

【作者】 许路娟

【导师】 赵力;

【作者基本信息】 中央美术学院 , 美术学, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 本文基于任伯年在画史上的地位及其影响力,通过对清末民国时期上海画坛的分析,梳理出一个受任伯年绘画影响的画家群体,并确立其为任伯年画派。现有的关于任伯年的研究,基本上都是关注和探讨任伯年的生平经历、思想脉络、绘画发展、风格特点以及艺术成就的个案式研究,而本文是把受任伯年影响的画家群体作为研究对象,对其画家主体、绘画风格和艺术特征等进行初步的研究。本文尝试着通过对“任伯年画派”这个新命题的提出以及其画家组成、艺术共性和兴衰变化的分析,阐释一些自己的观点与看法。

【Abstract】 Based on the high status and great influence of Ren Bonian in the history of painting, this thesis, by analyzing the Shanghai painting sphere of the late Qing Dynasty and the period of Republic of China, has established the Ren Bonian Painting School which consists of a group of painters influenced by the paintings of Ren Bonian. The existing researches about Ren Bonian are basically concerning and discussing his life experience, his thoughts, the development and the style of his paintings and his art achievement respectively. However, this thesis mainly studies the group of painters influenced by the paintings of Ren Bonian, and does primary research on the principal part of its painters, the style of its paintings, and its art characteristics. By putting forward this new proposition—the Ren Bonian Painting School, this thesis tries to analyzes its chief members, their common characteristics of art and its thriving and decline, then expatiates on a few its own opinions.

  • 【分类号】J209.9
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】469

