

A Study on the Development of Livestock Husbandry in Yanbian

【作者】 张林国

【导师】 王国臣;

【作者基本信息】 延边大学 , 中国少数民族经济, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 畜牧业是农业和农村经济中的重要组成部分,畜牧业的发展有利于改善农业结构,推动现代农业的发展;有利于繁荣农村经济,提高农民收入;有利于合理开发和有效利用生物资源;有利于改善人民群众的膳食结构,提高生活水平。吉林省于2008年提出到2020年发展成为全国畜牧业大省的目标,使延边畜牧业在改革开放以来实现快速发展的基础上,又迎来了新的机遇。延边如何紧密结合实际,突出特色和优势,抓住机遇,实现畜牧业跨越式发展,需要科学和系统地谋划未来畜牧业的发展思路。本文从延边畜牧业的发展历程、总体水平、产业地位、生产方式、科技应用与推广、行政管理和服务等方面介绍了延边畜牧业的现状,并藉此提出了延边大力发展畜牧业的必要性。结合延边所处的地理位置和生态环境、独特的畜禽品种资源、法律和政策保障体系、人才队伍和科研基础分析了发展畜牧业的优势,着重从资金因素、从业人员素质、产业化程度、管理水平等方面分析了对延边畜牧业发展的制约。本文以可持续发展理论、循环经济理论、生态农业理论为指导,结合延边发展畜牧业的基础和优势,采用比较分析和历史分析等方法,提出了延边发展畜牧业的思路和构想。一是大力发展特色畜牧业,针对延边发展猪、鸡等常规品种在竞争中不具优势的实际,提出大力发展延边特色畜禽品种的观点,在产品的选择上,重点突出延边黄牛、蜜蜂、鹿,以及依托野生动物品种资源驯化繁育的森林鸡、森林猪等特有品种,走差异化路线。二是生态型畜牧业的模式选择,提出了推进资源循环利用的家庭分散饲养生态模式和规模化养殖小区生态模式。三是推进畜牧业产业化进程。首先分析了提高分散养殖户的组织化程度的四种模式,提出了扶持龙头企业发展、加强畜牧业养殖小区建设、提高家畜繁育改良整体水平和开发饲草饲料资源等夯实畜牧产业化基础的具体建议。四是保证畜产品的质量安全。根据国家对畜产品安全等级的划分,提出了推广健康养殖,提升绿色畜产品的比重;加强动物疫病防控体系建设,提高疫情应对能力的建议。五是充分发挥政府在发展畜牧业中的作用,解决畜牧业发展的资金瓶颈问题。

【Abstract】 Livestock husbandry is an important part of the agriculture and rural economy. Development of livestock husbandry is helpful to improve the agricultural structure and promote the modern agriculture. It is beneficial to the prosperity of the rural economy and increases farmers’ income, beneficial to reasonable development and the effective utilization of biological resources, as well as improvement of people’s diet structure and living standard.JiLin Province submitted the goal in 2008:it is expected that in 2020, JiLin will become one of the major livestock breeding provinces in China. Yanbian livestock husbandry is facing a good opportunity after making rapid development since reform and opening-up. The factor provides Yanbian livestock husbandry with new opportunity after rapid development since reform and opening-up.How to combine with practice closely, grasp the chance, accelerate leap-forward development, We are in need of scientific and systematic planning ideas, which concern development of Yanbian livestock husbandry.This article describes the status of Yanbian livestock husbandry from several aspects, development process, general standard, industry position, mode of production, technology application and promotion, administration and services. Therefore, proposes the necessity of developing livestock husbandry in full blast.The paper makes a comprehensive analysis of advantages on the Geographical location and ecological environment, Unique animal species resources of livestock and poultry, Legal and policy system, The basis of talent and scientific research, then does a systematic study on the constraints of Financial factors, The quality of employees, Degree of industrialization and Management.Under the Theories of Sustainable Development, cycle-economics and Eco-Agricultural, in the ways of comparison analysis and historic analysis, uniting advantage and basis of Yanbian livestock husbandry, the article advances basic clues for development of livestock husbandry.First, devoting major efforts to developing characteristic stock raising.Yanbian has no advantage in the competition of Development of pigs, chickens and other conventional varieties. In view of this fact, the paper presents the following stands points:characteristics species of animals and poultry should be vigorously developed, specific species should be Focusing on, such as Yanbian Cattle, Bee, Deer, taming Forest chicken, taming forest pigs and so on. Livestock husbandry of Yanbian is in need of differentiation strategy.Second, Selection of ecological livestock husbandry, bring to family scattered breeding that promotes recycling resources and Large-scale breeding ecological patterns.Third, promoting the industrialization process of livestock husbandry is very necessary.The paper analyzes four modes of improving organization of the dispersed culturist.A number of recommendations are made to consolidate the basis of Livestock Industry for supporting leading enterprises, Improving Breeding Areas of Livestock husbandry, upgrading the whole level of Livestock breeding and Developing forage resourcesFourth, we must ensure the quality and safety of livestock products.According to the security level of the livestock division, some suggestions were put forward.such as enhancing the proportion of green livestock products and Promoting healthy breeding, Strengthening Animal Disease Prevention System and Improving response capacity of epidemic situationFifth, giving full play to the government’s role and solving the problem of capital bottleneck in the process of development of livestock husbandry.

【关键词】 延边畜牧业特色生态产业化
【Key words】 Yanbianlivestock husbandrycharacteristicecologyIndustrialization
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 延边大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 11期
  • 【分类号】F326.3
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】327

