

Study on Book Brand of Hunan Province

【作者】 熊钰

【导师】 周玉波;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 传播学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 面对风起云涌的市场竞争,品牌的重要性对每一个行业来说都超过了以往任何时候,出版业也不例外。外国的贝塔斯曼、兰登书屋,国内的商务印书馆、三联书店等企业都借助自身的品牌优势体现了强大的市场竞争力。认识品牌的意义,探寻打造品牌的方法,对于出版企业、出版产业乃至文化产业和经济发展都有着十分重要的作用。在湖南省建设文化强省的重要发展阶段,研究出版品牌具有重大现实意义和长远战略意义。全文凡6章,以湖南图书出版品牌为主要研究内容,借助系统论的观点提出了打造湖南图书出版品牌的系统框架和理论。文章首先从品牌的概念界定着手,梳理了学界对于品牌的不同见解,并结合品牌实例阐述了在现阶段品牌所具有的实际意义和强大功效。结合自身的理解,在对出版品牌的本质进行探讨后,认为出版品牌按照内容可分为三大类,包括出版物品牌、出版人品牌和出版企业品牌;按照层次来分分为单个品牌、系列品牌和企业品牌。其次从宏观角度上阐述了出版品牌与企业之间密不可分的关系,并指出品牌对出版产业及地方经济的发展起到了重要的作用。出版品牌的建设是必要而且紧迫的,如何构建成功的湖南出版品牌是本文研究的重点所在。在对湖南出版所具备的优劣条件以及面临的机遇和挑战进行分别论述后,提出湖南出版品牌的建设是一项长期而复杂的系统工程。要真正树立一个富有生机的出版品牌其实是一个不断运动发展的系统工程。从品牌发展的内在规律来看,品牌的建立不是一劳永逸的,品牌成熟了之后还要进行延伸创新,保证品牌的长久生命力,因而品牌的发展过程是一个循环往复、逐渐壮大的过程。依据系统的理论特点,在这项系统工程当中,出版企业需要从意识、定位、质量、营销、管理、创新六个核心要素对出版品牌进行设计和操作。六大要素之间只有相互协调合作才能发挥系统的最大效应,任何一个要素做得不到位都将制约出版品牌的树立,更甚者可能造成企业的生存危机,影响产业的发展。在论文最后,提出了出版品牌成熟之后还要积极推进品牌的国际化进程。湖南作为文化大省,有着丰富的出版资源和众多的优秀作品,也需要通过国际交流合作引进国外的资金、技术和观念以促进本土出版产业的发展。出版品牌就好比一张名片,它体现了湖南出版的特色和风格,将湖湘大地上的精神文明展现在世人面前。将湖南图书出版品牌建设作为一项系统工程来看待,是希望帮助湖南出版构建一个品牌发展的路线图,促进本省出版品牌的发展和壮大,以品牌为媒介大力传播湖湘文化和中华文化。

【Abstract】 Facing the intense competition, brands are more important than ever before in every industry. Brand competition in publishing industry has become white-hot. The publishing companies, such as Bertelsmann, Random House aborad, Commercial Press, Zhong Hua Book Company, Joint Publishing Company,they all have strong market competitiveness with their own brands. Recognizing the significance of the brand and exploreing ways to build brands play an important roles in the development of publishing industry and our country’s cultural and economic. In this important period of Hunan Province to building a Strong Cultural Province, researching the publishing brand has great practical significance and long-term strategic significance.This paper has 6 chapters, the main component of it is publishing brand of Hunan Province.From the perspectives of system theory,it discusses the systemframe of publishing brand of Hunan.In first of this article, I define the brand, then combining the brand examples, discuss the practical significance and strong effect of it.After elaborating the essence of publishing brand, I think publishing brand can be divided into three categories, including book brand, publisher brand and company brand by content; individual brand, series brand corporation brand by level. In accordance with the macroscopic perspective,the paper also expounds the close relationship among the brand, company and industry.The focus of the paper is how to build a successful publishing brand of Hunan Province.Based on the advantages and disadvantages of publishing brand in Hunan Province, the new opportunities and new challenges that has to faced, constructing the publishing brand of Hunan is a long-term and complex systems engineering. According to systematology and the inner law of brand development, the work of building publishing brand has a long-term process,not once and for all. A well-established brand is not the end of this systems engineering, it requires extended effort. Companies have to explore in such aspects as consciousness, design, quality, marketing, management, innovation, in order to build a successful brand.All these aspects must coordinate with each other.Otherwise,the company even the industry will be nfluenced.After the mature of local publishing brand, it is necessary for companies to let the brands been global. The great quantity of resources and excellent books in Hunan Province can be introduced to the world by the publishing brand.Viewing the building of publishing brand as a systematic project is an effective way to help the Hunan publishing industry to walk to lasting prosperity and extend the tradional culture.


