

The Pattern Selection on Finance Supports Construction of Urban Infrastructure in Qinghai Province

【作者】 刘猛

【导师】 成学真;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 金融学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本文系统述评了金融支持城市基础设施建设的理论,阐释了金融促进城市基础设施建设和区域经济发展的主要作用和功能,论述了金融推动城市基础设施建设和经济发展的作用机理。文章通过总结金融支持促进城市基础设施建设和经济发展的一般模式和成功经验,并运用比较分析的方法,分析青海省金融支持的现状和制约因素,探讨得出现阶段适合青海省城市基础设施建设的金融支持模式为开发性金融为主导,商业性金融为补充的模式。通过对国家开发银行支持青海省城市基础设施建设的信贷实践以及具体项目的案例分析,阐述了以开发性金融为主导,商业性金融为补充的模式支持城市基础设施建设的具体做法,阐述了这一模式在青海省城市基础设施建设中发挥的重要作用。金融支持青海省基础设施建设既要与青海省基础设施现状与经济发展水平相适应,又要体现金融资本价值运动的一般规律。现阶段,处理好开发性金融和商业性金融的关系,在开发性金融为主导、商业性金融为补充的支持模式下,还应及时发现和解决出现的问题,才能为城市基础设施建设提供持续、有效、稳定的金融支持。

【Abstract】 The thesis comments the theory that finance supports the construction of urban infrastructure and explained the main function that finance promotes regional construction of infrastructure and regional economic growth. The thesis also explains the inherent mechanism on how finance promotes the construction of urban infrastructure and economic growth. Then it introduces the general pattern and successful experiences on how finance supports the city’s infrastructure construction and economic development. By using of the comparative analysis method, we analyze the status and constraints of financial supports in Qinghai province, explore the suitable development model for itself at present—development finance should be the dominant factor and business finance should be the complementary ingredient. Then through the case studies of financial supports on the construction of urban infrastructure by China Development Bank Qinghai Branch, we describe the way in which the development finance supports the urban infrastructure. Then, by the practice of China Development Bank supports the urban infrastructure in Qinghai, we explain that the pattern plays an import part in the construction of urban infrastructure in Qinghai province.The finance supports construction of urban infrastructure in Qinghai province should not only be suitable to the reality and the level of economic growth, but also follow the general law of financial capital value movement. In order to provide sustaining, effective and stable finance support, we should deal with the relationship between the development finance and business finance properly. In the mode that the development finance plays the dominating role and the business finance is supplementary at the present period, we should also find and solve the problems timely.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 02期

