

Research on the Construction of Public Service System in Rural Areas of Shaanxi Province

【作者】 靳小燕

【导师】 周恩毅;

【作者基本信息】 西安建筑科技大学 , 行政管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 陕西省的农村公共服务体系经过建设,从总体上说取得了比较大的成绩,农村的生产生活质量得到了很大的改善。但总体水平仍然较低,与城市比较存在着较大的差距。城市公共服务基本上由国家通过财政手段予以提供,城市居民在医疗、就业、住房、社会保障等方面均享有优待;而农村公共服务基本上由农民自主解决或通过集体制度外筹资金解决,国家只提供适当的补助。城乡公共服务二元分割的制度安排,不仅造成农村公共物品与服务供给不足、供需结构失衡,而且致使城乡差距扩大,不利于广大农村人口享受平等的国民待遇,并影响到和谐城乡关系的构建及整个社会的进步和发展。近年来,陕西省各级政府采取了一系列有效的政策措施,扩大了公共财政覆盖农村的范围,增加了财政对农业和农村发展的投入,把对农村基础设施建设、文化教育、医疗卫生和社会保障等公共产品的供给作为社会主义新农村建设的重要内容,有效地推动了新农村建设和农村公共服务体系建设。但总体来看,由于长期实行城乡二元分割的公共服务供给机制,大城市与大农村并存,城乡之间、区域之间、行业之间、部门之间的农村公共服务事业差距较大。农村公共服务发展还依然相对滞后,特别是与城市相比,农村的公共设施建设,以及教育、卫生、文化、体育和社会保障等大大落后于城市,城乡差别呈扩大趋势;农村公共服务供给主体不明,供给不足,城乡及农村之间公共服务不均等现象比较突出;以工促农、以城带乡的长效机制和城乡公共产品均等供给机制尚未建立。相对于西方发达国家,陕西省关于农村公共服务体系相关理论的研究才刚刚起步,理论研究仅限于该领域初始层面。对陕西而言,此方面研究更是少之又少,这也正是本文研究的初衷和出发点。本文主要探讨目前陕西省农村公共服务不完善的相关原因。通过问卷调查理和统计分析,了解和掌握陕西省农村公共服务体系建设的实际状况和存在的问题,探讨产生这些问题的相关原因并提出相应对策。

【Abstract】 The construction of rural public service system in Shaanxi Province, generally speaking, gained relatively large achievements, and quality of production and life has been greatly improved. But compared with the city, the overall level is still low in rural areas and there is a big gap between them. Public services in the city are to be provided through financial means basically, and urban residents are entitled to preferential treatment in the medical treatment, employment, housing, social security and so on; rural public services are essentially resolved by the farmers themselves or through collective funds raised outside the system, and the state only provide appropriate assistance. The dual arrangement of public service system in urban and rural areas, not only causes insufficient supply of public goods and services in rural areas, and structural imbalance of supply and demand, but also enlarges the gap between urban and rural areas, which is not in favor of the vast rural population to enjoy equal national treatment, and affects the construction of harmonious relationship between urban and rural areas, and the social progress and development.In recent years, governments at all levels in Shaanxi Province has adopted a series of effective policies and measures to expand the scope of public finance coverage in rural areas, to increase financial investment in agricultural and rural development, and set the construction of rural infrastructure, education, health care and social security and other public goods supplying as an important content of building new socialist countryside, to effectively promote the building of the new country and the rural public service system. Overall speaking, however, due to the long implementation of the dual arrangement of public service supply between urban and rural and the coexistence of big cities and large rural areas, big gaps exist between urban and rural areas, between regions, industries, and departments of public services. The development of rural public services has remained relatively stagnant, especially when compared with the urban, the rural public facilities, education, health, culture, sports and social security lags far behind cities, and urban-rural division is widening; the main supplier of public services in rural areas are not clear, supply of public services is inadequate; then long-term mechanism of promoting agriculture and country by industry and city has not been established.In contrast to Western developed countries, Shaanxi Province, has just started the research on the theory of rural public service system, and theoretical research in this area is limited to the surface. To Shaanxi Province, the research in this area is even fewer, which is the original purpose and the starting point of this essay. This paper will discuss the related reasons for the current inadequate public services in rural areas in Shaanxi Province. Through questionnaires and statistical analysis, understand and know the actual situation and problems of the construction of rural public service system in Shaanxi Province, and discuss the related reasons for these problems and propose countermeasures.


