

Study on Model Improvement of F Corporation Based on R&D Project Selection

【作者】 秦朝进

【导师】 邵建平;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 工商管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着经济全球化的发展,企业面对国内、国际竞争,只有取得综合竞争优势,才能立于不败之地。对于高新技术企业,研发新产品是企业取得竞争优势的基础,而研发项目的合理选择是企业取得竞争优势的前提。研发项目选择是企业研发活动的战略性环节,极其重要且非常复杂。由于研发活动存在不可逆、高投入、高风险、高回报等特性,研发项目选择已成为国内外企业投资关注的首要环节。合理有效的研发项目选择,是研发项目成功的根本,关系到项目的投资收益及产品后续的生产、营销活动,直接影响企业在行业中的地位与发展。然而,研发项目的选择,需要综合考虑企业内外环境,根据企业现有的资源状况、技术能力、管理能力及企业的整体战略等因素评估而定。要合理有效选择研发项目,一套完整、科学、全面的研发项目选择模式是至关重要的。F公司为近年成立的高科技企业,公司研发项目选择评估多采用传统的评估方法,以及个人感性判断决策,由于采用这一研发项目选择模式,研发项目存在诸多问题,公司经营已陷入困境。面对此局面,如何将公司原研发项目选择模式进行改进,是本文的重要课题。本文通过对研发项目选择评估方法的概述,对常用研发项目选择方法进行分析、比较,结合F公司的实际情况,提出F公司研发项目选择模式改进对策及实施方案,以提高F公司研发项目选择的有效性,降低投资风险。

【Abstract】 With the development of economic globalization, enterprises can establish an invulnerable position only by overall competitive advantages in front of domestic or international competition. For the high-tech enterprises, researching and developing new products is the basis to get better advantages, Therefore, The right selection of R & D project is the precondition.Selection of R&D project is a vital and complicated part of enterprises R&D activities. It has become the first priority of domestic foreign investment due to its non-reversibility, high investment, high risk and high return. To select the R&D project reasonably is the essence of success of enterprise that can cause great impact to project investment and return, as well as the production and marketing. But, Selection of R&D project should based on internal or external situation, enterprise resources, technology ability, administration ability and overall strategies. A complete and scientific selection method of R&D project is very important to make reasonable project selection.Company F is established as a high-tech enterprise recently. Most of R&D project selections and assessments are made by traditional methods or decided by personal judgments. Therefore, many issues are caused by this selection method that company had got into trouble. Hence, a key point of this paper is that how to improve the original R&D project selection model under current complicated situation.This paper briefly described assessment methods of R&D project selection and made comparison and analysis of general selection methods, as well as raised out the suggestion and solution of R&D project selection for company F based on its current situation to improve the effectiveness of project selection to reduce the risk of investment.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 02期
  • 【分类号】F272
  • 【下载频次】120

