

The Study of the System That Publicly Selecting Cadres of China’s Party and Government

【作者】 李木洲

【导师】 但昭彬;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 国家治理与考选制度, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 公开选拔党政领导干部制度作为我国干部人事制度的重要组成部分,自20世纪80年代创立以来,总体上历经了“试验探索”、“发展改进”、“试点推广”与“正式推行”四个阶段,目前,业已成为我国党政领导干部选拔任用的基础制度之一。近年来,为了适应我国经济、政治、社会、文化等方面发展的需要,随着政治体制,特别是干部人事制度改革的不断深化,以及政府职能转型的现实诉求,公选制度的发展取得了空前的成果,其主要表现就是公选制度体系的不断创新与完善。本论文在分析大量公选制度研究文献的基础上,运用系统论的观点,以马克思主义唯物辩证法为基本研究方法,综合使用制度分析法和比较研究法,力图全景式地对我国近年来的公选制度创新成果进行分析、归纳和总结,探究其创新目的、创新形式、创新路径、创新困境及创新趋向等。首先,本文的第一章对制度的一般理论进行了考察,认为传统的制度分析在分析公选制度创新方面具有一定的局限性,进而根据公选制度的特殊性提出了新的制度分析框架——“两维一体”制度创新分析框架,所谓“两维”即制度的纵、横两个维度,所谓“一体”即制度通过纵横两个维度的创新后而形成的整个创新制度体系。基本理论的廓清为本文的立论提供了基本依据,而分析框架的确定则为本文的进一步分析与研究制定了蓝图。其次,本文的第二章、第三章和第四章按照“两维一体”制度分析框架,分别对公选制度的横向创新、纵向创新及制度体系创新效益进行了具体分析。本文认为,公选制度的横向创新包括三大分支的创新,分别是隶属于考任制、选任制和“考选结合制”的三大分支创新。其中,隶属于考任制的主要有“一推双考”、“公推公选”、“双推双考”、“两推一考”和“三推三考”等;隶属选任制的主要有“公推直选”、“两推一选”、“三推一选”和“三推两选”等;隶属于“考选结合制”的主要有“三推三考两票决”和“三推两考一选”等。公选制度的纵向创新主要是指公选制度各子制度的选拔任用流程的创新,其集中表现为“资格确定与审查制度”、“考试制度”、“考核制度”、“推荐制度”、“选举制度”、“监督制度”及“任用制度”等的创新。而公选制度的制度体系创新效益则突出表现在四个方面,即拓展了人才选拔机制、促进了民主政治发展、推动了政府职能转变和加强了制度文明建设。第五章则从公选制度的内部和外部两大系统分析了其创新所面临的主要困境。其中,来自内部系统的主要困境有职位分析的缺位、考试方式的局限、选举方式的局限、公选范围的局限以及推荐方式的局限;来自外部系统的主要困境有选拔成本偏高、明文法规缺失、功利主义作祟、并行制度泛滥以及跟踪评核滞后。最后,第六章在综合前文分析的基础上,结合国际国内政治、社会、经济、科技及文化等发展趋势,认为公选制度未来的发展将呈现四大趋向:一是公选制度的基本理论更加完善;二是结构体系更加合理;三是考核测评技术更加先进;四是制度法规体系更加健全,等。

【Abstract】 The System that Selecting Cadres of Our Party and Government (SSCOG) at different levels publicly is an important part of our country’s cadre personnel system, it has been established since 1980s,by and large, it has experienced four phrases, exploration, improvement, experimental promotion and practical promotion, nowadays, it has become an essential part of our country’s basic cadre selection system.Recently,with the deepening of our country’s political reform and especially the deepening of cadre personnel system reform, and the increasing demand of government function transformation, public selection system has gained great achievement which can be reflected by public selection system’s innovation and perfection.This article tries to analyze and summarize the innovation fruits of public selection system which has been achieved recently to explore its innovation purpose, style, path, law and tendency on the basis of researching plenty of public selection system documents. It adopts views of systems approach and it makes analysis based on Marxism materialist dialectics, and it combines system analysis method with comparison method together.Firstly, in the first chapter, this article makes an analysis to system’s general theory, it considers traditional system analysis has disadvantages in innovation, and makes a new analysis method "two dimensions and their integration". What we call "two dimensions "in this new method means the system’s horizontal and vertical aspects, "integration "means the new innovation system through these two dimensions’ innovation. The differentiation of basic theory provides basic arguing materials for this article’s views, and the establishment of analysis method makes blue map for further analysis and research.Secondly, in the second, third and fourth chapters, this article adopt "two dimensions and their integration "system analysis method to make detailed analysis to public selection system’s horizontal innovation, vertical innovation and system innovation performance. This article holds following views public selection system’s horizontal innovation includes three branch innovations testing recruitment、selection recruitment and "testing and selection integration recruitment ",during these three branch innovations, "the System of One-push and Two-test’、"the System of Public Nomination and public election"、"the System of Double-push Double-test"、"the System of Two-recommendation and One-test" and "the system of Three-push and Three-test "are belonged to testing recruitment; "the System of Decision-making Based on Three-push and Three-test and Two-ballot" and "the System of Three-push and Two-test and One-election" are belonged to testing and selection integration recruitment. Public selection system’s vertical innovation researches innovation performance through analyzing the selection and recruitment procedure of these branch systems, then extracting these branch systems’ common points through comprehensive induction and analysis which put more emphasis on "quality confirmation and checking system"、"testing system"、"assessment system "、"recommendation system"、"selection system"、"monitoring system "and "recruitment system". Innovation performance are mainly reflected by four aspects extending talent selection system, promoting democracy politics development, accelerating the pace of government function transformation and pushing system civilization construction. The fifth chapter analyzed the main dilemma for SSCOG to innovate from the internal and the external system of SSCOG, there into, the main dilemma which from the internal are the Vacancy of Position Analysis, the Limitation of Text, the;Limitation of Voting, the Limitation of Selecting Scope, and the Limitation of Recommendation; the main dilemma which from the external are the High Cost of Selection, the Deletion of Law, the Haunt of Utilitarianism, the Flood of Parallel Institution, and the Delay of After Evaluation.Lastly, with the summarization of main body’s analysis, and integrating with international and national political, economic, scientific and cultural development tendency, the author thinks the development of public selection system will show four main tendencies its basic theory will become more perfect, structure system will become more reasonable, testing and assessment technology will become mare and more advanced and system law structure will become more and more completed.

  • 【分类号】D262.3
  • 【被引频次】28
  • 【下载频次】936

