

Study on the Influence of Piston Wind on Subway Safety Gate System of Environmental Control on Ventilation Effect

【作者】 王乐

【导师】 赵蕾;

【作者基本信息】 西安建筑科技大学 , 供热、供燃气、通风及空调工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 以西安地铁二号线省体育场站为原型,建立该车站的三维几何模型。将车站内的空气流动视为三维、不可压缩、非稳态的湍流流动,选用标准k-ε两方程,并运用有限体积法对控制方程进行离散。采用了动网格技术,编制Porfile文件程序,来模拟列车的不同运动过程。在数值模拟求解过程中使用弹性光滑和局部重构相结合的网格生成方法。本文分别设隧道出入口、轨顶轨底排风口和自动扶梯出入口为自由出流和压力出口两种不同的边界条件,并对这两种条件下的流场仿真结果进行了分析比较,选出了较为合理的边界条件。进一步通过数值模拟,研究了列车以不同初速度匀减速进站过程中,区间隧道和地铁站台内的速度场、温度场的变化状况,对活塞风口、轨顶排风口、轨底排风口的泄流排热作用和活塞风对自动扶梯出入口的速度场、温度场的影响规律。并研究了采用不同高度安全门系统时活塞风对车站内各区域速度场和温度场的影响,分析得出站台风速和温度在纵向、竖向和水平方向上分布的特点和楼梯口、自动扶梯出入口风速随时间变化的规律,分析结果表明2.2米高度的安全门系统站台区受活塞风的影响较小。

【Abstract】 Takeing the provincial sports station of secend line of Xi’an subway network of as prototype, establishes 3 dimensional geometric model was to study the flow within the station and tunnel incompressible, unsteady turbulent flow. Standard k-εequations are chosen and the finite volume method is used to control equations. Dynamic grid technique and discretion "Porfile" document make adopted to simulate procedure the train movement in different stage. In numerical simulation process both flexible smoothing and local re-drawing were combined for generating grid.The boundary conditions of tunnel entrances, the vents of the rail roof and bottom and the escalator entrance are set at free flow and pressure outflow.Besides through comparing these two kinds of boundary conditions, we can get more reasonable and accurate boundary condition. Trough numerical simulation, we can obtain releasing flow and exhaust heat effect of piston exhaust outlet, head track exhaust outlet, rail foot exhaust outlet, and this caused by the changes of the velocity and temperature fields within sector tunnel and in subway platform in the process of uniformly retarded motion at different early speed,meanwhile we can know the influence regulation in velocity and temperature fields in escnalators inlet and outlet generated by piston wind. By analyzing the effect to subway platform’s velocity and temperature fields generated by piston wind in different height of Subway security door and through analysis, we obtain velocity distribution and temperature distribution’s features in longitudinal direction, horizontal direction and lateral direction, and also we obtain the change regulation of wind speed follow different time in Stairs, escalators, entrances and exits, The safe door system that analyzes a result to express 2.2 meters height under the influence of piston wind smaller.


