

Perfecting the Legal Analysis of the Collective Contract System

【作者】 赵杰

【导师】 俞树毅;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 法律, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 笔者通过案例对集体合同制度进行了全面而细致的分析和整理,初步将集体合同制度系统化。然后指出了我国集体合同制度存在的问题和不足,从而进一步提出解决问题的方法和建议以及由此产生的重要意义。以我国目前的立法现状来看,我国的《劳动合同法》虽与早前的《劳动法》相较,在集体合同制度的规定方面有了很大进步,但仍旧存在着巨大缺陷和不足,仍旧没有为我国的集体合同制度建设一个完整的法律制度所需的框架。比如它仍没有制定出集体合同的要约和承诺制度,没有规定签订合同不成功相应的处理措施,没有规定产生、变更与解除集体合同的程序,没有规定违反集体合同行为的构成要件及违约责任的承担等等。并且这些内容正是构建集体合同制度的核心要素。另外,笔者认为,中国的集体合同制度的建立不同于西方国家是劳资关系严重冲突的产物,中国的国情决定中国的集体合同制度的建立必须要有中国特色,即工会要在政府的领导下推动集体合同的建立,因此工会要在集体合同制度的建立上发挥积极的作用。

【Abstract】 The author through a case make a comprehensive and detailed analysis and sorting at collective contract system, and conform the initial systematic collective contract system.Then pointed out that the collective contract system in china the problems and deficiencies, so as to further propose solutions to the problems and recommendations, and the resulting significance.On the current situation of the current legislation, and the "Labor Law" in comparison, although the "Labor Contract Law" provisions in the collective contract system has made great progress, but I believe that the "Labor Contract Law" on the provisions of the collective contract system still exist inadequacies, "Labor Contract Law" is still not for the collective contract system as a system to build up the framework needed. Looking at the "Labour Contract Law" on the content of the provisions of the collective contract,the existing provisions of the collective contract simply does not constitute legal system.For example,it does not provide for the collective contract offer and commitment to the system, does not provide for consultation and coordination how to deal with; does not require changes to lift the collective contract procedures; breach of the collective contract does not provide for the composition of elements, as well as liable for breach of the collective contract processing;and so on.Which is precisely the content of the essential characteristics of the collective contract system. In addition, the author believes that the collective contract system in China differs from Western countries to establish a product of labour relations serious conflict, China’s national conditions decide China’s establishment of the collective contract system must have Chinese characteristics, namely, trade unions under the leadership of the government to promote the establishment of a collective contract, so trade unions in the establishment of a collective contract system to play an active role.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 11期
  • 【分类号】D922.52
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】360

