

The Effects of Weak Light on the Growth, Development and Physiological Characteristics of Cut-lilies

【作者】 喇燕菲

【导师】 张启翔;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 百合是我国重要的切花,在我国北方地区主要进行设施栽培,而冬春季节弱光成为影响其设施生产的重要逆境因素之一。目前国内外有关切花百合耐弱光性的研究报道较少,为了探明弱光条件下百合不同品系的生长发育及生理特性,为我国北方地区切花百合的耐弱光品种选育提供依据,本论文分别以4种东方百合、亚洲百合和2种L/A系列百合为试验材料,研究了弱光逆境下东方百合和亚洲的生长、发育和生理特性等对弱光的响应性变化,以及弱光胁迫下L/A系列百合的生长形态变化,并利用隶属函数法综合评价东方百合和亚洲百合品种,筛选出耐弱光品种。试验结果如下:1.在弱光处理下,所试东方百合品种的生长发育受到抑制,叶面积增大,比叶重减小,植株有轻微的徒长现象,花头不挺,切花品质有所下降。而亚洲百合品种比东方百合品种对弱光敏感性更强,75%遮阴处理下(光照强度为50μmol/m2-70μmol/m2),比叶重减小,切花干重显著下降,植物合成生物量减少,导致生殖生产量减少,花蕾脱落显著,严重影响切花品质。2.温室的正常光照条件(光强为180-250μmol/m2)可以满足L/A系列百合品种’Termoli’和’Serrada’正常生长需要,而当光强低于90-130μmol/m2时,’Termoli’与Serrada’不能正常生长,花蕾脱落现象严重,’Termoli’的花蕾数比’Serrada’显著减少,耐弱光性较好。3.东方百合品种’Marcopolo’的耐弱光性最好,在75%遮阴条件下(光强为50μmol/m2~70μmol/m2) Pn、LCP、Rd较低,比叶重较小,表观量子效率变化幅度小。相反地,’Acapulco’对弱光较为敏感。4.亚洲百合品种’Vermeer’和’Loreto’的耐弱光性最好,在75%遮阴条件下(50μmol/m2-70μmol/m2),其光合能力下降幅度较小,同化产物高于其他两个品种,生长势强健。而’Navona’在冬季温室正常光照下(220μmol/m2-270μmol/m2)则出现了严重的生长不良,耐弱光性最差,不适于在北方冬春季节栽培。5.东方百合品种’Marcopolo’和亚洲百合品种’Vermeer’和’Loreto’及L/A系列百合品种’Serrada’对弱光的耐性较好,可以考虑将其作为培育北方地区百合耐弱光品种的亲本材料。比叶重可以作为评价东方百合和亚洲百合耐弱光性的可靠的鉴定指标。本研究为培育适合我国北方冬春季节温室栽培的切花百合的耐弱光品种提供理论依据,为切花百合的耐弱光品种筛选提供了新的思路和方法。

【Abstract】 Lily is an important cut-flower grown under protected cultivation in winter and spring in China. At present weak light stress is one of the main restrict factors on influencing the production of lily under protected cultivation. In recent years, studies on the characteristic of cut lilies under low light are quite limited at home and abroad. To provide the theoretic basis for lily breeding of weak light tolerance, the growth, development and photosynthetic characteristics of cut lilies were studied under weak light. In the paper, using Lilium "Oriental hybrids"、Lilium "Asiatic hybrids" and Lilium "L/A hybrids" as materials, we investigated the response of growth、development and Physiological Characteristic on low light, and the change of morpha under low light in Lilium "L/A hybrids". And the cultivars with low light tolerance were selected with the method of Membership Function Synthetical Evaluation. The main results were as follows:1. The growth and development of the cultivars of Lilium "Oriental hybrids" decreased under low light, the effective leaf area increased and specific leaf mass (SLM) dropped. The plants had the symptom of slight spindling; excessive growth. And the quality of cut flowers was decreased. Howerver the cultivars in Lilium "Asiatic hybrids" were more sensitive to the cultivars in Lilium "Oriental hybrids". The specific leaf mass (SLM) was falling, dry weight of cut flower decreased significantly, and biomass synthesis decreased which resulted in the flower buds taken off.So the quality of Lilium "Asiatic hybrids" was falling significantly.2.When the light intensity was 180-250μmol/m2, the cultivars such as’Termoli’、’Serrada’of Lilium "L/A hybrids" could grow normally, while the light intensity was less 90-130μmol/m2,’Termoli’ and’Serrada’could not grow healthily, and the flower buds were taken off significantly. The number of flower buds in’Termoli’was less than’Serrada’.3.In Lilium "Oriental hybrids",’Marcopolo’had better shading resistance than others. The light compensation point(LCP), dark respiration rate (Rd)and specific leaf mass(SLM) of’Marcopolo’was lower than other three varieties, and the change of apparent quantum yield(AQY) was small under 75% shadings (50μmol/m2-70μmol/m2),while’Acapulco’was sensitive to low light.4. In Lilium "Asiatic hybrids",’Vermeer’and’Loreto’had better shading resistance, photosynthetic capacity decreased less,and assimilation was higher. The plants grew strongly, which were suitable for grow in winter and summer in north place of China. The normal light intensity (180-250μmol/m2) made’Navona’grown unhealthily and it is considered unsuitable to grow in the winter of north China.5. The cultivar’Marcopolo’of Lilium "Oriental hybrids"and’Vermeer’、’Loreto’of Lilium "Asiatic hybrids" have better resistance to weak light, and they could be considered to be the parent-materials to foster the cultivars of weak light resistance. Specific leaf mass could be the index of weak light resistant identification.The study provided the theoretic basis for lily breeding of weak light tolerance which are suitable for growing in the greenhouse in winter and spring of north China and provided new methods for the cut-lilies’selection of weak light tolerance.


