

On the Archetype of Gong and the Mythologic Thought from the Relation of Image and Characters

【作者】 向世飞

【导师】 赵炎秋;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 比较文学与世界文学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 从文字学、图像学、神话学以及文化人类学等多个角度对“公”字展开立体式的跨学科考察,我们发现“公”字是一个蕴含丰富的生殖崇拜信息的汉字,在中国传统文化中隐含着一个影响深广的“公”原型。从文字学角度来看“公”字是一个表示“男女生殖器相交”的构形。“公”字中“八”表示女阴,“厶”表示男根。古代实物图像中的“山云组合”与“公”字具有同构关系,以《高唐赋》为代表的文学作品中的“山云”、“云雨”是性隐喻的符号。“公”原型是一个遍布世界范围的生殖崇拜文化现象,产生于远古的生殖崇拜。在中国的文明进程中“公”原型逐渐被遮蔽与升华,出现了“公”原型的审美化、社会化与哲学化的现象。从跨学科研究的角度来看,“公原型”体现了汉字思维、图像思维、神话思维与文化人类学的互通性。汉字中有“公容相通”的语言现象。从图像学的角度来看,中外实物图像中“人面纹”里均有丰富的生殖崇拜信息。在中外文化中存在着一个“鼻口组合”,其中鼻是男根的隐喻、口是女阴的隐喻。将刑天、女娲神话与实物图像结合起来考察,可以看到中外文化中广泛存在的人头与身体互喻的神话思维。汉字“容”中包含着一个“公原型”的部件,从文字学、图像学、.神话学与文化人类学等多个角度来考察,有助于我们理解“公容相通”背后的文化根源。

【Abstract】 The stereoscopic interdisciplinary research from such perspectives as philology, mythology, iconography and culture anthropology reaches the conclusion that the Chinese character“公”contains rich information of Adoration and the traditional Chinese culture is imbedded with a“公”archetype of profound influence.From the point of view of philology the character“公”is in the configuration of "male and female genitals intersection", with“八”standing for the vulva and“厶”for penis. Ancient physical image of "combination of mountain and cloud " has isomorphic relation with“公”.In literature works such as the representative "Gao Tang Fu", the "cloud and mountain" or "cloud and rain" is a metaphorical symbol of sexual relation. Archetype of Gong is a worldwide cultural phenomenon of Adoration, originating from the ancient times. In the development of Chinese civilization, archetype of Gong gradually has been obscured and sublimated and become more aesthetical, social and philosophical. From the perspective of interdisciplinary research, "Gong archetype" reflects the intercommunity of Chinese philological ideology, mythological ideology, iconographical ideology and cultural anthropology.In Chinese philology exists "synonymy of‘公’(genital) and‘容’(face)". In iconography, both of Chinese and foreign physical images "human face design" are rich in Adoration information and the "combination of nose and mouth" therein has the metaphorical nose for penis and mouth for vulva. The combination of Xingtian myth with the physical image will give a glimpse of the widespread mythological ideology of head-body metaphor in Chinese and foreign cultures. Chinese character“容”contains a unit to embody "Gong archetype". The dimensional research from such perspectives as philology, mythology, iconography and culture anthropology will help understand the culture cause of "synonymy of’‘公’(genital) and‘容’(face)".


