

Study on the Traditional Settlement Landscape in Nanxi River Valley

【作者】 任蓉

【导师】 林箐;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 城市规划与设计, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 古村落是基于自然条件,宗教礼仪,血缘关系,经济方式等因素而形成的人类聚居环境。古村落景观反映了人们为了生产和生活改造自然的方式,是一种重要的文化景观。千百年来,楠溪江流域特定的自然地理环境造就了富有地方特征、与环境高度和谐的传统聚落景观,并较完整地保留至今。这些景观,包括聚落与自然环境的关系,水系的整理,农地与居住地的布局,村落公共空间的类型和系统,家庭庭院的类型和布局,表明了农业社会该地区的人们在利用土地建设家园方面的高超智慧和丰富经验,是古人在风景园林方面的杰出成就。对楠溪江流域传统聚落不同层面的景观类型和特点的研究,以及对其自然和人文的成因的探讨,都会给今天风景园林领域的实践带来启示。

【Abstract】 Traditional settlement is a kind of historic habitat of human beings which many factors such as natural conditions, religion etiquettes, blood relations and economic conditions affect the formation of it. Landscape of traditional settlement reflects the way of remodeling nature for producing and living by the people. It’s an important type of cultural landscape. For a thousand of years, the graceful, harmonious and characteristic landscape of traditional settlements have developed in Nanxi river valley because of its special natural and geographical environment. They remained mostly undamaged over a long period of time. These landscapes, including the relationship between settlements and nature environment, management of water system, spatial layout of farmland and dwelling places, category and system of public spaces, types and layout of domestic gardens, reflect people’s wisdom and experience in land use and homestead construction, even at agricultural era. They are the outstanding achievement of our ancients in landscape architecture in the past. A study in levels on the types and characters of traditional settlement landscape in Nanxi river valley will give inspiration for our practice in landscape architecture today.

【关键词】 聚落环境街巷水系农地
【Key words】 settlementenvironmentstreetwater systemfarmland

