

Essay on Participation Canonical Form of Children’s Media Literacy Education

【作者】 刘赞

【导师】 王文利;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 新闻学, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 媒介素养教育自20世纪30年代产生以来,不仅在理论上引起国内外众多学者的研究,而且作为一种社会运动备受推崇。但是相比其他热门的新闻传播学课题研究而言,关于媒介素养教育特别是儿童媒介素养教育的研究还不多。而随着媒介环境的改变,媒介已成为儿童生活中重要的组成部分,媒介纷繁复杂的信息和无所不在的渗透力冲击着儿童的感官,儿童媒介素养的培养和教育不仅是其规避不良信息的路径,而且是维护其自身权利,展现公民性及促进社会民主进程的有效机制。随着儿童媒介素养教育在学术理论层面和社会运动层面的双重发展,参与范式成为主流。儿童媒介素养教育的参与范式强调儿童的参与和互动,主张通过自下而上的运动来提升儿童的媒介素养。同时,这种参与的过程也是儿童自我赋权的过程,他能够帮助儿童表达有利于自身发展的声音,有利于儿童接近社会公共空间,促进社会发展。这种社会的发展和进步也有利于促进儿童权益的实现。本文将把儿童视为具有独立性和自主性的权利个体,探讨儿童媒介素养及儿童媒介素养教育的概念和内涵,儿童媒介素养教育参与范式的内容和特点,以及从儿童的认知心理和行为动机出发,观照儿童媒介素养教育参与范式,建构儿童媒介素养教育范式的内容。

【Abstract】 Since its foundation from 1930s, the media literacy education not only attracts many scholars at home and abroad to study from theory, highly respected and advocated as a social movement. But compare to other hot research projects of journalism and communication, there isn’t much research on media attainment education especially of children’s.With the change of media environment, the media has become an important part of children’s life. The complicated information of media and ubiquitous penetration crash the children’s senses. The cultivation and education of Children’s media literacy not only is best way to avoid those unhealthy information, but also is the effective mechanism of protecting their own right, opening out the civilization and stimulating the social democracy process.With the dual development on academic theory and social movement of children’s media attainment education, The participation canonical form has become the main stream. It emphasizes the participation and involvement of children, advocates to develop children’s media attainment through movement up and down. At the same time, this kind of participation process is the process of children’s self-empowerment, it helps not only the children express the feelings that’s good to them, but also good for them to be in touch with social public space and promote social development. This kind of social development and progress is also conducive to promoting the realization of the rights of children. This essay is to regard the children as individuals with individualism and their own decision-making power, to explore children’s media literacy and the concept and connotation of children’s media literacy education, the content and features of participation canonical form of Children’s media literacy education, and contemplation of participation canonical form of Children’s media literacy education from children’s cognitive psychology and behavioural psychology.


