

Study on Evolution of Water Quality and Impact of Oil Development in the Malian River Basin of Longdong Loess Plateau

【作者】 贾冰

【导师】 马金珠;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 水文学及水资源, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 水资源是干旱半干旱区宝贵资源,尤其是在黄土高原庆阳石油工业产区,伴随经济和工业高速发展,水问题日益突出,水资源被污染恶化的现象严重。因此科学的研究石油开发对水资源的影响特征、机理以及演化规律,为制定合理有效的水资源污染控制措施提供理论依据是十分必要的。通过分析陇东黄土高原马莲河流域及周边地区水文地质条件、气候特征、石油开发与污染物排放特征,运用水文地球化学理论与方法,定性定量揭示马莲河地表水、地下水水质特征与演化过程,探讨以石油开发为核心的主要污染物排放对水资源影响过程。结果表明:地表水水质总体上从北向西南矿化度逐渐降低,TDS为390-7965mg/L,在山城乡至庆城出境范围内各离子变化均较为剧烈,模糊数学评价结果表明西峰王湾和韩家湾大桥水质最差,2000年以前,石油类及金属类污染物较为明显,2000年以后,石油类及金属类污染物明显下降,COD及高锰酸钾指数明显增高。地下水TDS从北部环县自来水公司的3544mg/L,过渡到西南部显胜附近的最低值230mg/L,地下水水化学类型由环县SO42-.HCO3--Na+-Ca2+型过渡到庆城Cl--HCO3--Na+-Ca2+型,最后到董志塬HCO3--Ca2+-Na+型。在董志塬上,各离子规律不明显,离子含量均较低,在庆城和环县范围内,除HCO3-外,其余离子均随着Cl-增大而增大,白云石和石膏、文石大量溶解进入溶液,硬石膏沉淀离开溶液,表明蒸发浓缩作用控制增强。而在董志塬地区除了硬石膏和岩盐外,文石、方解石、白云石、石膏等其他物质都经历了不同程度的沉淀,并且释放出大量CO2气体:通过对马岭、华池、樊家川、西峰、庆阳地区北部三县污染历史资料分析,可以看出区内缺乏污水处理措施,污染历史较早,大规模的勘探开发导致生态环境脆弱,多项监测指标超标,不同程度的影响到当地生产生活。自1969年在庆阳县发现了工业性油流以来,大量的石油开采导致用水量大,造成了一定的污染及浪费。董志塬为主要农业产区,大量使用化肥也对地下水造成一定影响。因此应当加大污染源治理力度、加强水资源保护、强化石油开发管理和水资源动态监测,建立高效管理体制与良性运行机制,逐步完善一系列法律法规,以形成水资源可持续管理体系。

【Abstract】 With economic development and social progress, water resources must be a valuable resource in arid and semi arid area. Groundwater, as a component of total water resources, plays an important role in te development of Qingyang basin because of its sTablele quality and quantity. In recent years, due to the unreasonable development and utilization of water resources, lead to the degradation of water quality in the area, endangers future water exploitation and limits the supply of poTablele fresh water. Therefore, to utilize and protect valuable water resources effectively and predict the change in water environments, it is necessary to understand the impact of oil industry on water resources and its evolution wnder natural water circulation processes.Based on the analysis of regional hydrogeological conditions, climate characteristics, characteristics of oil development and the emission in Qingyang County, Huanxian, and surrounding areas of Dongzhiyuan, the various anions and cations content are measured for hydrogeochemical interpretation and model esTablelishmentin underlying surface area.The groundwater recharge and evolution characteristics are affected by the interaction between water and rock, while the fuzzy mathematics combined with the use of surface water chemistry are applied to reveal the evolution of surface water qualitatively and quantitatively.Furthermore, the impact of oil development on the local water resources is identified. The results showed that: The surface water salts (TDS) evolutes decreased salinity from north to southwest, from the minimum value near the southwest Zhao Jiachuan 390mg/L, greatly increasing of the salinity from the transition to the bridge north of Hongde to 7965mg/L. The ion changes were more severe of 150km away from Shancheng, and change slowly from 150km to 300km. Using the method of fuzzy mathematics, the results of surface water environment quality evaluation show that most areas of Wangwan and Han Jiachuan Bay Bridge are polluted, where the proportion of V class water accounted for 0.877 and 0.874, on the contrary, Fengjiadong, the proportion of I class water accounted for 0.693 as the better water quality. According to the monitoring of Quzi, Hanjiawan and Ningxian, as a result that before 2000 years, petrolwum and metal poullutants is more evident, after 2000 years, oil and metal pollutants decreases significantly, COD and potassium permanganate index increased significantly.The groundwater salts (TDS) evolutes from the minimum value near the southwest Xiansheng 230mg/L, greatly increasing of the salinity from the transition to the north of Huanxian 7965mg/L. Across the whole aquifer, groundwater evolves gradually from SO42--HCO3--Cl--Na+-Ca2+type water in Huanxian to more ineralized Cl--HCO3--SO42--Na+-Ca2+type water in Qingcheng, and then becomes HCO3--Ca2+-Na+ type water in Dongzhiyuan. From the diagram by plotting of ion relationship, can be seen in Dongzhiyuan, ion content were lower and had no obvious law, but in Qingcheng and Huanxian, all ions increased by Cl- except HCO3-. The geochemical inverse model confirmed that proposed water-rock interactions can occur in this system. The chemical composition of the water is strongly influenced by evaporation of shallow groundwater, dolomite and gypsum, aragonite dissolved into the water, anhydrite precipitation from solution. Meanwhile, in Dongzhiyuan, aragonite, calcite, dolomite gypsum and other substances have experienced varying degrees of precipition except anhydrite and halite.Since the discovery of oil in 1996, as the oil-rich, a lot of oil production led to a high water consumption, causing a certain amount of pollution and waste. It has a serious impact on the groundwater and lasts a long time in case of abnormal emissions but has little effect under normal circumstances. The wastewater mainly from the company of Qinghua, and the company put them into Malian river directly causing serious problems. Dongzhiyuan area as the main areas of agricultural production, heavy use of fertilizers has adverse impact on groundwater. Connecting the groundwater resources and their facts of expoitation and utilization, aiming for the main problems and contradictions in the exploitation and utilization of groundwater were esTablelished with the guide of groundwater system theory and the angle of sustainable supply, regional social and economic development and ecologic recycle. In order to form the sustainable management systems of groundwater resources, the higher efficient management systems and running mechanisms and a series of laws should be establelished.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 11期

