

Development of Learning Satisfaction Scale for Pupils

【作者】 胡秀

【导师】 范晓玲;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 应用心理学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 目的:初步编制小学生学习满意度量表,进行项目的筛选,并对量表信、效度进行初步检验,为小学生学习满意度评价、临床诊断治疗和教学改革提供测评工具,同时初步探讨小学生学习满意度的理论结构。方法:采用理论探讨与实践分析相结合的方法构建量表。在查阅文献吸取前人研究结果,访谈和开放式问卷调查的基础上,提出小学生学习满意度初步结构模型并确定量表内容。通过三次项目筛选和测试,进一步确定量表结构,形成正式量表。采取分层整群取样法在长沙地区抽取城市、农村二类共6所小学863例有效样本进行项目分析。获取重测信度样本72例,两类同时校标样本共308例,采用各种测量学指标对测验进行项目分析和信、效度检验。结果:1.小学生学习满意度量表由46个项目构成,分为课堂环境、教学技能、师生关系、同学关系、家庭关系、学业成就6个分量表。2.项目分析结果:各项目的题总相关在0.226-0.571之间,相关极显著;各项目的通俗性水平在0.49-0.90之间。3.信度分析结果:总量表的a系数和分半信度系数分别为0.889和0.890,重测信度为0.72。4.效度分析结果:各分量表与总量表的相关在0.60-0.78之间,明显高于各分量表之间的相关。各年级总量表得分与学习主观幸福感量表总分的相关在0.67-0.75之间,量表总分与学习成绩的相关为0.32,均达到非常显著的水平。总量表与部分分量表存在性别、学校类型、年级差异。结论:1.量表的心理学指标良好,可以对小学生学习满意度作出区分。2.小学生学习满意度在性别、学校类型、年级上存在一定差异。

【Abstract】 Objective:The Learning Satisfaction Scale(LSS) for pupils was developed. Items were analyzed, and the reliability and validity were tested.The purpose of the study was to provide ameasurement for learning Satisfaction evaluation and for the clinic diagnosis and teaching reform,also to explore the structure of the learning Satisfaction using by the pupils.Method:The LSS’s development was based on theoretical and experiential strategies.The primary structure and content of the scale were proposed by drawing forefather’s study, interviewing students with open-end questionnaire.The structure of the scale was confirmed after testing and selecting items for 3 times, then the formal scale was developed. Adopted the samples in proportion to the hierarchy in Changsha.Formal samples consist of 863 pupils from 6 primary schools, Who came from urban or countryside.Inaddition,72 subjects was retested after 20 days.160 subjects did the sense of learning satisfaction test, and 148 subjects academic performances were collected.The LSS’s items reliabilities and validities were tested by various measurement methods.Result:1.The LSS for pupils composed of 46 items including 6 subscales(Learning Environment, Teaching Ability, Relation with Teacher, Relation with Classmate, Family Relation and Academic Performance).2.Item Analysis:The item-total correlations ranges from 0.226 to 0.571 are very significant. The difficulties of items ranges from 0.48 to 0.91.3.Reliability:the a coefficient of the scale is 0.889, and the split-half coefficient of the scale is 0.890.The test-retest reliability is 0.72. 4.validity:the correlations between subscales and scale ranges from 0.60 to 0.78, which are higher than those between subscales. The correlations between the scores and the sense of learning well-being tests scores ranges from 0.67 to 0.75 for 3 grades, and the correlations between the scores and academic performances is 0.32,both arrived at significant level. The scores of scale and some subscales have differences among schools, grades and ingender.Conclusion:1. The structure of the test is reasonable and reaches the basic demand of measurement standards, and the test can be used to detect levels of Learning Satisfaction of pupils.2. There are differences among schools, grades and ingender for Learning Satisfaction of pupils.

【关键词】 学习满意度小学生项目分析信度效度
【Key words】 Learning SatisfactionPupilsItem AnalysisReliabilityValidity

