

Career Counseling Practice of University Students in America, Canada and Australia and the Enlightenments to China

【作者】 陈鹏

【导师】 刘要悟;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 高等教育学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,我国大学毕业生的就业形势不容乐观,大学生在面临就业时变得越发迷茫与困惑。为了改善这种不利局面,帮助大学生认清自我,明确前进的方向,需要对大学生进行生涯辅导,以培养学生生涯规划意识,提高生涯决策能力,促使学生进行合理的生涯规划,最大限度地实现“人尽其才”的目的。生涯辅导于20世纪中期兴起于美国,其前身为职业指导,之后在世界各地逐渐开展,对个体的生涯发展发挥了重要作用,广受国外社会认同。我国大学生生涯辅导起步较晚,目前还处于探索研究阶段。研究西方国家的大学生生涯辅导理论及其实践模式,无疑有助于我国大学生生涯辅导活动的进一步开展。本文以美国、加拿大和澳大利亚三国的大学生生涯辅导情况为例,研究了大学生生涯辅导的理论原理及实践举措。论文依据生涯辅导的过程把西方主要的大学生生涯辅导理论原理划分为职业选择理论、生涯发展理论与生涯过渡理论3类。着重论述了帕森斯(Parsons)的“特质因素论”,霍兰(Holland)的“人格类型论”,舒帕(Super)的“生涯发展论”、施恩(Schein)的“九阶段发展论”以及以斯格斯伯格(Schlossberg)和布里吉斯(Bridges)的生涯过渡理论。各个生涯辅导理论具有时空特性,与当时的社会、经济情况密切相关。我国目前的生涯辅导的理论大多从西方国家引进,对其加以吸收并开发出适合我国特点的生涯辅导理论尚不多见。随着生涯辅导在我国的进一步发展,本土化的生涯辅导理论将可望出现并推动我国大学生生涯辅导的开展。论文从生涯辅导的机构设置、辅导内容、实施途径和保障体系等方面详细论述了美、加、澳三国大学生生涯辅导的实施模式,并通过三国生涯辅导实践案例的分析概括,总结出了三国大学生生涯辅导实践的特点。西方国家在国家层面、学校层面、家庭层面以及大学生个体均十分重视生涯辅导。国家通过积极立法,颁布政策,设置机构等以规范大学生的生涯辅导;学校通过建立和完善生涯辅导的课程体系和管理体系以推进大学生的生涯辅导;家庭和大学生个体则积极参与生涯辅导以提高生涯规划的意识。而在我国,大学生的生涯辅导在实施过程中存在着生涯辅导保障体系不完善、生涯辅导的专业化程度低、对生涯辅导的宣传不够、生涯辅导开展得太晚、本土化的评估工具与测量技术匮乏等宏观问题,以及辅导内容理论色彩浓而实际用处不大、学生缺乏实践及实践辅导的机会及辅导对象狭窄等微观问题。根据美、加、澳三国大学生生涯辅导的成功经验及其启示,我国在大学生生涯辅导观念、实践及保障体系等方面需进一步提高与完善。

【Abstract】 In recent years, the employment condition of university graduate in our country is of increasing difficulty. University students are perplexed and at sea while graduating. In order to help them know themselves and the direction clearly, career counseling to university students whose aim is to wake the consciousness of career planning, to improve the ability of making career decision, to train them to have a reasonable career planning and to maximize their capability and potential is urgently needed.Career counseling that started from the mid 20th century in America is developed from vocational guidance and has been putting into practice all over the world now. It plays an important role in developing individual’s career, and has been identified by western countries. However, in China, career counseling starts up a little late, so it is still in the stage of exploration and investigation. Therefore, studying career counseling theory and practice mode of university students in western country is undoubtedly contribute to ours’further development.The author researched career counseling theory and practice mode of university students in three example countries of America, Canada and Australia. According the process of career counseling, the author made career counseling theory into three sorts:career choice theory, career developing theory and career transition theory. Among a great deal of theories, Parsons’Trait and Factor theory, Holland’s Personality Types theory, Super’s Career Developing Theory, Schein’s Nine Career Development Stages and Schlossberg’s and Bridges’s Career Transition Theories are specifically discussed. Each Career counseling theory suit for different time and area, and it has a close relationship with the social environment and economic condition. At present, most of our career counseling theory is introduced from western countries, but few of them are developed according to our special condition. With the further development of career counseling practice in our country, localized career counseling theory is required during practising.Besides, the author researched the practice mode of career counseling in America, Canada and Australia from their institution, counseling content, practice methods and guarantee system and so forth. Following those researches, three cases of university students career counseling, from which the author summarized each university’s characteristics and their common features is provided. In those western countries, the national government, school, family and the university student are attaching great importance to career counseling. The government rules the career counseling through setting up institutions, making legislations and policies; university advances the career counseling through establishing and improving the curriculum and managing systems; Family and university student attend to the career counseling actively to improve career planning quality. In our country, however, there are some problems in career counseling in a broad view and a narrow view, which include some faultinesses of protect system, low extent of the speciality, a lack of propaganda, late counseling implement in one’s life, a lack of localized assessment tools and measurement skills, a lack of practicality, practice opportunities and practice of counseling, narrow of counseling target and so forth. According to the successful university career counseling experience of America, Canada and Australia, we should improve ours from the aspects of conception, practice and protect system.

  • 【分类号】G647.38
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】961

