

The Study on Promoting Haloxylon Ammodendron’s Drought-resistance by Using Na Compound Fertilizer and Na, Si Interacte Application

【作者】 康建军

【导师】 王锁民;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 草业科学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 梭梭(Haloxylon ammodendron)是广泛分布于我国西北荒漠区的重要植物资源,然而,由于人为因素和环境因素,梭梭属植物遭到了严重破坏,引发了一系列的生态环境问题。本实验室的研究表明,Na+在促进荒漠植物的生长及提高其抗旱性方面起着重要的作用(李三相,2006);随后,通过盆栽的方法研制了一种能显著促进霸王、梭梭、白刺和红砂生长并且提高其抗旱性的钠复合肥(周向睿,2007;王春梅,2008;岳利军,2009)。本论文在民勤荒漠区对施用钠复合肥盆栽培育3个月的梭梭沙地移栽3个月后的生长状况进行了初步研究;同时,对施用钠复合肥大田和盆栽培育当年的梭梭在沙地移栽1年后长期的生长效应及对生态环境造成的影响进行了研究。取得如下结果:1.与对照(不施任何肥料)和施用(NH4)2HP04(与钠复合肥含等量的N、P)的处理相比,施用钠复合肥盆栽培育3个月的梭梭沙地移栽3个月后其株高分别增加了26%和12%;分枝数增加了22%和14%;主茎直径分别增加了48%和23%、主根直径分别增加了37%和24%;冠幅分别增加了57%和28%;根冠比均增加了18%;鲜重分别增加了130%和74%、地上部的Na+含量分别增加了45%和38%,根中的Na+含量分别增加了15%和12%;地上部中的K+含量差异不显著,根中K+含量分别降低了28%和31%。2.与对照和施用(NH4)2HPO4相比,施用钠复合肥盆栽培育当年的梭梭株高分别增加了43%和16%;主根长分别增加了54%和23%;冠幅分别增加了53%和20%;干重分别增加了114%和24%。3.与对照和施用(NH4)2HPO相比,施用钠复合肥盆栽培育当年的梭梭沙地移栽1年后的成活率分别提高了17%和12%;与大田育苗施用钠复合肥培育的当年生梭梭相比,施用钠复合肥盆栽培育的当年生梭梭移栽1年后的成活率提高了11%。4.与对照和施用(NH4)2HP04相比,钠复合肥盆栽培育当年的梭梭第2年移栽生长期结束其株高分别增加了42%和16%;主根长分别增加了45%和27%;冠幅分别增加了51%和29%;干重分别增加了151%和52%。盆栽培育当年的梭梭在沙地移栽的1年中,对照、施用(NH4)2HP04和钠复合肥株高的实际增加量分别是6.64、7.07和8.73厘米/株;主根长的实际增加量分别为26.04、25。97和34。94厘米/株;冠幅的实际增加量分别是36.13、30和53.12厘米2/株;干重的实际增加量分别是0.85、1.22和2.98g/株。施用钠复合肥大田育苗对梭梭生长与抗旱性的效果与盆栽育苗基本一致。5.施用钠复合肥大田培育的梭梭移栽时根系的完整性遭到破坏,成活率较低。钠复合肥盆栽育苗开始至沙地移栽生长1年后,育苗钵中Na+施用量的54%已被梭梭利用,27%的Na+残留还可被梭梭继续利用以促进生长,19%的Na+淋失在育苗钵外的土壤中,淋失的总量只占育苗前土壤中Na+含量的8%。施用钠复合肥盆栽育苗对环境造成的危害很小,可以缩短缓苗期、提高移栽成活率、能有效地促进植株的生长、较好地解决了荒漠区抗旱种苗培育难、造林存活率低的问题。梭梭(Haloxylon ammodendron)是分布于我国荒漠地区的重要植物资源,近年来研究表明,适量的Na+对于多浆旱生植物的生长和抗旱性有益。大量的研究发现Si在促进植物生长以及提高其抗逆性方面也起着十分重要的作用。以往关于施用Na+促进荒漠植物生长及提高其抗逆性的研究已有报道,而对施用Si或Na和Si互作施用对促进荒漠植物生长及提高其抗逆性的研究未见报道。因此,本部分工作研究了施用NaCl、H2Si03及NaCl和H2Si03互作施用对梭梭的生长、生理变化以及抗逆性等方面的影响,取得如下结果:1、施用0.3g/kgNaCl、0.2g/kgH2Si03或0.3g/kgNaCl+0.1g/kgH2Si03互作施用处理均能显著促进梭梭的生长并提高其抗旱性;而且0.3g/kgNaCl+0.1g/kgH2Si03互作施用要比单独施用0.3g/kgNaCl或0.2g/kgH2Si03更有效地促进梭梭的生长并提高其抗旱性。2、单施用NaCl时,0.3g/kgNaCl处理培育的梭梭株高、冠幅、鲜重与对照相比分别增加了41。7%、91%和61.9%;其主茎直径、主根直径和主根长分别增加了40%、38.7%和22.6%。3、单施用H2Si03时,0.2g/kgH2Si03处理培育的梭梭株高、冠幅、鲜重与对照相比分别增加了36.3%、45.4%和26.8%;其主茎直径、主根直径和主根长分别增加了23.3%、22.6%和20.1%。4、NaCl和H2Si03互作施用时,0.3g/kgNaCl+0.1g/kgH2Si03互作处理对促进梭梭生长及提高其抗旱性的效果要比单独施用O.3g/kgNaCl或0.2g/kgH2Si03的效果更为显著;与施用0.3g/kgNaCl处理相比,0.3g/kgNaCl+0.1g/kgH2Si03互作处理梭梭株高、冠幅和鲜重分别增加了8。6%、10.1%和17.2%;其主根长增加了11.7%。与施用0.2g/kgH2Si03处理相比,0.3g/kgNaCl+0.1g/kgH2Si03互作处理梭梭株高、冠幅和鲜重分别增加了9.5%、46.8%和48.2%;其主茎直径、主根直径和主根长分别增加了16.2%、18.4%和16.5%。

【Abstract】 Haloxylon ammodendron is an important plant resource which is widely distributed in the northwest desert regions of China, it plays an important role in protecting desert environment.Yet, Haloxylon ammodendron plant resources have been severely damaged and a series of ecological and environmental problems have been occured due to human factors and the continuing deterioration of the environment. In recent years, studies have showed that an appropriate amount of Na+ play a very important role in growth and drought resistance of the dry desert plants. However, using Na+ in fertilizer application to enhance the drought resistance of desert plants has not been reported. Subsequently, through the method of indoor pot experiment, a kind of Na Compound Fertilizer was successfully developed which can significantly enhance the growth of desert plants and improve their drought resistance, and has applied for national invention patent recently. Based on the work in the above, this paper taken Haloxylon ammodendron as experimental materials preliminary studied the growth of Haloxylon ammodendron that have been trained for 3 months with Na Compound Fertilizer and then transplanted into sand field for 3 months through pot method in the wild; at the same time, studied the Long-standing growth effects, physiological changes and the impact on ecological environmental of field and pot Haloxylon ammodendron which were cultivated through Na Compound Fertilizer for a year and then transplanted into sand field for six months. the following results have already achieved:1. Compared with control(without any fertilizer) and application of (NH4)2HPO4 (containing the same amount of N, P with the Na Compound Fertilizer), The plant height of Haloxylon ammodendron cultivated through Na Compound Fertilizer for three month and then transplanted into sand field for three month increased by 26% and 12% respectively, the number of branches increased by 22% and 14%, stem diameter increased by 48% and 23%, root diameter increased by 37% and 24%, grown width increased by 57% and 28%, shoot ratio increased by 18% and 18%, fresh weight increased by 130% and 74%, dry weight increased by 154% and 74%, Na+ contents in shoot increased by 45% and 38%, Na+content in root increased by 15% and 12%, K+ content in shoot has no significant difference, but K+ content in root decreased by 28% and 31%.2. Compared with control and application of (NH4)2HPO4, through Na Compound Fertilizer in pot for one year cultivated Haloxylon ammodendron’s plant height increased by 43% and 16%, main root length increased by 54% and 23%, crown width increased by 53% and 20%, dry weight increased by 114% and 24%.3. Compared with control and application of (NH4)2HPO4, through Na Compound Fertilizer in pot for one year cultivated Haloxylon ammodendron after transplanted into sand field for six months, it’s survival rate increased by 17% and 12%; Compared with Na Compound Fertilizer’s application in field for one year cultivated Haloxylon ammodendron’s survival rate, Na Compound Fertilizer’s application in pot for one year cultivated Haloxylon ammodendron’s survival rate increased by 11%.4. Compared with control and application of (NH4)2HPO4, Na Compound Fertilizer in pot cultivated one year Haloxylon ammodendron in the end of sand field transplanting growth period, it’s plant height increased by 42% and 16%, main root length increased by 45% and 27%, crown width increased by 51% and 29%, dry weight increased by 151% and 52%. Na Compound Fertilizer’s application in pot cultivated one year Haloxylon ammodendron in the one year growth period of sand field, control,application of (NH4)2HPO4 and application of Na Compound Fertilizer’s actual plant height increase were 6.64,7.07 and 8.73 cm/plant respectively, main root length of the actual increase in volume were 26.04,25.97 and 34.94 cm/plant, crown of the actual increase in volume were 36.13,30 and 53.12 cm2/plant respectively, the actual increase in dry weight, respectively, are 0.85,1.22 and 2.98g/plant. Growth and drought resistance of Haloxylon ammodendron cultivated in field through application of Na Compound Fertilizer has the same effect with the method of pot cultivation.5. The integrity of root system of Haloxylon ammodendron cultivated in field by using Na Compound Fertilizer were destructed and the survival rate were lower than pot when transplanted. Na Compound Fertilizer’s application in pot cultivated Haloxylon ammodendron after sand transplanting for one year,54% of Na+ fertilizer has beenabsorbed by Haloxylon ammodendron in nursery pot,27% of the Na+ left in nursery pot that can also be used to continue to promote the growth of Haloxylon ammodendron,19% of the Na+ leached in the soil outside of the nursery pot,the total amount of leached Na+ only account for 8% of the Na+ content in soil before cultivating seedings.The cultivation of Haloxylon ammodendron in pot with application of Na Compound Fertilizer have minimal harm on the environment. This method can short the recovery period, increase the survival rate, and can effectively promote plant growth, resolve the problem of the difficulty of cultivating drought seedlings in desert and the problem of low survival rate of afforestation. Haloxylon ammodendron is very important resource specie in the desert regions of our country. Recently, it have been identified that Na+ plays an important role in the drought resistance of desert species. Sand culivation experiment confirmed that appropriate concentration of Na+not only can significantly promote the growth of desert plants overlord but also improve its anti-stress capability. A great number of studieds found that Si also plays an important role in the promotion of plant growth and increase resistance of plants. In the past there has been reports about the application of Na+ could promote the growth of desert plants and increase their resistance, but the application of Si or Na and Si interacte application on the promotion of desert plant growth and enhance their resistance have rarely been studied. Therefore, studied the effection of the application of NaCl, H2SiO3 and NaCl and H2SiO3 Interacte application on Haloxylon ammodendron’s growth、physiological and ecological change and resistance. the following results has already achieved:1.The application of 0.3g/kg NaCl,0.2g/kg H2Si03 or 0.3g/kg NaCl and 0.1 g/kg H2SiO3 interaction application can not only promote the growth of Haloxylon ammodendron and increase it’s drought resistance, but also 0.3g/kg NaCl and 0.1 g/kg H2SiO3 interaction application can even significantly promote Haloxylon ammodendron’s growth and improve its drought resistance than the single application of 0.3g/kg NaCl or 0.2g/kg H2SiO3.2.When applied with NaCl,the application of 0.3g/kg NaCl compared with control makes Haloxylon ammodendron’s plant height, crown diameter, fresh weight increased by 41.9%,91% and 61.9%; the shoot diameter,the root diameter,the root length increased 40%, 38.7% and 22.6% respectively.3.When applied with H2Si03,,the application of 0.2g/kg H2Si03 compared with control makes Haloxylon ammodendron’s plant height, crown diameter, fresh weight increased by 36.3%,45.4% and 26.8%; the shoot diameter,the root diameter,the root length increased 23.3%,22.6% and 20.1% respectively.4. When NaCl and H2SiO3 interaction was applied, the effect of 0.3g/kg NaCl and 0.1 g/kg H2SiO3 appliation interaction for promoting Haloxylon ammodendron’s growth and enhancing it’s drought resistance are significantly higher than the single application of 0.3g/kgNaCl and 0.2g/kg H2Si03 treatment; Compared with the application of 0.3g/kg NaCl, 0.3g/kg NaCl and 0.1 g/kg H2SiO3 interaction treatment makes Haloxylon ammodendron’s plant height, crown diameter, fresh weight increased by 8.6%,10% and 21%; the root length increased 11.7% respectively. Compared with the application of 0.2g/kg H2Si03,0.3g/kg NaCl and 0.1 g/kg H2SiO3 interaction treatment makes Haloxylon ammodendron’s height, crown diameter, fresh weight increased by 9.5%,46.8%, and 48.2% respectively; the main stem diameter, root diameter and root length increased by 16.2%,18.4% and 16.5% respectively.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 11期

