

The Research on Small Property Room of the Legal Issue

【作者】 王玉臻

【导师】 尹太顺;

【作者基本信息】 延边大学 , 民商法学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,小产权房在全国范围内迅猛发展,据国土部门不完全统计,截至2007年上半年,全国小产权房面积已达66亿平方米。“小产权房”是一些村集体组织或者开发商打着新农村建设等名义出售的、建筑在集体土地上的房屋或是由农民自行组织建造的“商品房”。目前国土部等14个部委已成立小产权房整治处理领导小组,正在研究制订小产权房处理政策方案。在借鉴理论界研究成果的基础上,从我国的国情出发提出解决小产权房问题的建议,允许小产权房进行流转并从法律上予以明确将其合法化。小产权房是指在集体所有的土地上建设的房屋,销售给了本集体经济组织之外的成员。它通常是由村民自己或联合开发商,或由乡镇政府联合开发商在集体所有的土地上建设的房屋。与商品房相比较,小产权房有以下特点:第一,没有土地使用权证和国家颁发的房产证;第二,小产权房不受法律保护;第三,小产权房价格低廉;第四,小产权房是建设在集体土地上的房屋,包括建设在宅基地等集体建设用地上的房屋,以及一些非法占用耕地建设的房屋。小产权房在20世纪90年代已经出现,从2003年开始小产权房的性质发生了变化,很多人开始购买小产权房,小产权房的开发建设也开始变为乡镇政府大规模的开发行为。《土地管理法》第63条规定“农民集体所有的土地的使用权不得出让、转让或者出租用于非农业建设”,而小产权房改变了集体土地的用途;另外,根据《物权法》的规定,不动产的转让采取登记生效主义。国务院办公厅及国土资源部从1999年就出台一系列的决定、命令,禁止农村住宅向城镇居民出售,禁止城镇居民在农村购置宅基地,严禁为城镇居民在农村购买和非法建造的住宅发放土地使用权证等。国家出台了一系列的政策禁止小产权房,小产权房仍然迅速发展。从表面分析小产权房产生的直接原因包括高房价的逼迫、利益的驱使以及我国城市住房保障体系的不完善。小产权房问题产生的根本原因在于我国的农村集体土地使用权流转制度,集体土地使用权流转相关立法不完善,使得小产权房在法律的灰色地带得以生存发展。小产权房问题的产生还包括一些社会原因,例如城乡一体化、农村社区化为小产权房提供了发展的平台。小产权房不是在一天发展起来的,与政府的监管不利脱不开关系。小产权房背后有深刻的制度原因、土地产权问题、利益分配问题等。关于小产权房问题的处理,理论界争议很大,有的学者建议严格土地用途管制制度,坚决制止小产权房;有的学者认为,小产权房降低了房价且提高了人民的住房水平和农民的收入水平,应该将其合法化。理论界比较可行的方案包括:1.由政府出面将小产权房纳入住房保障体系;2.在补交相关税费、土地出让金后将小产权房合法化。国务院办公厅及国土资源部自1999年发布了一系列的命令、决定禁止小产权房,2010年的两会上,房价更是成为讨论的热点问题,国务院及国土资源部正在研究小产权房的清理整治方案。实践中,全国各地对小产权房的处理,大多采取拆除的处理方案,也有的地方政府部门将小产权房交易房款认定为非法所得予以没收。这些措施只是在短时期内起到威慑作用,问题并没有从根本上得到解决。文章建议允许小产权房流转,构建小产权房流转的平台,帮助小产权房交易各方处理相关法律、经济问题。当小产权房流转成熟时从法律上予以明确将其合法化,从法律基础和法理基础两方面对小产权房合法化进行了论证。

【Abstract】 The small property room has been a tremendous development all over national scale in the recent years. By half of the year 2007, according to incomplete statistics of the Lands department, the area of the small property room have reached 66 hundred million on a national scale. Small property room is builded in the collective land by some village collective organization or developers what is on the excuse of buildding the new socialist countryside. Special projects on small property room are addressed By department of Homeland. Recently, the Department of Homeland has been making policy and scheme on how to due with the small property room. On the base of scientific commenting on the small property room problems, this article proceed from China’s actual conditions sums up some suggestions to solve the problem, to declare or make the small property room legally valid.The small property room is the house what is builded in collective-owned lands and sold to the people who is not the members of the collective economic organizations, its construction development is made by villagers, developers or township government. The small property room has some characteristics compareing with the commodity housing,1. It is not protected by law;2.No land use right certificates,no land access card.3. Low prices.4. It is builded in the collective-owned lands, which includes house sites and cultivated land. The small property room turned up in the 1990s, and its Properties changed from 2003. Many people began buying small property room, and its construction development become large-scale development behavior. Article 63 The land use right of peasant collectives shall not be leased, transferred or rented for non-agricultural construction, except in the case of legal transfer of the land that conforms to the general plan for the utilization of land and legally obtained by enterprises due to bankruptcy or acquisition. Besides, Article 14 the instauration, alteration, transfer and elimination of property rights of immovables, which should be registered in accordance with law, shall go into effect since they are recorded into registering books for immovables. General office of the state council and ministry of land and resources have issues some decision and ordres which forbid town residents buying rural housing land and issuing land access card to them from 1999. The government had enacted a series of policies to forbid the small property room, but it still developed rapidly. On the face of it, the direct reasons includes the high prices, economic interests, the social security system and the housing problem. And the root cause is the system about the transfer collective construction land use rights, and relevant legislations are imperfect what made small property room develop in the legal grey zone. The development of small property room still includes some social conditions, such as urban-rural integration. Other reasons, the integration of city and countryside provides the platform for development of this problem, and it is not developed in one day. The government unable to meet its obligations, and that is also one of the reasons. Institutional reasons, land rights problem and benefit distribution are behind smallproperty romm problems.Opinion about what could or should be done about the problem has been argued about for years. Some scholars put forward to place a strict control on the usages of land, and resolutely put an end to small property room. Some researchers raised that it should be legalized, because it improved the living conditions of the people and levels of income. The more feasible Scheme of theory circle includes:1. government should bring small property room into housing security system.2. The small property room shuold be made legal after paying back taxes and land transferring fee. From 1999, Ministry of Land and Resources and general office of the state council decreed the chain of command that small property room should be forbidden. In 2010, Housing Price has become a highlighted issue discussed at the Third Plenary Session of the 11th Central Committee. The regulation scheme are under review by the state council.These measures are having a noticeable impact in a short time, but the problems still exist. Throughout the country, "small property room" is deal with illegal construction, There are some local government confiscate purchasing money for real estate as ill-gotten gains. Base on many theories, we propose some suggestions to solve the problem. To permit transfers of small property room, and discuss the possible problems, and build the flow of the Small property room-Platform to help people resolve economic problems and legal questions. When it ripes,we can provid a legal basis for transfers. And proved the feasibility to legalize the small property room, base on theoretical analysis and fundamentals of Law.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 延边大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 11期
  • 【分类号】D922.181
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】1738
  • 攻读期成果

