirements to the Higher Vocational technician. They need to have not only a certain expertise, but also self-learning and cross-cultural communication. Thus improving the higher vocational English teaching to meet the comprehensive goal of personnel training are big challenges for English teaching. At present, China has cultivated a number of vocational talents, most of whom are unable to put their language knowledge into practical use. It’s urgent to carry out actively English teaching reform and explore.This study discusses higher vocational English teaching reform based on ESP theory in this context, seeking more effective methods to improve English teaching. This study describes the characteristics of the ESP theory and the related research of scholars at home and abroad, analysis the common problems in current higher vocational English teaching, proposed the feasibility of guiding English teaching with the ESP theory, and discusses how to reform the higher vocational English teaching which meets the requirements of ESP theory. This thesis is composed of five parts covering the following details:Part One is a general introduction which is to clarify the research background, research content, research methods and related definition of some important concepts as well as the involved research of current situation in this article, in order to better lay the foundation for the main part of the discussion.Part Two analysis the common problems in the Higher Vocational English teaching. This part mainly analysis the data of the survey questionnaires and interviews to the teachers and the students in the two vocational colleges in Lishui City, Zhejiang Province. Investigate the main problems existing in the Higher Vocational English teaching from the teaching objectives, teaching materials, teaching methods, students and teachers aspects.Part Three analysis the feasibility of guiding the Higher Vocational English teaching with the ESP theory by discoursing upon the teaching principles of ESP accord with the requirements of English teaching; ESP training objectives consistent with the objectives of vocational English training; vocational students have the basic knowledge of accepting ESP education; vocational teachers possess the basic conditions for ESP teaching.Part Four concrete analysis on the Higher Vocational English teaching reform based on the theory of ESP in the aspects of the English teaching objectives based on "needs analysis", vocational ESP materials selection and development, "student-centered" effective classroom teaching, combination of internal and external training, a scientific and rational evaluation system, jointing schools and enterprises to strengthen the construction of teaching forces to combine English teaching with the professional needs, enable students to acquire competent English skills required for future.Part Five analysis the revelation from the theory of ESP in the Higher Vocational English teaching in the aspects of concept changes of the Higher Vocational English teaching, teaching evaluation criteria need to be socially acceptable, Government and the universities should pay special attention to the development of vocational teachers.

【关键词】 专门用途英语高职英语教学改革
【Key words】 ESPHigher Vocational Englishteaching reform
  • 【分类号】H319
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】1091

