

Primary Studies on Tree Peony Culture and Application in the Buddhist Temple Gardens

【作者】 李青艳

【导师】 袁涛;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 牡丹,中国特产花卉之一,一直以来深受人们喜爱。随着牡丹研究的不断深入,牡丹文化和应用研究的领域也不断拓宽和延伸,但牡丹与宗教的关系及其在该领域的应用研究不足,缺乏系统的整理和归纳。而佛寺园林是中国传统古典园林的一个重要分支,本文即针对佛寺园林与牡丹文化展开研究,主要内容如下:1.从中国的自然条件、牡丹的形态特征、生物学特性、药用和食用价值、佛教的中国化、佛家的日常生活和私家园林、皇家园林与佛寺园林之间的相互渗透和影响等十方面分析了牡丹出现在佛寺园林中的原因。2.通过牡丹古谱、古诗及现存的古牡丹等方面揭示了牡丹与佛寺园林的关系。3.从实物栽植、佛事供花和牡丹图案三个方面阐述了牡丹在佛寺园林中的主要表现形式。4.具体分析了中国比较著名的佛寺洛阳白马寺、西安慈恩寺、北京戒台寺等佛寺中牡丹的栽培和应用。通过以上分析,本文得出以下结论:1.自唐始,牡丹一直都是佛寺园林中比较常见的植物。2.佛寺中牡丹的栽植主要经历了五个阶段:初始期(秦汉至隋)、始盛期(唐)、全盛期(宋)、成熟期(明清)和恢复兴盛期(改革开放后至今)。3.佛教寺院对古牡丹资源的保护具有重要的意义。4.佛寺中的牡丹图案主要有写实牡丹和经过艺术加工的装饰牡丹图案两大类,其中后者比较多见。一般通过绘画、雕刻等形式出现在寺院之中。本文最后指出目前国内佛寺园林中牡丹应用方式较为单调、缺乏专业的栽培管护措施等不足,希望加强牡丹等传统名花在佛寺园林中应用的历史、文化寓意及栽培养护技术等方面的研究。

【Abstract】 Tree peony is endemic to China and deeplyloved by Chinese people. With the development of social economy, the researches on tree peony become more and more rich. However, the research on its application in the field of religion is very limited. Buddhist temple garden is an important part of Chinese classical gardens.This thesis is mainly about the relationship of tree peony and Buddhism garden. It is made up of following parts:First, the thesis analyses the reasons why tree peony appeared in the Buddhism temples in several aspects:China’s natural conditions,morphyical and biological characteristics, medicinal and edible value of Buddhism in China,the localization of Buddhism in China,Buddhism everyday life, and the penetration and impact of Private Gardens, the Royal Gardens and Temple Gardens etc.Second, the ancient books, poems and ancient tree peony plants were also presented in order to demonstrate the relationship between tree peony and Buddhist temple gardens.Third, the author presented the three major utilization ways of the tree peony in the Buddhist temple gardens, including the ornamental planting, the flower arrangement before Buddha and the decoration ways of tree peony in the temple gardens.Fourth, several tree peony gardens in well-known Buddhist temples throughout China for examples,such as Baima Temple,Ci’en Temple,Jietai Temple, were selected to support the analysis.The author get the following conclusions base on above analysis based on above works:First, tree peony has long been selected to be a temple garden plants, ans was deeply loved by monks and people.Second, the application of tree peony can be divided into five stages:the initial period (Han Sui), beginning period (Tang), peak period (Song), mature (Ming) and the resumption of development period (from the reform and opening year to now).Third, Buddhist temples are of great significance for ancient peony resource protection.Fourth, decorative patterns of tree peony in buddhist temples mainly includes realistic pattern and decorative pattern, of which the latter more common. Generally they are shown through painting, sculpture and other forms of being in Buddhist temples.Finally, the thesis points out that the way of tree peony application in Chinese Buddhist temples is monotonous and lack of professional mangment.hoping to strengthen the research on the application of the historical, cultural implications and cultivation and conservation technology.


