

【作者】 李修燕

【导师】 范迪安;

【作者基本信息】 中央美术学院 , 美术学, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 中国民间美术是中国劳动人民因生产生活需要而创造的美术形式,它反映了劳动人民的审美情趣和思想信仰。在自给自足的农耕时代,民间美术的发展与劳动人民的生活相始终。可是由于经济以及政治等原因,流传了几千年的民间美术在社会剧烈变化的20世纪受到了严重损害。人们意识到若是不及时抢救和保护,将会带来不可估量的损失。同时,国家开始重视对非物质文化遗产的保护,民间美术作为非物质文化遗产的一种重要形态在美术界受到了极大的关注。美术博物馆作为重要的文化艺术机构,在保存和保护民间美术工作中起着不可替代的作用。美术馆通过收藏美术作品及文本、影像等物化载体对民间美术进行抢救性保护,以为我们保存民族的文化记忆;通过丰富的展览形式向人们传递民间美术的艺术及文化内涵,加强对民间美术的宣传与推广。本文以中国美术馆为例,从美术馆的收藏与展览两大功能角度来深入探究美术馆对民间美术的保护作用。本文的研究建立在大量的文献资料阅读和数据资料整理之上,从博物馆学的角度出发,结合管理学、社会学、文化遗产学等科学方法,对“美术馆对民间美术的保护作用”进行全方位、多层次的研究,旨在对美术馆这一艺术机构在民间美术保护中所发挥的作用进行理论透析和实例论证,为我国各地区美术馆保护民间美术提供现实参照。

【Abstract】 Chinese folk art is the art form that Chinese working people created for the needs of production and lives, it is a reflection of their aesthetic tastes and cultural ideas. In the era of self-sufficient farming, the folk art developed with the lives of working people from beginning to end. However, due to the economic and political and other reasons,the folk art spreading for thousands of years have been seriously damaged in the 20th when changed dramatic. People realized that if not be rescued and protected timely, it will bring us an immeasurable loss. Meanwhile, the government began to pay attention to the protection of intangible cultural heritage,and as an important form, folk art was attached a great deal of attention.As an important cultural institutions, art museum plays an irreplaceable role in the work of preserving and protecting folk art. Art museum protects folk art through the collection of works、text、video and so on; spreads the nation’s artistic and cultural content by rich exhibition of folk art.Taking the case of National Art Museum of China, this paper goes into details about the two functions of collecting and exhibiting to discuss the protection for folk art from art museum This article based on abundant documents and data statistics,carried out all-around and multi-tiered research on "the protective effect on folk art from art museum" in the point view of the Museology theory combined with management、sociology,with the aim to provide the assessment to the art museums of our country that will protect folk art.

  • 【分类号】J209.2
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】418

