

Relevant Issues on Green Space System Planning of County

【作者】 牛萌

【导师】 魏民;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 城市规划与设计, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 目前我国关于城市绿地系统的法律、法规和相关标准是以大中城市发展的平均水平为基准的,而县城的发展水平大多低于全国的平均水平,所以在进行绿地系统规划时必然存在许多问题和矛盾,找到一条适合县城自身发展的绿地系统规划方法,对于我国经济相对落后、发展相对缓慢的县城而言意义重大。基于此,本论文将通过对比分析县城与大中城市的区别、县城的现状及存在问题;运用系统分析、比较研究、调查实例、定量讨论等方法来探讨县城绿地系统规划模式,分析县城绿地系统的相关问题,找到适合其发展的绿地系统规划理论与方法。以期给县城绿地系统规划和城市建设方法带来一些建议和启发,使得县城的发展能够较快较好的走可持续发展道路,提高县城居民的居住环境和生活品质。通过对县城的调查,分析得到县城与大中城市在绿地系统方面的差异,依据县城的特点对县城绿地进行重新分类,并对县域绿地分类进行细化,强调区域大环境的规划整合。在以功能为导向的绿地分类系统下,构建适合县城绿地系统的评价指标体系,从二维空间拓展到三维空间,从定量计算到定量与定性相结合,更为全面合理的评价县城绿地系统。并以河南省内黄县为例,运用文中讨论的结果,尝试进行县城绿地系统规划。

【Abstract】 At present, China on urban green space system of laws, regulations and relevant standards based on the average level of the medium and large cities, while the development of the county level are mostly lower than the national average level, so making green space system planning must exist many problems and contradictions, to find a suitable development of the County’s own green space system planning method, for the Chinese economy is relatively backward, the relatively slow development of great significance in terms of the County. Based on this, by analyzing the situation and problems the County; the use of systems analysis, comparative studies, research examples, discussions of quantitative methods to explore the town green space system planning model to analyze the County Green Space System strengths and weaknesses, to find a suitable development of the County Green Space System Planning Theory and Method. To a small city of green space system planning and urban construction methods bring some suggestions and inspiration, making northern China’s development of small cities to faster the better path of sustainable development, and enhance urban living environment and living quality.Through the County’s investigation, analysis by the County and the cities of the difference in the green space system, based on the characteristics of county green county re-classification, and detailed classification of county green space, emphasizing integration of regional planning environment. In order to function-oriented classification system under the green, green building systems for the county seat evaluation index system, from two-dimensional space extended to three dimensions, calculated from quantitative to quantitative and qualitative, more comprehensive and reasonable assessment.


