

Studies on Novels of Xu Zechen

【作者】 钟娟

【导师】 李运抟;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 徐则臣是近年来备受评论家关注的青年作家,之所以会受到众多评论家的关注主要有两方面的原因,一方面是他连续获得了诸如第四届春天文学奖等几个引入注目的奖项,另一方面,当然也是更重要的原因,是徐则臣小说创作不仅逐渐走向成熟,而且开始显示出比较鲜明的创作特色和不可忽视的创作实力,使不少研究者开始注意到他小说创作的文学价值。徐则臣的小说创作主要包含了三类小说题材:其一,是关于外乡人在北京漂泊的“京漂”小说;其二,是对于远去故乡回顾的“故乡”系列小说;还有一类小说是他从小说创作形式上进行探索的“谜团”系列。徐则臣的小说创作关注普通社会小人物的生活际遇,抒写着他们物质的困窘和精神的焦虑,通过对这些普通人的生活描写,来体现他对于人与城市,人与时代关系的思考,也展露出他对于小人物的悲悯情怀。本文主要从徐则臣创作的“京漂”小说和“故乡”系列小说着手,从小说书写的现实意义和叙事特色等方面来探讨徐则臣的小说创作。引言部分首先就徐则臣小说的创作题材、主题和小说的艺术手法做出简要的概述,然后阐述了徐则臣小说的研究现状以及本文的选题意义。论文主题内容分为三部分:第一部分主要就徐则臣“京漂”系列加以研究,主要包含三方面的内容,首先对徐则臣小说中的外乡人在北京的生活群像加以概括呈现,然后是从异乡与故乡的互为参照的角度来叙述这些城市异乡者的精神困境,最后是将徐则臣这一系列的小说放在底层叙事的大背景下来探讨他“京漂”书写的时代意义;论文的第二部分就徐则臣的“故乡”系列小说从小说所抒写的“故乡”往事、出走与返归的主题,以及现代意识的乡村关照这三方面就这一系列的小说进行综合研究。文章的第三部分从现实主义的叙事、日常叙事等角度就徐则臣的小说的叙事特色加以研究。结语部分简要概述徐则臣的小说创作的成就以及不足之处。

【Abstract】 Xu Zechen’novel had been concerned by many critics in recent years.the main reason will be subject to two reasons, on one hand, Xu Zechen had won several literary awards, such as the fourth spring literary award;On the other hand, the most important reason, of course, is that Xu Zechen’snovels have gradually matured and began to show more clear-cut features,and the creation of the creative power can not be ignored, so that many researchers began to notice his novels’literary value. Xu Zechen’s novels consist mainly of three types of fictions:the first fiction is about "outlanders living in Beijing"; the second is about the memory of the hometown; the last one is a class of novel form of his novels to explore from the "mystery" series. Xu Zechen’s novel concerns the ordinary life of people in society, and describes the embarrassment of their material and spiritual anxiety. Xu Zechen thinks about the relationship between people and the city or people with the times through these descriptions of ordinary people’s life. He also expresses sympathy for the ordinary people.This paper created from Xu Zechen’s novels about "outlanders living in Beijing" and the novel about the memory of the hometown, from novel’s practical significance and narrative writing to investigate the characteristics of Xu Zechen’s novel. The paper is divided into three parts:the first part mainly on novels about "outlanders living in Beijing", includes three aspects. The first part is about the life of the outlanders living in Beijing, and then with the homeland from a foreign land reference point of each other to describe the spirit of these outlanders. Finally, let this series of novels on the background of "the outlanders living in Beijing" to show the meanings of Xu Zechen’s writing; The second part is the memory of the hometown. This part mainly on the content of describing the past hometown, the subject of return and elope, and the modern consciousness of rural care. The last part of the paper studies the narrative features of Xu Zechen’s novel from the angles of realistic narrative and daily narrative.

  • 【分类号】I207.42
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】361

