

Studying for the Well-known Trademark Claims Income Securition Law Issues

【作者】 姜超云

【导师】 何炼红;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 民商法学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 资产证券化做为一种创新金融工具,发端于20世纪70年代的美国,它的出现,开创了一种新的融资渠道,促进了金融市场的发展。现阶段,由于我国金融市场发展水平相对落后,资产证券化业务在我国还处于试点时期。驰名商标作为企业一项重要的无形资产,具有巨大的经济价值,其债权收益能够成为资产证券化的客体。文章将资产证券化的基本原理与驰名商标债权收益结合,主要对驰名商标债权收益证券化的基本理论、法律关系、交易流程以及就我国发展驰名商标债权收益证券化的法律构建问题进行了系统研究。文章通过对资产证券化概念的分析,得出驰名商标债权收益证券化是一种将驰名商标产生的债权收益作为基础资产为支撑发行证券进行融资的过程。在驰名商标债权收益证券化过程中,原始权益人将驰名商标产生的债权收益作为基础资产通过“真实销售”的方式转移至特殊目的机构,以达到破产隔离的目的。为了达到破产隔离之目的,应该对特殊目的机构的组织形式及业务限制进行规定,同时也应该采用一定的标准对资产“真实销售”的方式及销售后果进行判断。驰名商标债权收益来源于驰名商标的价值,由于驰名商标的无形性,使得对其进行价值评估十分困难。为了准确评估其价值,需要采用一些不同于有形资产的评估方式,实践中常采用的评估方法有市价评估法和收益现值法等方法。发展驰名商标债权收益证券化业务是驰名商标有效利用的途径之一。文章在最后部分针对我国现行相关法律体制对发展驰名商标债权收益证券化业务的制约,并结合我国现在的实际情况,提出了具体的立法建议。

【Abstract】 Asset securitization as an innovative financial instrument, originated in the 70s of the 20th century the United States, it appears, create a new financing channels, to promote the development of financial markets. At this stage, due to the relatively backward development of financial markets, asset securitization business in China is still in trial period. Well-known trademark as an important intangible asset business has great economic value, well-known trademark can become the object of asset securitization。The article will be the basic principles of asset securitization and the combination of well-known trademark, the main claims income securition of well-known trademarks of the basic theory, legal relations, transactions, and the development of well-known trademarks in China claim on income securition law system construction issues.Article by asset-backed securities analysis, that the concept of the well-known trademark claim income securitions is a well-known trademark claims arising from the underlying assets to support offering of securitions for financing process. claims Income securition in the well-known trademark process, the original rights of people to claim benefits arising from well-known trademarks as a basis for the assets through the "true sale" means the transfer to special purpose entities, in order to achieve the purpose bankruptcy remote. In order to achieve the objectives of the bankruptcy isolation should be on special purpose bodies of the Organization and the limits of the business, but also should be standard on assets real sales approach and sales consequences judgmentWell-known trademark claims the value of income derived from the well-known trademarks, because the intangible nature of well-known trademarks, which make it very difficult to value assessment. In order to accurately assess the value, you need to do that is different from the assessment of physical assets, often used in the practice of evaluation methods have market value appraisal method and earning, and other methods.Development of the well-known trademark claim income securition business is a well-known mark effectively utilize one of the ways. In this paper, In the end, the relevant part of the existing legal framework for China’s well-known trademarks on the development of claim income business constraints, and the actual situation in our country now, put forward specific legislative proposals.


