

Research and Simulation on the Jamming of Frequency-Hopping Communication System

【作者】 寇治刚

【导师】 冯小平;

【作者基本信息】 西安电子科技大学 , 电路与系统, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 跳频通信具有良好的抗干扰性、低截获概率及组网能力,因此跳频技术一出现,便在军事领域得到了极大的发展,提高了军事装备的抗截获和抗干扰能力,向通信对抗提出了严峻的挑战。开展跳频通信对抗技术的研究,寻求干扰跳频通信的方法,己成了当前通信对抗领域十分紧迫而困难的任务之一。基于此,本文对跳频通信系统的干扰能力进行了理论分析和仿真研究。本文从跳频系统的组成、数学模型、主要技术指标、跳频通信的主要特点等方面阐述了跳频通信基本原理,着重对跳频通信系统的干扰技术及其性能进行了理论分析和仿真研究。文章从理论上分析了典型通信干扰对跳频通信系统的影响,包括全频段干扰、部分频带干扰、单音干扰、多音干扰以及跟踪干扰等五种典型干扰样式,并以FH/BFSK系统为例,给出了上述五种典型通信干扰样式下的误码率理论分析结果。利用Matlab/Simulink仿真软件建立了跳频通信系统仿真模型,并分别建立了上述五种干扰模型,通过改变干扰模型的参数设置,得到跳频通信系统在不同干扰样式下的误码率曲线,对上述理论分析结论进行了验证。

【Abstract】 Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum (FH-SS) communication is widely used, especially in the field of military communication, because of its better ability in anti-interference and net-working, so reconnaissance and jamming signals of FHSS system are considered as important contents in communication counter measures Based on the project, theoretical analysis and simulation on jamming performance of FH communication system were shown in this paper.This paper introduces FH communication principle including structure, mathematic model, primary technical parameters. Especially, jamming performances are analyzed and simulated. It concludes the effect which makes to FH communication system from typical jamming on the theoretical point, including full-band noise jamming, partial-band noise jamming, single frequency jamming, multiple frequency jamming and track jamming. Moreover, bit-error-rate (BER) calculations of FH/BFSK system are presented under above jamming conditions. The simulation model of FH communication system is built on the Matlab/Simulink software platform and every jamming model is built which contains. BER-JSR curve figures are presented under above jamming conditions as changing the parameters of the jamming mode and validate the theory analysis.


