

Land Tax Administrative Compensation

【作者】 张学斌

【导师】 何云鹏;

【作者基本信息】 延边大学 , 宪法学与行政法学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国城市化和工业化进程的不断加速,导致用地需求急剧上升,土地这一基本生产要素的作用愈发重要,但由于一些地方滥占耕地甚至非法征地的现象屡禁不止,大量消耗了本已稀缺的耕地资源。特别是由于土地征收补偿范围狭窄,补偿标准过低,补偿安置方式单一等成为土地征收问题的症结,并成为土地纠纷的主要根源,严重影响了社会的安定。土地征收补偿的核心问题是土地征收补偿的标准,它在征地工作中起着举足轻重的作用。由于我国实行的是土地公有制,土地是不能作为交易的客体的,只有土地使用权可以有偿转让。我国法定的土地征收补偿标准以具体地块的平均亩产值倍数来计算补偿费用,没有体现土地的潜在收益和利用价值,没有考虑土地对农民承担的生产资料和社会保障的双重功能,更没考虑农产品价格扭曲和物价上涨等因素对补偿的影响。补偿标准偏低,引发了大量争议和纠纷,上访事件时有发生。如不及时妥善处理,势必成为新的不稳定因素,影响农村稳定发展大局,并严重阻滞我国农村改革及整个现代化进程,直接关系着构建和谐社会的顺利进行。因此,认真解决当前征地补偿工作中存在的突出问题,特别是从法律上科学界定公益性,合理确定征地补偿标准,有利于从根本上维护被征地农民的根本利益,对于统筹城乡发展,维护公平正义,促进社会和谐都具有重要意义。本文结合公益性的界定对土地补偿标准加以探讨,首先对与土地征收补偿标准相关的基本理论问题进行了阐述,然后运用比较分析的方法,介绍了国外的土地征收补偿标准制度,针对当前土地征收中补偿标准较低的现状,通过系列的调查研究,指出我国土地征收标准所存在的问题,分析现行土地征收补偿标准问题产生的根源。最后,结合土地征收补偿理论、马克思的地租、地价理论、土地市场价格理论,参考国外征地补偿办法,并通过对公益性与非公益性的区分、“产值倍数法”、公平市场价格补偿等研究,提出了完善我国土地征收补偿标准的主要建议:(一)补偿原则法制化;(二)补偿价格市场化:(三)补偿范围扩大化;(四)补偿方式多样化;(五)补偿比例合理化。

【Abstract】 With our country’s industrialization and urbanization becoming faster and faster, the land demand is rising sharply, which makes the basic factor of production become increasingly important. But in some places unauthorized use and expropriation of arable land appears again and again, it is a great waste of the scare arable land. Particularly because land compensation is too narrow, the standard is too low, and the method is single, which makes it become a crux of the land expropriation. And it becomes the major cause which seriously affects the social stability.The key problem of the land expropriation is the compensation standard. It plays an important role in land expropriation. Because of the socialist public ownership of land, the land cannot be traded as an object. Only the use right of land can be transferred. Our country’s statutory land compensation standard depends on a specific terrains of the average output of the exact land, not embodying the land’s potential benefits and the value of use, not thinking about the land of the means of production and social security functions for peasants, yet not considering the price distortions and price increases has affected compensation, the low compensation standards has raised a lot of disputes and issues. True events occur. If not properly dealt with in time, it will be a new instability which affects the stability, development and monasteries our rural reform and the modernization process, which is related to the success of the harmonious society. Therefore to solve the prominent problems in the current land expropriation compensation work, particularly definate public welfare on law and properly make the compensation standard, will not only safeguard the peasants’benefits, but also have the vital significance on maintaining the fairness and justice, and promoting social harmony.This article studies the compensation standard of the land expropriation. Firstly it begins with the elementary theory of land compensates. Then to introduce the overseas the standard system of land expropriation compensates with comparative analysis method. By the series investigation and analysis, the article pointed out the root which the standard question produced. Finally, studying the theory of land expropriation compensates, Marx’s land rent and the soil-rent value theory, the land market price theory, the means of compensates overseas, and through to "the output value times", the fair market price compensates, the research of public welfare with the non-public welfare area classification, it proposed the main suggestion to perfect compensation standard of the land expropriation in our country:(1) Legalize compensation principle; (2) Market-orient compensation price;(3)Enlarge compensation range;(4) Diversify compensation methods; (5) Make the rate of compensation be reasonable.

【关键词】 土地征收行政补偿公益性标准
【Key words】 land expropriationcompensationpublic welfarestandard
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 延边大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 11期
  • 【分类号】D922.3
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】339

