

Study on the Project of Forestry Carbon Sequestration Policy Pilot in China

【作者】 张玲

【导师】 林震;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 行政管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 全球气候变化问题已逐渐成为社会各界广泛关注的焦点问题,是当前人类面临的共同挑战。林业碳汇是当前应对气候变化问题的有效途径之一,由于不同地区的经济、自然地理条件等各异,林业碳汇项目的实施也不尽相同。对如何结合实际情况开展林业碳汇项目,选择一定的区域先作试点,以总结经验并全面推广。本文参考政策试点的相关理论研究成果,理论联系实际,以全球首例造林再造林碳汇项目——中国广西珠江流域治理再造林项目和北京林业碳汇项目作为个案研究,对基本情况进行社会调查、分析和比较总结,认为目前的碳汇政策试点项目已取得了经济、环境和社会方面的初步成效,但还存在许多问题和不足,许多问题还没有得到有效解决,如缺乏有力的政策支持;信息渠道不畅、碳汇知识匮乏;申请CDM再造林碳汇项目门槛较高;碳汇交易市场不完善,买家少,资金短缺;缺乏碳汇专业人员、缺乏监测碳汇的能力等。在对广西、北京项目实施的特点、经验及问题进行分析总结的基础上,为促进全国的林业碳汇项目健康快速发展,提出了启示建议,主要包括:建立完善合理的林业碳汇政策;各地要统筹规划,因地制宜,区别对待;多渠道筹集资金,增加科技投入,加强林业碳汇专业队伍建设;建立全社会参与的信息平台;建立碳汇项目风险管理体系;完善碳汇交易平台;建立和完善排碳付费制度;建立与林业产权改革相结合、明晰碳汇产权的激励机制等对策。

【Abstract】 Global climate change increasingly become the focus of widen issues, is the current common challenges that humanity facing. Forestry carbon sequestration is currently one effective way to response to the climate change. As the economic, natural and geographical conditions are different in different areas, the implementation of forestry carbon sequestration projects is different. Select a certain areas for a trial first, to sum up experience and then comprehensive promote the policy.This reference to the theory of the policy pilot research, theory with practice, take the world’s first carbon sequestration project-Guangxi carbon sequestration project and Beijing carbon sequestration project as cases study. On the basic of social surveys, analysis and comparison of conclusion, although the current policy pilot project of carbon sequestration had achieved economic, environmental and social effectiveness, there are so many problem. Such as Lack of strong policy support; Poor access to information; Lack the knowledge of carbon exchange; Higher threshold to apply for Clean Development Mechanism project; Carbon trading market is imperfect etc.On the basic of the characteristics, experience and analysis of the problem in Guangxi and Beijing project, to promote forestry carbon sequestration projects development in China, put forward some enlightenment proposals. Including the following recommendations:Establish a sound and reasonable policy on forestry carbon sequestration; Raise funds in various channels, Increase scientific and technological investment; establish an information platform for social participation; Establish a carbon sink project risk management system; perfect platform for carbon trading etc. It has very important theoretical and practical significance.

  • 【分类号】F326.2
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】714

