

A Brief Analysis of the Chinese Contemporary "Kitsch Art"

【作者】 周增辉

【导师】 曲湘建;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 美术学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 “媚俗艺术”其实并不是一种独立的艺术形式,它更多的是一种艺术观念和艺术表现手法,渗透于各种各样的艺术形式(包括波普艺术、表现主义、甚至现实主义等等)之中。在这些纷繁复杂艺术形式中都包含有“媚俗性”的成分。在本论文中为了便于研究和称呼,我姑且将其统称为“媚俗艺术”。本论文是以“媚俗艺术”为主要研究对象,探寻“媚俗”在西方及中国汉语中的词源学含义,分析这种艺术形式的产生的背景及根本原因以及它的发展状况,表现形式,优缺点等。“媚俗艺术”是从20世纪90年代以来中国当代艺术的一种普遍的艺术现象,他们通过媚俗的形式来表达个人对于整个社会的看法,在中国美术史上具有重要的历史意义。本论文整体分为四个部分,第一部分是本文的开头,主要讲“媚俗”的涵义,包括“媚俗”的西方词源学涵义及运用语境、“媚俗”的中文含义。第二部分主要讲中国当代“媚俗艺术”产生的时代背景,主要包括社会背景、西方文学的影响、新艺术观念和图式的影响、艺术家本身的生存状态。第三部分是本文的中心,主要讲中国当代“媚俗艺术”的表现形式“泛政治媚俗”、“文化的媚俗”、“图像的媚俗”。通过对“媚俗艺术”的表现形式进行分解分析,让读者进一步了解它的各个方面。当然同一幅作品来说媚俗艺术并不是分裂的,它可能同时具备这三种艺术表现形式。第四部分是本文的结尾,主要讲中国当代“媚俗艺术”的意义与价值,包括“媚俗艺术”的缺陷不足、“媚俗艺术”的意义与价值。通过分析它的价值和不足让我们能取其精华,去其糟粕,更好的指导后来的艺术家。结语在总结全文的基础上,通过对“媚俗艺术”在中国当代艺术中的现实意义进行再剖析,使全文的主旨获得了升华。

【Abstract】 "Kitsch art" is not really an independent art form, it is more of an art concepts and techniques of artistic expression, and infiltration in a variety of art forms (including pop art, expressionism, and even realism, etc., etc.) into. In these complicated art forms are included in the "kitsch" of the ingredients. In this paper, in order to facilitate the research and call, I may be referred to as "kitsch art."This paper is based on "kitsch art" as the main object of study, search for "kitsch" in the West and of the Chinese language in the etymological meaning of analysis of this art form the background and the underlying causes as well as its state of development, manifestations, advantages and disadvantages and so on. "Kitsch art" from the 20th century, Chinese contemporary art since the 90s a general phenomenon of art, they adopted the form of kitsch to express personal views on society as a whole, in the history of Chinese art has important historical significance.In this paper, as a whole is divided into four parts, the first part is the beginning of this article, the main stresses "kitsch," meaning, including "kitsch" in the West etymological meaning and use of context, "kitsch" in Chinese meaning.The second part of the main stresses of contemporary China, "kitsch art" produced by the background, mainly including social background, the impact of Western literature, the new artistic ideas and schemata influence the artist’s own existence. The third part is the center of this article, the main talk about Chinese contemporary "kitsch art" form of "pan-political kitsch," "culture, kitsch," "the image of the kitsch." Through the "kitsch art" performance of the form of decomposition analysis to give readers a better understanding of its aspects. Of course, it works with a kitsch art is not a split, it may also possess more than these three kinds of artistic expressionsThe fourth part is the end of this article, the main talk about Chinese contemporary "kitsch art" meaning and value, including "kitsch art" lack of defects, "kitsch art" meaning and value. By analyzing its value and shortcomings so that we can draw upon its cream to its dregs, the better to guide subsequent artists.In conclusion, on the basis of the full text, through the "kitsch art"in Chinese contemporary art re-analysis of the pratical significance, so that the thrust of full acsess to the sublimation.


