

【作者】 陈斐蓉

【导师】 邵彦;

【作者基本信息】 中央美术学院 , 美术学, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 在书画鉴藏史研究中,人们的眼光集中于苏州、南京、北京等重点区域,边缘地域的研究价值则未获得重视。本文选择明代嘉靖年间(1522-1566)宁波地区以丰坊、范钦和范大澈为代表的三种收藏家类型为重点研究对象,通过史料之钩沉、藏品之清理,对他们三人的生平事迹、收藏活动、收藏特点和收藏关系展开研究,反映出宁波地区金石书画收藏的地域性特点。同时,从宁波地区与苏州地区的藏家组成、藏品结构、鉴藏理念、收藏影响艺术的比较中,获得地域性收藏之于鉴藏史的一些思考与启发。由于宁波对日交流的地理优势,本文还考察了嘉靖年间宁波文人群体与日本遣明使的交往活动,突出了宁波收藏独具的开放性特点。

【Abstract】 When researching the connoisseurship and collecting of Chinese painting and calligraphy, scholars tend to focus on collecting practice in such major cities as Suzhou, Nanjing, and Beijing. This thesis focuses on three types of collectors in the persons and collections of Feng Fang, Fan Qin, and Fan Dache, who lived in the relatively peripheral area of Ningbo during Emperor Jiajing’s reign in the Ming dynasty. Based on historical documents and the contents of several collections, this thesis will explore the careers, collecting activities, and characteristics of the collections of these three Ningbo collectors to reveal regional characteristics in the practice of collecting ancient bronze and stone objects, painting, and calligraphy in Ningbo. At the same time, by comparing the social backgrounds, collecting strategies, collection components, and relations to art creation of these Ningbo collectors with those of their counterparts in Suzhou, critical issues will be raised and discussed with respect to the study of regional collecting practice. Because of its location, Ningbo had close relationships with Japan; therefore, cultural exchanges between Ningbo literati and Japanese envoys to Ming China during Emperor Jiajing’s reign will be studied to highlight the unique characteristics of collection practice in Ningbo.

  • 【分类号】J209.2
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】336

