

Research on Geographical Concentration and Agglomeration of Industries in Lanzhou: An Empirical Study Basied on Enterprise Perspective

【作者】 姚康

【导师】 杨永春;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 城市与区域规划, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着经济全球化的推进和区域一体化的发展,地区专业化和产业集聚作为全球或区域范围内产业结构优化配置的表现,已经成为了一种世界性的经济现象。这些经济活动在空间上的表现形式也因为其对城市发展的深远影响而越来越受到地理学家和经济学家的关注。Bai、Fan、Scott等国内外学者关于中国制造业地理集中和集聚已经做了大量研究。但是,这些研究多是基于国家年度统计数据或是5年一次的经济普查数据而进行的省区层面的制造业地理集中或集聚分析。而由于微观企业数据获取难度大,目前国内关于城市内部制造业分布特征及其空间结构的研究多是基于城市土地利用类型的分布与转换为角度进行的工业用地转型及其影响因素、驱动力和形成机制分析,而基于单个企业区位选择视角的城市内部产业地理集中与集聚研究甚少,且主要集中在特定类型的企业,如外资企业、高新技术企业等的区位研究上。本文采用兰州市2008年所有制造业企业数据,以行政区划中乡镇、街道为空间单元,对兰州市制造业企业空间分布、地区专业化程度与产业集聚进行了研究。首先,从总量分布、行业类型分布、企业规模分布等方面,对兰州市制造业空间分布特征与规律分别从市域和城区两个层面进行了研究,试图阐明改革开放后中国西部大城市城区制造业空间分布所形成的新格局和新规律;接着,基于两位数和三位数制造业的基尼系数分析结果,研究了兰州市制造业在不同产业尺度和空间尺度上的地理集聚状况,并阐述了不同尺度差异形成的原因;随后,基于乡镇(街道)视角,利用基尼系数这一指标,对兰州市各空间单元的制造业地区专业化程度进行测算分析,进而深入探讨了兰州市制造业地理集聚的空间格局;然后,利用区位熵分析的方法,对兰州市制造业的产业集群进行了辨识,分析了这些产业集群的空间特征和企业规模结构特征;最后,对兰州市制造业地理格局的影响因素进行了分析和讨论。

【Abstract】 With the advance of economic globalization and the development of regional integration, regional specialization and industrial concentration, as the expression of industrial structure’s optimal allocation among the global or regional scale, become a global economic phenomenon. However, the space forms of these economic activities attract more and more attention by geographers and economists because of its far-reaching impact on urban development.Bai, Fan, Scott and other scholars has done numerous studies on the geographic concentration and agglomeration of industries in China. However, many of these studies are analysis of provincial scale based on national statistical data or the economic census data which was updated once every 5 years. At present, as the difficulty of obtaining micro-enterprises date, the existing research on the spatial distribution of urban manufacturing are mostly about the transformation of industrial land and its influencing factors, drivers and formation mechanism, from the perspective of the distribution and conversion of urban land use types. But such research is rarely conducted based on enterprises’location perspective, and is mainly concentrated in enterprises of specific types, such as foreign-owned enterprises, high-tech enterprises and so on.Based on the data of the whole manufacturing enterprises in Lanzhou in 2008, using town or neighborhood in administrative divisions as the basic space unit, this paper analyze the spatial distribution of manufacturing industry, regional specialization and industrial agglomeration in Lanzhou. Firstly, this paper analyze the spatial distribution of manufacturing industry in Lanzhou from two levels:city territory level and city zone level, and from there aspects:total distribution, industry type distribution, firm size distribution, in order to illustrate the new structure and new law of the manufacturing industry in Western China after reform and opening up; Secondly, based on the Geordie coefficient analysis of double-digit and three-digit manufacturing industries, this paper studies on the geographical agglomeration of industries in Lanzhou among different industry scales and different space scales, and explains the reasons of the formation of diversity between different scales; Thirdly, based on the Geordie coefficient analysis from the town (neighborhood) perspective, this paper measures the degree of manufacturing specialization of every space unit in Lanzhou, in order to make a deeply discussion about the pattern of manufacturing geographical agglomeration of Lanzhou; then, identifies the industry clusters in Lanzhou by the method of location entropy analysis, analyzes their spatial characteristics and firm size structure; Finally, this paper attempts to construe the influence factors of the geographical pattern of manufacturing of Lanzhou.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 10期

