

The Preliminary Research of the Public Cemetery Landscape Design in China

【作者】 黄冬梅

【导师】 苏雪痕;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 墓园是生者对逝者纪念与缅怀的场所,具有悠久的历史和深厚的文化内涵,是人类生活和发展的重要组成部分。它的产生及发展随着人类世界观、价值观的演变而变化,是人类生死观的具体物质化表现形式。我国的公共墓园是在近代受西方文化影响下产生的,是我国当代殡葬业的主要设施。因我国民众普遍对死亡持有回避心理,公共墓园景观的建设向来不受重视,对墓园景观设计的相关研究亦有所欠缺,使墓园作为一种纪念性场所失去了原本应有的人文价值,我国大部分公共墓园在许多方面都不能满足大众的需求,甚至给城市风貌和城市居住环境带来负面影响。公共墓园作为城市的基本附属物,与城市的发展息息相关。随着人口基数不断增长,未来社会将不可避免的进入丧葬高峰。殡葬需求的急剧上升和墓地的不可再生性向城市发展提出了又一难题。认真研究公共墓园问题不仅是关于中国传统文化传承的问题,更与城市人居环境、城市可待续发展有着密切的关系。本文在客观分析我国公共墓园建设存在问题的基础上,分析问题产生的根源,明确公共墓园在当代的社会价值和社会功能,继承我国传统墓园设计理念的精华,去其糟粕,合理借鉴西方墓园景观设计理念。并在现场调查,实例分析对比以及查阅文献资料的基础上,结合我国基本国情,探讨我国公共墓园的景观设计方法,初步探讨我国公共墓园文化和情感氛围的营造方式,以期为我国公共墓园的发展提供意见和建议。在土地资源日趋匮乏,提倡“绿色殡葬,节约土地”的社会背景下,本文提出,殡葬消费的本质应是精神消费,墓园存在的本质是满足人们精神需求,因而墓园的设计既要继承传统的历史文脉,又要反映时代文化特征,公共墓园除了基本的殡葬功能之外还应具有生态、文化传承、文化教育、休闲等多重功能,使其成为逝者的净土,生者的净园。

【Abstract】 The cemetery is a place to commemorate and recall the deceased, with a long history and profound cultural connotations; It is the important part of human life and development. Its production and development changes with the change of human world view and value, is the specific substances of representation for human ideas of life and death.Our country’s public cemetery produced under the influence of western culture in modern time that is our main facilities of contemporary funeral industry. Due to our people generally hold abient psychology to death, the construction of public cemetery landscape was always been ignored and related research of cemetery landscape design also lack. These made the cemetery as memorial sites lost its due humanistic value. In many respects, most of our public cemetery didn’t meet the needs of the public, or even bring negative impact to cityscape and urban living environment. Public cemetery as basic appendages is closely related to the development of the city. With the increase of population, the society will inevitably enter funeral peak. The rapid increase in demand for the funeral and interment, and cemeteries non-renewable raised another difficult problem to urban development. Seriously study the issue of public cemetery is not only about the problems of traditional Chinese cultural heritage, but also have close relate with the urban human settlements, urban sustainable development.This article on the basis of the existing problems for objective analysis our country’s public cemetery construction, analyses the causes of the problems, makes clear public cemetery’s social value and social function in contemporary, inheriting the essence of traditional cemetery design concept, reject the dross, reasonable use for reference of Western cemetery landscape design concept. And in the field investigation, base on the example analysis contrasts as well as consults the literature material; combine with our country’s basic national conditions, investigating our landscape design method of public cemetery and building method of our country’s public cemetery cultural and emotional atmosphere preliminary, with a view to provide opinion and suggestion of our public cemetery development.In the society background that land resource increasingly scarce and promotes’green funeral, saving land’, this paper puts forward the essence of funeral consumer should be spirit consumption. The nature of cemetery existence is meet the spiritual need of people, thus the design of cemetery should not inherit traditional historical context, but also reflect the cultural characteristics of the times. Apart from basic funeral function, the public cemetery should also have multi-function as ecology, cultural inheritance, education and leisure and etc., making it become pure land to the dead, net park to the living.


