

Based on the Regional Development Water Requirement of Heihe River

【作者】 张婕

【导师】 陈怀录;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 城市与区域规划, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 黑河是我国第二大内陆河,发源于青藏高原北部祁连山中段,流经青海、甘肃、内蒙古三省(自治区),干流全长928km。流域南以祁连山为界,北与蒙古人民共和国接壤,东西分别与石羊河、疏勒河流域相邻,流域面积约13万平方公里。黑河流域中游张掖地区,地处古丝绸之路和今日欧亚大陆桥之要地,农牧业开发历史悠久,已是甘肃省主要产粮区和全国十大商品粮基地之一,也是全国五大蔬菜基地之一;下游额济纳旗边陲,国境线长507km,建有我国重要的国防科研基地,境内额济纳绿洲,既是阻挡风沙侵袭、保护生态环境的天然屏障,也是当地人民生息繁衍、国防科研和边防建设的重要依托,战略位置十分重要。但同时,黑河流域属于资源型缺水地区,中、下游地区极度干旱,区域水资源难以满足当地经济发展和生态平衡的需要。按照《黑河流域近期治理规划》的要求,要在不以牺牲中游经济发展的前提下,逐步增加进入下游三角洲地区和居延海的水量,使生态系统恢复到20世纪80年代初期水平。对于这样一个特定的生态经济区,要实现流域经济和生态的可持续发展,水资源问题是其根本的制约因素,做好流域水资源规划显得尤为重要。本文通过对黑河中下游地区进行多次调查,发现流域中游地区张掖市三县区主要以农业生产为主要经济增长点,下游地区额济纳旗国家从战略的角度主要以生态建设来维持当地的经济社会发展,研究得出水资源为黑河流域区域发展的主要制约性因素,为此认真分析中下游不同用水需求和各行业用水特点,选取适合黑河中、下游地区不同种类需水量计算方法,计算出黑河中游、下游维持各自发展的需水量,并开展水量调度方案研究,提出上游不同来水情况和来水过程水量调度方案。为保证黑河流域可持续发展,本文还通过调整产业结构和用水结构,并辅以一定的工程措施,提出了水资源初步规划方案,为黑河流域区域经济社会可持续发展提供基础支撑和决策支持。

【Abstract】 The Heihe River is the second largest of inland rivers in China, which originates at the middle sections of Mount Qilian north of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and runs through Qinghai and Gansu provinces and Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region for a whole distance of 928 km. The river basin lies to north of the Qilian mountain and south of Mongolia people’s republic, the east and west is the Shiyang river and Shule river respectively, The river area is 130,000 km2.Zhangye area of the Midstream of Heihe river, located the key position of the ancient Silk Road and Eurasia bridge, which has a long history of agricultural development. And it has been the main grain-producing areas of Gansu Province, one of the top ten commodity grain base and the five major vegetable base of China. Ejina county, which located in the downstream of Heihe river, has 507km long borders and important national defense research base. The Ejina oasis, blocking sand invasion, protecting the eco-environment and the important basis of lives and breeds of local people, national defense and scientific research, and border construction, which the strategic position is very important.However, the Heihe river is resources based water scarcity and the middle and downstream area of the Heihe river is extremely droughty. The limited water resources is hard to satisfy the demand of local economic development and ecological balance. In accordance with the "Heihe River Recent Management Planning" requirements, it will gradually increase the water quantity of delta and Juyan lake in downstream in premise of maintaining the economic development of the midstream. So the ecological system can back to the early 1980. For the specific ecological economic zone, water resources is the major constraint factor in order to achieve sustainable economic and ecological development. So the water resources planning of basin is very important.By several surveys of the Mid-downstream of Heihe river, we found that, in the midstream of three counties of Zhangye City, the main economic growth is agricultural production, and in the downstream of Ejinaqi countries, from the strategic consideration, is the eco-construction. So the author think that the major constraint factor of Heihe river is water resources. By careful analysis of different water resources demand and characteristic of Mid-downstream, and selecting the method of different types of water resources demand in the Mid-downstream of Heihe river, the author calculated the water resources demand of perspective development in mid-downstream. By the project of water dispatch studying, the author put forward the water dispatch project of different runoff conditions and courses in the upstream. To ensure the sustainable development of the Heihe River, by adjusting the structure of industrial and water resources demand, and supplemented with some engineering measures, the author made a Initial planning of water resources in order to provide basic support and decision support for the regional economic and social sustainable development of the Heihe river.

【关键词】 黑河区域发展水资源规划
【Key words】 Heihe RiverRegional DevelopmentWater ResourcesPlanning
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 11期

