

Comment on the Shaft World in Liu Qing Bang’s Novel

【作者】 张丽梅

【导师】 刘卫东;

【作者基本信息】 天津师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 刘庆邦的作品主要聚焦于农村和矿区,他的矿区题材小说因其“酷烈”风格在文坛备受注目。刘庆邦在对矿区多层次、立体化的书写中构架起一个独特的“矿井”世界,真实展现了矿工的生存状态和精神面貌,在人性美与丑的交织碰撞中建构起自身的人文理想和价值追求。本文试图从他的矿区小说入手来探讨作者构建“矿井”世界的意义。本文分为三部分,第一章从底层的角度阐释矿工生存环境的特殊性,从身份认同、异化等方面剖析矿工在城乡交叉地带的“矿井”世界中的夹缝人生,分析他底层书写的与众不同之处在于以平民主义的视角观照农村和矿区底层民众的生存状态,不重在写生活的“贫”而重在写心灵的“困”。第二章主要从死亡的角度切入,分析刘庆邦对“矿井”世界死亡的独异表达,探寻死亡背后无法承受的生命之痛,死亡书写的终极意义是表达对人的关注、对生命的珍爱,从中体现出强烈的生命意识。第三章从几个方面来探讨“矿井”世界的意义。从人性的角度分析人在生活、金钱、集体无意识等挤压下人性恶的爆发和人性的救赎,同时底层民众之间相互扶持的温情和真善美成了矿区苦难背景上的一抹亮色;结合群体心理分析集体暴虐的原因;从女性缺乏角度分析矿区的两性悲剧;从矿区特有民俗视角下解析矿区生存的荒诞性。最后,刘庆邦对“矿区”世界书写的目的在于对人生存处境的关注和对人的价值的肯定,体现了高度的人文主义情怀。

【Abstract】 Liu Qing Bang’s works focus on rural area and mining area mainly, the novels about coal mine are fixed eyes on fully because of the cruel style in the literary circles. Through various means and three-dimensional describing, Liu Qing Bang set up a distinctive shaft world in his novels, and he have displayed miner’s survival state and mental outlook truly, with the beautiful and ugly countering against of human nature he have constructed up his humanity ideal and value. Through his mining novels I try to discuss the significance of the shaft world.This paper consists of three parts. The first chapter, I choose Bottom angle to expound the particularity of miner’s living environment. From some aspects such as dignity-acceptation, dissimilation I analysis the crevice’s life of the miner in the cross-zone of urban and rural areas.the distinctive of his bottom writing lie in that he choose Civilian Perspective to observes the survival state of the public who live in rural area and the mining area, and the author do not highly pay attention to poor life, but highly values in writing intelligent dilemma.The second part explains the particular death-description about the shafts world, and fish out the relatives’painfulness after the miner’s death. The ultimate goal of the death-description is to show solicitude for person and remind people to cherish life, which embody out intense life consciousness.The third part investigate the significance of the shaft world from several aspects as follows, From the angle of human nature, with the pressure of the livelihood, money, the collective of unconscious, I analysis person is ill-natured and the saving-redeem of Human nature, simultaneously, the tender sentiments the truth, good and beauty between the bottom public have become a bright color on the suffering-background of the mining area; analysis the cause of union group’s brutal with the psychoanalysis collective; the female insufficiency lead to Amphiprotic tragedy of the mining area; the proper folk custom of mining area show the survival fantastic. The purpose of the writing is to pay more attention to person survival situation and confirm people’s value, which embodied the humanism feelings.

【关键词】 刘庆邦矿井世界人性
【Key words】 Liu Qing Bangshaft worldhuman nature

