

Research on Professional Structure and Layout of Multidisciplinary and Industry Characteristical University

【作者】 王玲

【导师】 胡涌; 林震;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 行政管理, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 20世纪末,在我国高等教育体制改革过程中,对原来归属行业部委管理的高校统一实行了划转与合并,这些高校中的绝大多数现已逐步发展成为多科性的行业特色型大学。但普遍存在着专业结构与布局和体制改革目标不相适应的情况。为探索解决这一问题的途径,基于高等教育管理学的专业发展与管理理论、教育生态学理论和通识教育等理论,依据国家自1998年到2010年出台的专业结构与布局调整的相关政策和《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010-2020年)》,在检索和研究大量国内外相关文献的基础上,对专业、学科、多科性与特色型大学、专业类型、专业结构、专业布局等基本概念和我国多科性行业特色型大学专业结构与布局调整地历史、原则等一系列问题进行了研究,指出了存在问题和整体发展思路。采用专家座谈会、院系领导座谈会,专家、院系领导个别访谈的方法,对相关院校的专家、领导进行调查;采用问卷调查法,对案例高校——北京林业大学的13个学院4个年级的500位本科生和200位家长进行抽样问卷调查。运用数学统计方法进行分析,采用定量与定性相结合的分析方法,得出专业结构与布局所存在的问题,设计出学校专业结构与布局影响因素体系。提出我国多科性行业特色型大学专业结构与布局调整的原则为(1)目标原则,(2)功能原则,(3)布局原则, (4)层次原则, (5)资源整合原则, (6)共建可能性原则,并提出北京林业大学具体调整方案:根据学校中长期的发展规模,今后设置以林学、水土保持和园林为主要特色的50-60个各类专业,70-80个专业和专业方向比较合适。

【Abstract】 At the end of 20th century, the process of higher education reform in China, university which Managemented by industry ministries had been transfered and consolidated, the most majority of these universities has gradually developed into a multidisciplinary and industry characteristics. But General Situation is the structure and layout of professional and institutional reform targets can not meet the conditions. In order to explore ways to solve this problem, based on the professional development of higher education management and management theory, education, general education theory and theories of ecology, based state from 1998 to 2010, introduced the professional structure and layout adjustment policies and "State Program for educational reform and development and long-term (2010-2020)", in the search and study a large number of related literatures, based on professional, academic, professional types, professional structure, professional layout of the basic concepts and the history and principles of higher professional structure and layout adjustment, pointed out the problems and how to develop. Use of expert seminars, leadership seminars departments, experts, led by individual faculty interview, the experts in the relevant institutions to conduct investigations; by questionnaire, on the case of University-Beijing Forestry University 13 colleges four-years undergraduate students and parents, using mathematical statistical methods, quantitative and qualitative analysis approach, a professional structure and layout of the problems, design professional school structure and distribution of impact factor system, Beijing Forestry University made the professional structure and layout of the principle of adjustment:goals and principles, functional principles, layout principles, level of principle, the principle of resource integration, Change the possibility of principles and specific adjustment programs:the scale of development according to the school term, the next set 50-60,70-80 professional expertise and professional direction appropriate.


