

The Textural Research about the Books of Xiaoxue Cited in the Interpretation of Wenxuan by Lishan

【作者】 邵秀丽

【导师】 高华平;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 中国古典文献学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 《文选》是我国现存最早的一部诗文总集,由南朝梁太子萧统主持编纂,对后世影响极大。唐代,李善《文选注》的出现进一步把《文选》发扬光大,李善注本本身也因征引广博和注文精审、独到而为后人所推崇。千百年来,《文选》和李善注相互依存,注以文传,文以注显。李善《文选注》采用征引式注释,通过征引大量古籍故训解释文义。保存了很多已亡佚典籍的断章残句,成为我们当今考辨、辑佚隋唐古籍的重要参考文献。与李善《文选注》这一注释特点相合,它的引书研究也成为学界的一个研究热点。统计李善《文选注》引书数量是李注引书研究中的一个重要分支。前人曾有过多次统计,但由于李注版本众多且征引繁复,最终统计结果常有差异。本论文中,笔者以1977年中华书局出版的影印胡刻本为底本,认真统计了李善《文选注》征引小学类书的具体书目,并依据《四库全书》分类法将所引书目分为训诂、文字、音韵三类。同时,由于李善《文选注》所征引之书大多已亡佚,流传至今的也与原著相差甚远,故本文还从原始材料出发,以考论结合的方法,对李善所征引的37本小学类书进行考证,考证内容包括作者生平、成书年代、主要内容、流传辑佚情况、现存版本与佚文等。本论文写作始终坚持一切从原始材料出发的原则,整个论文主要分为三个部分:第一部分简介《文选》及李善《文选注》、综述李注引书研究现状并说明论文研究方法、研究内容、写作思路;第二部分具体统计李注引小学类书书目和征引次数,并在此基础上对该书的流传亡佚情况等进行考辨;最后一部分对李善《文选注》征引小学类书的情况做总体分析。

【Abstract】 As the first poetry anthotogy that existed in China, Wenxuan was compiled by prince Xiao tong of Nan dynasty, and it imfuenced pofound and lasting. In Tang dynasty, Li shan’s Interpretation to Wen xuan carried Wen xuan forward, meanwhile, because of its abundant quatation and uniqueness, Li shan zhu was praised mostly by later years. From thousand years, Wenxuan and Li shan zhu inter-depended, each shining more brilliantly in the other’s company.Li shan zhu adopted cited interpretation,that is to say interpretated meaning by citing ancient document, preserved several stray fragments, therefore, Li shan zhu was the most important inference t inspect ancient books of Sui Tang dynasty, at the time, the quatation research also became a academic focus.Counting the numbers of quatation is a great branch in quatation research of Li shan zhu. Although predecessors counted several times, because different versins and complicated citation, it is difficult to unite results. In the paper, the writer chose the version of the Zhanghua Book Company as basic version, counted concrete bibliography of Xiao Xue in quated in Li shan’s Interpretation to Wenxuan, and divided in three category according to classification of Si Ku Quan Shu, that is, exegesis, characters, and rhythm.Meanwhile, for the cited books had lost, and there great diffenence, between what have been handed down and the original books, the paper checked thirty-seven Xiao Xue category books. The research content contained experience of the writer, the time wehen book was formed, key content in a certain book, circulation, existed version and lost expression.The writing was loyal to original materiel. The whole paper divided into three parts: part one, introduce Wenxuan and Li shan’s Interpretation to Wenxuan briefly, summarizequation in Li shan zhu, and illustrate research method, research content and writing; part two, count the quatation and times of Xiao Xue category-books in Li shan zhu, and the circulation; part three, give whole analysis to quatation in Li shan zhu.

【关键词】 李善《文选注》小学类引书考辨
【Key words】 LishanInterpretation to WenxuanXiao Xue BookWorks citedExploration

