

The Development of College Logistics Website and Research of Logistics Enterprise Culture

【作者】 卢江梅

【导师】 卫军英;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 新闻学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 我国高校后勤企业文化建设研究主要集中在“高校后勤企业文化的内涵”、“高校后勤企业文化建设的途径”以及“高校后勤业文化建设的作用”等几个方面,而高校后勤网站与高校后勤企业文化的研究却很少。本文重点对高校后勤网和高后勤BBS的内容特点以及其在后勤企业文化建设中的作用进行了研究,并针对其中存在的问题提出了建设性方案。高校后勤新闻网和高校后勤BBS以自身特有的传播优势和特点受到学生的青睐,其鲜活的新闻信息、交互性和平等自由的交流方式都深深吸引着校内广大师生员工,使他们成为高校后勤网站中最活跃的两大板块,从而在校园文化建设中发挥着更大的作用。但是另一方面高校后勤网站中的新闻网,尤其是高校后勤BBS在校园文化建设中也存着负面的影响,如何建设好高校后勤网站,使其正确引导学生健康地学习生活成为必须解决好的问题。本文结合我国高校后勤网站的发展现状进行阐述,重点分析高校后勤新闻网与企业文化建设的关系,论述了高校后勤网在传播校园文化、型塑校园文化的方面的作用、意义、方式与特点。同时比较了普通校园BBS与后勤BBS的异同,详细阐述了后勤BBS的内容构成和传播特点,最后分析了后勤BBS在校园文化建设中的作用。

【Abstract】 The study of China’s college logistics enterprise culture, which have focused on " the content of college logistics enterprise culture ", "approaches to the construction of college logistics enterprise culture" and "the role of the construction of college logistics enterprise culture", etc. while researches on enterprise culture of college logistic website are few. The paper, based on the network of college logistics, focuses on logistics network and features of BBS on college Logistics as well as their role in the construction of enterprise culture, and puts forward some practical suggestions on the problems. Among so many sections of college logistics website,with their own unique advantages and characteristics, News and BBS are the most popular with students of all ages. News Network with live news and information, and BBS with equality and freedom of interaction and communication methods are so attractive to the students and the staffs in the college that the two sites have become the most active two plates. Therefore, they play more important roles in the construction of campus culture. On the other hand, news website, especially on college campuses and cultural construction of the Logistics BBS, has also maintained a negative impact. How to build a good college logistics network and give the right guide to students to a healthy life and learning should be solved properly.The paper illustrates the current development of China’s college logistics website,which focuses on analysing college logistics news website and the construction of college logistics enterprise culture as an important part of logistics website, with the existence, meaning, method and characteristics of its spreading and building-up campus culture. The paper mainly focuses on the analysis of BBS content and features. It begin with ordinary BBS, comparing the similarities and differences between general campus BBS and logistics BBS, on this basis, details the contents of the characteristics of logistics BBS, and the role in the construction of campus culture in the final.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 10期
  • 【分类号】G647.4
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】152

