

The Effects of Ornamental Plants on Removing the Indoor Pollutant Formaldehyde and Their Tolerance to Formaldehyde Stress

【作者】 安雪

【导师】 潘会堂;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 居室装修污染问题是现代人类居住环境中普遍受到关注的问题。在众多室内有害气体中,甲醛被列为影响人类健康的主要隐形“杀手”。植物对甲醛等室内有害气体能起到一定的净化作用,但不同植物种类对甲醛的净化效果不同,其耐受性也有很大差异。研究植物对甲醛气体的净化作用对居室绿化植物选择具有十分重要的意义。本文采用甲醛气体密封舱熏气法,以50种居室绿化常用的观赏植物和14个洋常春藤(Hedera helix)品种为试验材料,研究了不同植物种类、品种对甲醛的净化效果及耐受性,同时研究了不同光照、温度条件及季节变化对植物吸收甲醛气体能力的影响。主要结果如下:1.以12h单位面积甲醛吸收量为指标,比较了不同室内常见观赏植物对甲醛气体的吸收能力,以及甲醛熏气前后植物的外观变化、叶片SPAD含量、相对电导率,以及部分种类的丙二醛含量、POD含量等指标的变化。结果表明,被测植物均能在一定程度上吸收甲醛,不同植物种类的吸收能力不同,50种植物中净化甲醛效果较好的植物有:香石竹(Dianthus caryophyllus)、瑞典常春藤(Lsodon amethystoides)、金边虎尾兰(Sansevieria trifasciata’Laurentii’)、菊花‘米白早’(Dendranthema×grandiflorum’Mibaizao’)、瓜叶菊(Senecio cruentus)、蚊净香草(Saivia spp.)、橡皮树(Ficus elastica)、鸭跖草(Commelina communis)、白玉黛粉叶(Dieffenbachia picta’Camilla’)、洋常春藤(Hedera helix)、丽格海棠(Begonia×hiemalis)、比利时杜鹃(Rhododendron hybrida)、绿萝(Scindapsus aureum)、柠檬(Citrus limon)、袖珍椰子(Chamaedorea elegans)、龟背竹(Monstera deliciosa)等。甲醛熏气处理后,部分植物出现叶片枯萎脱落等症状,另一些植物则无明显受害表现,大部分植物的SPAD值及POD含量呈现不同的变化规律,叶片相对电导率和丙二醛含量有不同程度增加。2.不同常春藤品种对甲醛气体的吸收能力和耐受性各不相同。’Lady Key’等绿色叶品种吸收甲醛的能力较强,各花叶品种及’Evergreen’吸收甲醛能力相对较弱。所试的14个洋常春藤品种的叶片SPAD值均随甲醛熏气浓度增加而增加,叶片相对电导率、丙二醛含量在熏气处理后增加,POD活性随熏气浓度的升高呈先增大后减小的规律,叶绿素a、b含量下降,类胡萝卜素含量变化没有明显规律。3.为确定不同环境条件下植物净化甲醛气体的能力,研究了4个洋常春藤品种在15℃、20℃、25℃温度和3.0μmol·m-2·s-1、6.0μmol·m-2·s-1、9.0μmol·m-2·s-1的光照条件下净化甲醛的能力,同时测定了4个洋常春藤品种和20种其他室内观赏植物冬季(2月份)和夏季(8月份)的甲醛净化效果。结果表明,在所试温度和光照范围内,洋常春藤各品种对甲醛的净化效果分别随环境温度和光强的升高而提高;鹅掌柴、巢蕨、波士顿蕨、吊竹梅等大部分所试植物夏季吸收甲醛的能力显著高于冬季,瑞典常春藤、绿苹果竹芋、白玉黛粉叶等吸收甲醛的能力低于冬季,但未达到显著水平。本研究结果为科学地利用观赏植物装饰居室环境、净化室内空气环境提供了依据。

【Abstract】 In recent years, with the improvement of people’s living standard, more and more people pay attention to improving the environment around them. Among the indoor harmful gases, formaldehyde is classified as a major pollutant and is called invisible killer in living room. Indoor harmful gases can be removed by plants, although the abilities of different species of plants in removing harmful gases and their tolerances to those harmful gases are very different. Therefore, evaluating the abilities of plants in removing indoor harmful gases is of great significance. In this paper, the abilities of 50 indoor ornamental species and 14 Hedera cultivars in purificating formaldehyde pollutant and their tolerance to formaldehyde stress were evaluated by using formaldehyde gas capsule fumigation method. Meanwhile, the effects of different temperatures, light levels, and seasons on the plants’ formaldehyde removal ability were investigated. Main results are as follows:1. All the 50 ornamental species had abilities to absorb formaldehyde pollutant, and the removal capacities of different plants were different, which ranked from high to low according to the removal capacities:Dianthus caryophyllus, Lsodon amethystoides, Sansevieria trifasciata’Laurentii’, Dendranthema×grandiflorum’Mibaizao’, Senecio cruentus, Saivia spp., Ficus elastica, Commelina communis, Dieffenbachia picta’Camilla’, Hedera helix, Begonia x hiemalis, Rhododendron hybrida, Scindapsus aureum, Citrus limon, Chamaedorea elegans, Monstera deliciosa. Some plants showed Injury symptoms on leaves after formaldehyde fumigation treatment, while others had no obvious symptoms.The SPAD value and POD ability of most plants showed a different variation after treatment, and the relative conductivity and MDA content were increased to some extent.2. The abilities of 14 Hedera cultivars in absorbing formaldehyde pollutant and their tolerance to formaldehyde stress were different. Among them, the green-leaved cultivars such as’Lady Key’had high removal capacity, and spot-leaved cultivars and’Evergreen’had lower removal capacities. Leaf SPAD values of all Hedera helix cultivars increased with increasing fumigation concentration. The relative conductivity and MDA content increased under formaldehyde fumigation treatments. POD activity increased firstly and then decreased with the fumigation concentration increasing. Cha, Chb and carotenoids content decreased, while the ratio of carotenoid and chlorophyll content increased.3. The formaldehyde removal capacities of 4 Hedera helix cultivars and 20 ornamental species increased with environmental temperature increasing (15℃,20℃,25℃), and light intensity increasing (3.0μmol·m-2·s-1,6.0μmol·m-2·s-1, 9.0μmol·m·-2·s-1). For most of tested species, the formaldehyde removal capacities were significantly higher in summer than that in winter, such as Schefflera arboricola, Neottopteris nidus, Nephrolepis exalata’Bostoniensis’and Zebrina pendula. While there was not significant difference for Lsodon amethystoides, Calathea rotundifolia cv. Fasciata and Dieffenbachia picta’Camilla’whose removal capacities were lower in the summer.The results provide a basis for the sciencific use of ornamental plants to decorate the room environment and clean the indoor air environment.

【关键词】 观赏植物甲醛净化耐受性
【Key words】 Ornamental PlantsFormaldehydeRemovalTolerance

