

A Research on Development Strategy of SCC Company Based on the Angle of Supply Chain Cluster

【作者】 王晓忠

【导师】 何文盛;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 工商管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 由于受金融危机的影响,我国中小企业的竞争环境趋于恶化。在钣金行业,一些缺乏竞争优势的钣金加工企业因此而退出了市场。SCC公司是上海一家钣金加工企业,由于公司在2008年调整了产品结构,凭借承接轨道交通的业务订单,成功地渡过了2008年-2009年的金融危机。事实上,金融危机正在作为外部的驱动力促使国内的钣金加工行业面临着一轮新的洗牌。在此背景之下,SCC公司视危机为机会,积极调整发展战略,通过对公司的内外部环境的分析之后,提出了基于供应链集群视角的战略发展思路。自20世纪初期以来,产业的经济活动呈现出一个异常明显的发展趋势,就是在某一特定的产业领域,以一主导产业为核心,大量联系密切的企业及相关支持机构在空间上集聚而形成产业群落。这不仅为相关产业取得了协作经济效益,也极大地增强了企业抗拒市场风险的能力。作为钣金行业内的一家中小企业,SCC公司深知中小企业抵御外部风险的脆弱性。特别是作为加工制造的中小企业,必须在科学的发展战略的指引下,适应经济发展和产业变化的趋势,以积极的心态融入到既定产业体系的供应链中,并不断强化自身的竞争能力而获取竞争优势,从而成为产业供应链条中不可替代、具有价值的一个链环。这或许是中小企业在经济快速转型下的生存智慧。论文通过对SCC公司所处的内、外部市场经营环境和城市轨道交通行业产业集群现状的分析,理论联系实际,从而清晰地指出了SCC公司在城市轨道交通业的供应链集群中不断壮大自身的战略管理框架。此外,论文还围绕发展战略的要求制定了系列实施的方案与策略,以期为公司的下一步发展提供战略性的研究支持。

【Abstract】 Influenced by the financial crisis, The competitive environment of SMEs in China is worsening. Some metal processing enterprises have been disappearing because of lack competitiveness.SCC Company is a metal processing enterprise in Shanghai. Because the company adjusted its product mix in 2008,the company pulled through financial crisis in 2008-2009 successfully, replying on the service order on rail transportation business.In fact, domestic sheet metal processing industry is facing a new shuffle because of the finnancial crisis as the external driving force. Under the background, SCC Company regards a crisis as the chance and actively adjusts development strategy, then proposes the strategy development thought on Supply Chain Cluster, through the analysis of the company’s internal and external environment.Since the beginning of the 20th century, the economic activities of industry have showed an obviously clear trend. That is:in a particular industry area, a leading industry as the core, a large number of enterprises which are closely linked and related support organizations concentrate in space to form the industry communities. This not only made cooperative economic benefit for the related industries, but also greatly enhanced the ability of companies to resist market risk.As a small and medium-sized enterprise within the industry business, SCC Company knows very well that small and medium-sized enterprises resists outside risks vulnerably. Especially as SMEs in manufacturing,it must adapt to the tendency of economic development and the changes to the industry under the guidance of science development strategy.It also need to melt into supply chain of established industrial system,and continuously strengthen their competitive ability to gain competitive advantages to become an irreplaceable and valuable link in the industry supply chain.This may be the survival wisdom for the small and medium-sized enterprises in the rapid economic restructuring.Based on analysis of the internal and external market environment which SCC is facing and current situation on the industrial cluster of Urban Mass Transit Industry, integrating theory with practice, the thesis clears that SCC Company should continually strengthen their strategic management framework in the supply chain cluster of Urban Mass Transit Industry. The thesis also implements a series of programs and strategies to provide strategic research support for the further development of the company circling around the demands for development strategy.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 11期
  • 【分类号】F274
  • 【下载频次】66

