

Study on the Economy of GSHPs’ Application in the New Buildings and the Policy Suggestion

【作者】 杨文芳

【导师】 李芊;

【作者基本信息】 西安建筑科技大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 因资源的紧张和建筑的高能耗,节能成为世界各国建筑能源战略的重要内容。目前中国正处于工业化和经济化快速发展的重要阶段,据有关专家统计:以后20年内,每年的新建建筑面积约20亿m2,而仅仅依靠目前50%和65%的建筑节能设计标准根本无法满足世界建筑节能的要求,更何况目前的这个设计标准在实际中根本就达不到。因此必须考虑地源热泵等可再生能源在建筑中的应用。可再生能源的应用可以在满足用户生活舒适性要求的前提下,有效地减少建筑消耗,节约能源,产生巨大的经济效益和环境效益。地源热泵建筑在国外起步较早,很多国家这项技术的研发投资较多,技术相对成熟,在其推广上也是不遗余力。而国内尚处在起步阶段,政府在地源热泵的推广上也是出台不少政策法规,但其在建筑中的推广方面仍很缓慢。其原因除了技术和评估标准外,其主要原因是对地源热泵的建筑应用的经济性的研究较少,而这也正是制约国内地源热泵推广的主要原因。本文的研究首先分析地源热泵在建筑中发展缓慢的经济原因:社会认知化问题、初期投资高和政策障碍。然后运用经济学的相关方法和理论分析地源热泵在建筑中的推广,最终是可以得到多方赢利的效果:运用消费者供求理论和剩余理论对地源热泵在建筑市场的需求和供给进行分析,结果说明了地源热泵在建筑中有巨大的市场需求,可以作为新的投资方向,但是其市场供给严重不足;利用初投资、年经营成本、现金流量法等主要因素分析比较了地源热泵同常规中央空调和空气源热泵的经济性,结果表明建筑采用地源热泵系统是最经济的;提出推广地源热泵政府应采取行政手段引导、强制性措施、经济性手段引导和其它加快地源热泵技术在建筑中应用的政策意见等系统性建议和措施,最终由政府站在“第三者”的角度支持,鼓励全社会参与,有效地促进地源热泵在建筑中的应用。最后在文章的结尾对全文进行总结,并提出进一步研究的内容。本文对地源热泵在建筑中应用的经济性的研究和政策建议,便于开发商和消费者正确认识地源热泵在建筑中的经济效益,从而使开发商把握投资机会,消费者愿意接受地源热泵技术,并且购买应用地源热泵的建筑。也有利于促进政府促进地源热泵在建筑市场的推广力度,从而促进地源热泵在建筑的发展。

【Abstract】 Because of limitation of resource, high cost of buildings, the energy conservation has become the important content in the buildings energy strategy every country in the world. China is now in the stage of urbanization and rapid development of industrialization, in the next 15 years, the increasing buildings is about 2 billion m2 every year, but it can’t satisfy the request of buildings energy conservation in the word only depend on 50% or 65% of the design standard of the energy conservation in the present and the fact is that it can not reach this design stardard now. Therefore, considering the application of renewable energy such as Ground-Source Heat Pump systems(GSHPs) etc in the construction field is necessary. The application of renewable energies in the buildings can effectively reduce the consumption of energies and will produce large economic benefit and environmental benefit while satisfying the living comfortableness required by the users. The Ground-Source Heat Pump buildings starts early in the foreign countries and many countries invest more for the Research and development(R & D) of this technology and it is relative mature, they also spare no effort in the promotion of it. However the development of GSHPs is at the initial stage in our country, many concerned policies about this technology have been drawed and improved by government, but the speed of its development in the buildings is still slow. Besides the reason of the GSHPs technology and the standard of its assessment at home, the main reason of it is that there is less economic research for the GSHPs and it is also the main reason that restrict the development of GSHPs.This thesis studies on reasons that GSHPs develops slowly in buildings field:The society recognization problem and invested high at the initial stage and policy obstacle. Then according to interrelated economic analysis, come to the result that GSHPs can receive payoff by many partners:applying consumer demand and consumer surplus to analyze GSHPs supply and demand, and we can conclude that it is needed by market and can be a new investment direction,but its market supplies is serious shortage; comparing the economy between GSHPs’and traditional air-conditioning systems’,the air-source heat pump systems’ using the main factors of economy analysis such as initial investment,operating expenses, the cash discharge method, etc, and the result is that the application of GSHPs in the buildings is the most economic; and finally, the paper give the advice of popularizing GSHPs such as administration policy,law policy,economy policy and so on. The Government is required to implement these policies, and encourage the whole societies to participate to popularize application of GSHPs in the buildings. At last, it gives the conclusion and prospect in the end.The economic analysis and the policy suggestions of GSHPs in the buildings of this paper help providers to know its benefit rightly and invest properly; and help consumers to know and andaccept it and also helps government to promote GSHPs’ policies. thus will promote its development in the buildings.

  • 【分类号】TU831
  • 【被引频次】20
  • 【下载频次】1367

