

The Prevent and Control Technique for the Main Leaf Spot Diseases of Short-rotation Poplar Pulp Forest

【作者】 倪杨

【导师】 贺伟;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 森林保护, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究以山东高唐的107杨和三倍体毛白杨为研究对象,对杨树叶斑病的发生、发展情况进行调查与分析,利用孢子捕捉法估测病害发生期并以此提出病害防治时间,研究以营林措施和化学防治相结合的病害控制技术,并对多种黑杨无性系的抗病、速生性能进行测定,为建立杨树人工纯林内叶部病害的综合控制技术体系提供基础资料。主要研究结果如下:1.当地107杨黑斑病(M brunnea f. sp. multigermtubi)发生严重,7月下旬为始发期,从8月中旬开始,病情发展迅速并逐渐加重,发病高峰期出现在9月上旬,此后开始大量落叶。三倍体毛白杨叶斑病发生于7月下旬,温度适宜且g两天持续降雨过后,病情发展迅速,9月上旬达到高峰,此后大量落叶,初步认定细链格孢菌(Alternaria tenuis Nees.)和杨尾孢菌(Cercospora populina Ell. et Ev.)为病原菌。2.孢子捕捉表明,107杨黑斑病和三倍体毛白杨叶斑病病菌孢子的放散量与7、8、9月的温度、空气相对湿度、降雨量有密切关系,空气相对湿度和降雨量起决定性作用。以孢子飞散规律为依据,确定病害防治工作的时间和次数,当地107杨黑斑病的有效防治应自7月中旬开始,连续施药3次,每次间隔10d。毛白杨叶斑病的药剂防治时间应为7月下旬、8月上旬和8月中旬连续降雨过后,为预防细链格孢菌的初次侵染,可于6月中旬加施1次。3.以菌丝生长速率法和悬滴法分别测定了6种药剂对A. tenuis和M. brunnea的抑制率,筛选出对病原菌有较强抑制作用的药剂浓度,以此对107杨和304毛白杨分别进行田间药效试验。结果表明,春晴2500倍液、春晴5000倍液、新秀2500倍液、苯醚甲环唑5000倍液和代森锰锌500倍液对107杨黑斑病有较强的控制作用,相对防效在52.7%-75.3%之间;苯醚甲环唑5000倍液、春晴2500倍液、代森锰锌500倍液和苯醚甲环唑10000倍液对三倍体毛白杨叶斑病有一定的控制作用,相对防效在26%-48%之间。4.选用1a生苗高3.5m的三倍体毛白杨苗木,在栽植密度为2m×2m,栽植坑规格为0.5m×0.5m×0.5m的条件下造林,幼林的生长量最高,叶斑病的病叶率最低。5.对29个黑杨无性系进行了叶部病害抗病性及其生长量的测定与评价,筛选出01号杨、02号杨、599杨、N-179、82-130、82-133和桑巨杨为优于当地主栽品种107杨的抗病、速生优良无性系。

【Abstract】 This paper takes Shandong area’s Populus×euramericana cv. "74/76" and triploid Populus tomentosa in Gaotang Shandong as the object of study, carried on some experiments including surveying the occurrence and development situation of leaf spot disease, using spore capturing method to estimate emergence period of disease and proposal disease prevention time, studying the integrated control technique combined cultural methods and chemical prevention, detecting and evaluating the fast-growing performance and disease resistance of 29 introduced clones seedlings of P.deltoides and P. x euramericana in the field, to provide basic data for establishing the integrated control technology system. The main results are as follows:(1) Marssonina leaf spot occured seriously in stands of Populus x euramericana cv. "74/76". Late July is the initial period for the disease occurrence, started from mid-August the disease develop rapidly and aggravates gradually, peak appears in early September, then the massive leaves started to shed. Triploid Populus tomentosa leaf spot occurred in late July conditional on the temperature and rainfall, the disease developed rapidly, peaked in early September, then the leaves falling in profusion. Alternaria tenuis Nees. and Cercospora sp. was initially identified for the pathogen of this disease.(2) Through catching spores it was discovered that the number of spores captured have closely relationship with temperature, relative humidity and rainfall, particularly relative humidity and rainfall play the decisive role. Take spores discharge rule as basis to define the disease prevention time and frequency, suggested that chemical control to Marssonina leaf spot should start from mid-July, application continuously 3 times, and the interval of each time was 10d. Fungicides for controlling triploid Populus tomentosa leaf spot should be applicated for late July, early August and the mid-August after continuous rainfall, to prevent the A. tenuis initial infection can be implemented in mid-June with one time.(3) The inhibitory rates of 6 varieties fungicides to the leaf spot of M. brunnea and A. tenuis determined by measuring mycelium growth and counting spore germination. Selecting the best antifungal effect on pathogens of pharmaceutical concentrations in poplar field trial. The field trial results showed that the myclobutanil (2500 times diluted), myclobutanil (5000 times diluted), tebuconazole (2500 times diluted), difenoconazole (5000 times diluted) and mancozeb (500 times diluted) have the strong control action to Marssonina leaf spot, and the relative control effects were between 52.7%-75.3%. The difenoconazole (5000 times diluted), myclobutanil (2500 times diluted), mancozeb (500 times diluted) and difenoconazole (10000 times diluted) have certain degree control action to triploid Populus tomentosa leaf spot, the relative efficacy in 26%-48%.(4) The seedlings for afforestation should be selected for 1 year old with height of 3.5m, under the planting density for 2m x 2m and planting pit specification for 0.5m x 0.5m x 0.5m, quantity of growth for triploid Populus tomentosa was the bigest and the incidence of leaf spot disease was the lowest.(5) Determination and appraisal for the leaf disease resistance and the growth quantity of 29 P.deltoides and P.×euramericana clone seedlings, clone-01, clone-02, clone-599, clone-N-179, clone-Sangju, clone-82-130 and clone-82-133 were selected, compared with the local present major cultural variety P. x euramericana cv. "74/76", with faster growth rate, and stronger leaf disease resistance.

  • 【分类号】S763.7
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】81

