

Study on BVTC of Teacher Pay Incentive Mechanism

【作者】 李振选

【导师】 何丽红; 刘健锋;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 工商管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 广东白云学院自1989年开办至今,在广东民办高校中处于领先地位,特别是职业教育,在全国高校都具有鲜明的特色。2005年,广东白云学院被教育部批准为普通本科院校。作为一所新的本科院校,广东白云学院的特色、优势只是相对于高等职业教育而言,而对于普通本科教育则是全新的挑战。这些特色、优势如果不能很好的转化为动力,不但不能促进学校的发展,反而会阻碍学校的发展。所以,广东白云学院要想在普通本科教育办出特色、办出优势、办出知名度,必须重塑教师团队,打造一支师德高尚、业务精良、创新卓越的高素质教师队伍。教师队伍的重塑意味着学院的薪酬制度不仅能够稳定现有教师队伍,特别是能够留住高能力、高学历、高职称的教师,同时,还要能吸引其他高校的高素的教师的加入。所以,研究学院的薪酬制度、建立一套科学合理、行之有效的教师薪酬激励机制具有非常重要的现实意义。本文以广东白云学院为研究对象,运用激励理论以及薪酬理论,采用实证调查分析等方法,在分析学院现行薪酬制度存在的问题及其原因基础上,提出了构建学院教师薪酬激励机制的具体步骤和内容:首先提出教师薪酬激励机制的目标是以学院发展战略为核心、重塑一支能满足普通本科教育需要的教师队伍;同时指出在构建教师薪酬激励机制时必须遵循目标原则、公平原则、激励原则、竞争原则等;其次是运用要素计点法来分别确定教师的岗位工资、绩效工资、特殊岗位津贴的薪酬水平;然后从岗位工资、绩效工资、特殊岗位津贴等方面入手设计了教师的薪酬激励机制;最后从人力资源管理和福利制度这两个方面提出教师薪酬激励机制构建的保障措施。

【Abstract】 Guangdong Baiyun Institute has run since 1989, in Guangdong, a leading private universities, especially vocational education, universities in the country has distinct features. In 2005, Guangdong Baiyun Institute of the Ministry of Education approval for the ordinary colleges and universities. As a new university, Guangdong Baiyun Institute of features, advantage is merely relative to the higher vocational education, and for general undergraduate education is a new challenge. These features, advantages, if not well into a driving force not only failed to promote the development of schools, it will hinder the development of the school. Therefore, Guangdong Baiyun Institute succeed in general undergraduate education unique, do the advantages of running out of awareness, teachers need to reshape the team, build a ethical, professional and sophisticated, high-quality innovation and excellent teachers. Rebuilding means that college teachers pay system not only to stabilize the existing teachers, in particular, is able to retain high-capacity, highly educated teachers titles, while still able to attract other colleges and universities the quality of its teachers to join. Therefore, the Research Institute of the pay system, to establish a scientific and rational, effective teacher incentive pay has a very important practical significance.In this paper, Guangdong Baiyun Institute for the study, incentive theory, and compensation theory, using empirical analysis, investigation, Institute of the existing remuneration system in the analysis problem and the reasons put forward based on the Institute of teacher salaries and incentives build concrete steps and:first make teacher pay incentives aim at the core of faculty development strategies, reshaping a general undergraduate education to meet the needs of teachers; also pointed out that the salaries of teachers in the building incentive mechanism must follow the targets and principles of fairness, incentive principle, the principle of competition, etc.; followed by the total point method using elements of the respective positions of teacher salaries, performance pay, special pay post allowance level; and from the post salary, performance pay, special post allowances and other aspects of the design of the salaries of teachers incentives; last from human resources management and welfare system both teacher pay incentives put forward build safeguards.

【关键词】 薪酬教师激励机制
【Key words】 Teacher salariesincentivesmechanism
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 04期
  • 【分类号】G647.23
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】307

