

Research on the Ethic Issues of Cognitive Enhancement

【作者】 高佳

【导师】 李伦;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 伦理学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 认知力在人类社会生活中的作用极其重要,使自己变得更聪明一直是人类追求的目标。随着社会的进步和科技的发展,增强认知的方式越来越多,从传统的营养供给、教育到现代认知增强技术。现代认知增强技术利用现代生物医学技术增强认知力,主要包括认知增强药物、大脑刺激与神经技术和遗传基因选择技术。这种新型的技术可以极大地提高认知能力,但此技术对大脑进行的非医学目的干预可能打破人体的自然状态。本文试图对认知增强技术引发的安全、尊严、真实、公正和强制等伦理问题进行探讨。认知增强技术的反对者对该技术的最大担忧是其技术风险与副作用,但是我们也不能忽略认知增强技术的工具性价值为个人或社会所带来的利益,我们鼓励人们权衡利弊之后再作出接受或拒绝该技术的选择。有些学者指出在认知增强技术的使用过程中,人们将自己作为工具而非手段,以及可能改变人个性等原因,认为该技术是对人尊严的贬低。我们认为这种争辩没有说服力,人本身就是目的和手段的统一,人的个性也会经历一个不断变化的过程。反对者指出幸福生活与真实经历紧密相连,但是认知增强技术只能使人产生虚假的幸福感而非真实的经历,我们认可这种观点并指出:认知增强技术只是提供实现幸福目标的有利工具。在公正与强制问题中,认知增强技术可以增强认知功能障碍者的认知能力,为认知功能障碍者获得平等竞争的机会;认知增强技术的非治疗目的的使用过程中,存在医疗资源的不公正分配问题;父辈使用认知增强技术的不平等可能导致后代因认知能力不等而造成不公正。为使认知增强技术得到公正而合理的使用,鼓励人人使用该技术则易导致强制问题。最后,我们提出通过预防原则、区分原则和尊重自主原则来寻求避免或解决上述伦理问题的途径。在认知增强技术的运用过程中使用预防原则能有效的避免认知增强技术的技术风险和副作用,如果支持者赞成运用存在特定风险的认知增强技术,需先提供有关此技术的大量安全数据或证明。区分原则包括技术区分和使用者的区分。因不同的认知增强技术有不同的技术风险和副作用,所以应对不同认知增强技术进行技术区分;使用者的区分则允许特殊从业人员优先使用认知增强技术。尊重自主原则强调尊重人们自主作出接受或拒绝认知增强技术的权利。

【Abstract】 Cognitive ability plays an very important part in people’s modern social life, and be more intelligent is the aims of human being at all times. With the development of technology and the advance of society, more and more means of enhancing cognitive ability are emerged from the traditional nutrition and education to the modern cognitive enhancement. Cognitive enhancement mainly takes use of the technology of modern biomedicine to enhance cognitive ability, and it is divided into three categories:Pharmaceutical products, Brain stimulation and neurotechnology, and Genetic manipulation. Cognitive enhancement can effectively enhance cognitive ability. However, cognitive enhancement interfered in our body with the aims of non-therapy breaks our natural balance. This thesis attempts to discuss the main ethic issues, including justice, coerce, dignity, authenticity, and safety.The most concern of people who are not approved of cognitive enhancement is its technique risks and side-effects. However, we could not ignore its instrumental value which could bring benefits to individual or society. We encourage people make their own decision by balancing its risks and benefits. Although some scholars point out that it seems taking self as means but aims with using cognitive enhancement, and it could change the basic characteristics of human, so they conclude that it is a kind of abasing human’s dignity to use it. Actually, that view isn’s persuasive, because human self is the unification of aims and means, and our basic characteristics would change with nature. With regard to the issues in authenticity, some people consider that there is close relationship between happy life and real experience, and cognitive enhancement just brings the fake satisfied feeling to us but real happiness. We agree with that view and point out that cognitive enhancement just offer us an instrument to obtain happiness. Refering to the issues on justice, cognitive enhancement could enhance the cognitive ability of patients-associated cognitive impairment, making patients-associated cognitive impairment get eaqual opportunity competed with others;the problems of justiec raised in using cognitive enhancement with non-therapy aims; the elder inequally use cognitive enhancement, which could cause the difference in cognitive ability of offspring. The issue on coercion is because of the special needs of some profession, and some professional are forced to use cognitive enhancement. Finally, we attempt to avoid and solve problems by the precautionary principle, the distinct principle and the self-determination principle. We could effectively avoid the technique risks and side-effects of cognitive enhancement by the precautionary principle. If some are approved of the cognitive enhancement with certain risks, they should offer the large safe data and evidences on this technology. The distinguish principle includes the distinction of cognitive enhancement and the distinction of user. Because different cognitive enhacement have different technique risks and side-effects to some extent, so we should distinguish this technology. The distinction of user means allowing the professional in special area have priority in using cognitive enhancement, who could bring more benefits to society. The self-determination principle focus on the right of acceptance or rejection of cognitive enhancement unconstraintly.

  • 【分类号】R-052
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】132

